She pulled herself from the bed to walk over to the door and open it. Her limbs felt almost too heavy to move.

Once she’d opened the door, Tricia wrapped her in a hug. “I’m so sorry,” she murmured against Violette’s hair.

Tomorrow, she’d be able to say that it was for the best but she couldn’t now and she dropped her forehead onto Tricia’s shoulder and let the tears flow again.

Shuffling made her look up and through bleary eyes she saw Luke and Ryker standing in the hall. She quickly wiped at the tears, embarrassed to be seen like this, but as soon as she’d dashed them away, she noticed that Luke looked awful. With a gasp, she took in the damage. “What happened?”

“Teddy looks worse,” Luke grumbled.

It took a moment for those words to sink in. “Theo did that to your face?” She looked over at Tricia. “Why?”

“Let’s move this conversation out of the hall.” Ryker gestured into her room.

They all shuffled inside. She and Tricia sat on the bed while Ryker pulled over a desk chair. Luke stood, grimacing as he held his ribs in one of his hands. “He got me with a good body shot.”

“But why would he do that?” Violette looked around the group. “You’ve helped him. You’re his family.”

“I was helping him again. He needed to see what an arse he is.” Luke grimaced he leaned against the desk. “But I may be getting too old to teach that kind of lesson.”

Ryker gave a low chuckle. “I think you did a fair job. What I didn’t expect was for my lovely wife to deal an even more effective blow.” He gave Tricia a loving look.

Tricia shook her head. “I’m not sure about that. I think I made things worse.”

“You didn’t.” Violette took her head. “It’s not that I’m happy but…”

Ryker gave her an approving smile. “You, my dear, are very clever. I’m glad you’re smart enough to see that what Teddy offered isn’t a deal any woman should take, even when it comes from a duke. And Teddy needs a little reminder that just because he’s a lord, doesn’t mean he can do as he wishes. He’s long thought his father held him back. He needs a lesson that money and power come with responsibility, not freedom.”

Violette dropped her head, closing her eyes. “I have neither money nor power. Just responsibility. And I hope I’ve done my duty to mine because I am not sure that I did. My family needed this match and maybe I am the one who requires the lesson.”

Her response was met with silence. She would not cry in front of them, but tears threatened to spill over. Finally Ryker spoke. “You have honored both your family and yourself. I’ve nary met a woman who had shouldered her burden better. And I will do my best to see that Teddy sees reason.”

She gave a nod but she wasn’t at all sure that it would help. She may have ruined everything. It was a choice she’d made and she’d face the consequences.

Chapter Thirteen

Theo sat in the tavern drinking away his pain. His face ached, his shoulder throbbed, and he’d been betrayed by his family, by the woman he…he would not say loved.

They were making it sound as though he wasn’t doing his duty to her. Which was absurd. He would save her family from ruin, prop up her sister and her brother, make her a duchess. How many women would make that exchange without hesitation?

But the voice he attempted to wash away with ale thought of Tabbie, heavy with child and alone. Not just for a few days but for months. What if Luke wasn’t there when she gave birth? What if she were alone when an accident like this occurred?

He ordered another ale and dropped his head into his open palm. He heard her voice, so soft and lovely when she’d declared her love. Barbados, or any other tropical island, seemed inconsequential compared with the warmth in her voice.

“What has you looking so sour?” A familiar voice grumbled next to him. “Besides the weather, of course. Bloody England.”

His head shot up as Rex came into view. “You arrived quickly.”

“Not as quickly as you I see.” Rex sat down next to him. “I got a missive from one of my captains at almost the same moment I received one from you.”

“I would like you to know my ship didn’t start the fire.” Theo dropped his head again.

“Really? I assumed it was. Neglecting your duties as you have been,” Rex drawled.

Theo’s head shot up. “Don’t you start too.” But as he met his friend’s gaze he saw the playful smile about Rex’s lips. Clearly, he jested.

“I shouldn’t start too? Is your family giving you a hard time about neglecting your life in England?”

“Yours isn’t?” Theo raised his eyebrows but pain shot through his forehead.