“What are you about?” he asked as he approached the horse. More of a pony really, good for pulling a small Primer through the park but not much else.

“Without staff, I’ve taken on caring for our horse, tending to the gardens and the outside of the house.” Jacob gave him a grin. “I quite like it.”

He clapped Jacob on the back. “Every man works on a ship. I think it’s a marker for true men. They don’t sit idly, they mold the world with their hands.” The more time Rex spent with both siblings, the more he liked and admired them.

Jacob gave him a grin, looking pleased with the compliment. “Did you need something?”

“I did. I’d like to give Petal a cooking lesson but we need a chaperone.”

Jacob’s brow furrowed. “Of course. How long do you think we’ll be? I’ve much to do and…” The boy trailed off.

“I’ll make a deal with you.” Rex picked up a brush and began working on the other side of the horse. “Tomorrow, I’ll help you with your chores if you can help me today.”

Jacob nodded. “That would be great. I’ve hay to throw and it’s a much faster job with two.”

“Throwing hay? I’ve been had by a teenager.” Truth be told, he didn’t mind the work and he liked the company. Jacob was a good boy. What was more, there was an easiness to being with both siblings that he hadn’t experienced in ages. He didn’t have any brothers or sisters of his own and his family had been cold to say the least. The only other place he’d ever felt this sort of camaraderie was on a ship as a member of the crew.

“We can do something else if you’re not up for such hard work.” Jacob gave him a sly look. The boy was ribbing him.

He chortled. “Don’t even think it, boy. I’ll throw more than you with one hand tied behind my back.”

“Is that a bet?” Jacob tossed his brush to the side and started pulling the pony into a stall.

“You know it isn’t.” Rex liked Jacob and he respected what a hardworking lad he was but in this moment he admired the man Jacob was going to be. Tough, industrious, and kind.

Jacob locked the gate behind the pony and headed to the water pump. “Fine, I’ll beat you using both your hands. Winner gets to pick the best piece of meat at dinner.”

“You’re on.” He watched as Jacob easily carried a bucket of water to the pony’s stall and hung it on a hook.

“Thinking about it makes me hungry. Let’s go teach Petal to cook.” The corner of Jacob’s mouth pulled up, though he tried several times to make it stay down. “Besides, if I watch and listen I’ll be able to cook if Petal fails her lesson.”

Rex had seen Petal’s cooking. It was a distinct possibility.

But he didn’t say that out loud as they mad

e their way back to the kitchen. Jacob went through first and Rex followed.

Dr. Mayweather stood next to Petal, his arm at her back. A ripple of jealousy washed down Rex’s body near stealing his breath. “Try not to worry. She’s old and frailness is to be expected.”

“How long until she’ll be up and out of bed?” Petal’s gaze darted to his.

“Could be weeks. Could be days. It isn’t broken but at her age her body won’t heal quickly.”

Bloody hell, they didn’t have weeks. He didn’t have weeks. The wedding wasn’t scheduled for another month but it was expected that he’d return almost immediately. The best he could do was send a note to Theo but he knew his friend would not be happy. Even he didn’t trust Rex with a marriageable lady for long.

“We’re going to need another plan.” Rex grumbled, eyeing the doctor who was still patting Petal’s back. He was an older gentleman, portly and bald, but it mattered little. He was touching Rex’s flower. He gave his head a subtle shake. Petal wasn’t his and it was best he not think that way.

“Plan?” Dr. Mayweather asked.

“Lord Casterly is to escort us to our sister’s wedding but we need a proper chaperone.” Petal rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. He’d like to help her with the task. Feel her warm soft skin. Allow her head to fall back in his hand, her silky tresses brushing against his arm.

“Jacob will chaperone.” Dr. Mayweather continued patting as he spoke. It was near obscene. It took near all his concentration not to trip the man’s hand away from her body.

Petal shook her head. “Who will stay with Mrs. Fields?”

The doctor looked at Rex then. Rex gave him a fierce glare and then directed his gaze toward the doctor’s arm. The other man’s eyes widened as he dropped the limb.

With the man’s arm back at his side, Rex addressed the doctor. “Do you know of someone reliable who could complete the task?”