“Yes,” he gritted out between clenched teeth.

With a nod, she reached into the stuffing and then began to fill the duck. “Cooking is more fun when you’re not worried you’ll burn down the entire street.”

Jacob laughed. “All of Mayfair thanks you for the lesson, Rex.”

“No need for that,” Petal returned but rather than looking angry, she gave her brother a delightfully affectionate smile.

“Happy to help,” Rex answered, watching her finish. Then tying up the bird, he placed the entire pan in the oven.

“What should we make next?” Jacob asked. “How about cranberries? Or mayhap some pudding? It’s been ages since we had anything like that, hasn’t it?”

Petal gave a little clap. “Could we? Is that something you could teach us?”

He paused. No one cooked cranberries on a ship but how could he tell them no? Their matching looks of enthusiasm squeezed his heart and made him want to do more for them. “We could try.”

They both cheered and Jacob danced over, hooking his arm in Petal’s to give her a spin about. Rex tried to remember a more lighthearted moment in his past but nothing came to mind.

“Rex is the best. Rex is the best,” Jacob chanted.

Rex shook his head. He wasn’t the best but the words made him lighter. He tried to remember when he’d made a connection with other people the way he had with both Petal and Jacob. Not since Theo. And before that? Certainly not his parents and definitely not his wife. What would life be like if it were filled with this sort of affection?

Those thoughts were silly. He was returning to Barbados, the only place he’d ever been even close to happy.

But Theo would be staying in England. He was marrying. And Petal and Jacob? They had never been anywhere else.

Why did he have the feeling that all the warmth was in cold, rainy England?

Chapter Eight

That feeling of belonging there pervaded the entire evening. They ate what was decidedly a delicious meal and then retired to the library where Petal played the pianoforte, Jacob read, and he drafted a letter to Theo detailing the trip so far and his plans to leave in five days.

He left out the fact that Petal was the most beautiful woman in all of England, but he supposed that information was subtly present. He’d made mention of the fact that Lady Daffodil would be easy to match. So as not to alarm Theo that he was showing favor to the lady, he’d also said that Jacob would be exceedingly easy to tutor and was sure to be a success.

Finishing the letter he dusted the ink and then carefully folded the paper, placing a seal on the outside. Tomorrow, he’d hire a stable boy to deliver it. He’d also mentioned to Theo that he’d take Jacob to see his solicitor. He might be overstepping, a trip such as that was likely Theo’s job, but Rex wanted to start them down a better path. When he was gone, he’d know that he’d helped them back on their feet.

Gone. The word rang in his head to the upbeat tune that Petal played. It must be a recent number, he didn’t recognize it. He liked the melody immensely, however, and tapped along with his toe as he watched her hands move effortlessly over the ivory keys. He sat admiring her profile from his place at the desk. How many hours could he spend just so? A great many, he imagined.

Like everything about her, her playing was filled with an effortless grace, pluck, and joy that made him smile from deep down inside his chest.

His chin rested on his hand as he listened and watched, the rest of the room fading away. She swayed slightly, and a lock of hair slipped from her simple chignon, brushing her shoulder and resting across her chest.

He tightened as his gaze followed its path. He’d like to touch that hair, allow it to slip through his fingers as he followed its trail down her body.

By the saints, he was going to be damned to hell. His imagination, however, would not be tamed and he pictured slipping off her dress, exposing her skin. He’d like to kiss every inch of—

The music stopped and Jacob began a robust clap. “Bravo, Petal.”

Rex clapped too. “Delightful.” He met Petal’s large brown eyes. What he wouldn’t give to cup her cheek, brush his thumb along those petal-pink full lips. “We should call it an evening. I’ve a meeting with my solicitor tomorrow, and I’d like to take Jacob with me.”

“And then we’ll do house chores?” Jacob asked bouncing to his feet.

“Of course. A promise is a promise.” He stood and Petal followed suit, tucking the bench she’d been sitting on back under the pianoforte.

“Jacob, would you escort me upstairs?” She nodded Rex’s way before slipping her hand into her brother’s elbow.

Rex narrowed his gaze. He’d meant what he’d said earlier. They’d discuss Rathemore tonight. He now knew he couldn’t scale her garden wall. How was he going to talk with her privately?

* * *