In the light of day, her dark gold hair with its thick waves made him think of a field of wheat blowing in the wind. He’d like to see her hair completely undone. Truth be told, it appeared wild and difficult to tame, which suited him nicely. He pictured it flowing about her, a halo around her head on the pillow of his bed. Or better yet, he’d lie on the pillow and she’d be on top of him…he stopped, curbing his wayward thoughts. N

ot only was she a lady and insinuating he was a thief, he was at breakfast.

Her large blue eyes held an innocence that was refreshing, though that didn’t mean she was naïve. She’d been delightful to spar with. He tried to remember the last time he’d had such fun talking with a woman. Though it had been even more fun to kiss her full lips, which practically begged for a man’s attention. His attention. If Lady Crawley was demure beauty then Rose spoke of secret, untamed desires. Which was odd considering she was the innocent and the widow was likely anything but. Regardless, in all ways, he found Rose so much more pleasing.

His fist clenched under the table. By kissing her, he’d meant to throw her off balance but it had succeeded in completely distracting him while she didn’t seem affected at all.

She kept to herself this morning, in stark contrast to last night, and it sent a ripple of concern through him that he’d upset her greatly by sneaking into her room.

Which was ludicrous. It was part of his plan to keep her off balance to try and find out more about her. Well not about her, he told himself, but about why she’d been in his room. Still, she was very good at giving him details and so, he’d have to look elsewhere. Her father would be the perfect place to start.

And he needed to do it soon. She might find herself in real trouble if she kept up her antics.

Bloody hell, he was both attracted to and worried about this woman whom he’d known less than a day.

The breakfast continued on with strained conversation until Rose stood. He immediately stood too, as did her father. His reaction surprised him. Manners were one of the luxuries he did not indulge in so as to keep up his rakish reputation. Why pay her so much respect?

She started as she looked at him. Then she turned to her father. “I’ll change so that we might get this over…” she paused, “go on our outing.”

Her father smiled. “Of course, dear.”

Lady Crawley also stood. “Perhaps, Lord Addington, you could escort me to the library while you wait?”

A ripple of distaste made Will press his lips together. And to think, last night, he’d been hoping for a widow, perhaps even her. Somehow, a dalliance like that now seemed tawdry. It wasn’t that he was opposed to it in general, he told himself. It was more that Lady Crawley held little appeal. She was so obvious and uninteresting. He toyed with outright telling her no, but that was rude, even for a man of his reputation.

“I’ll meet you at the library.” Rose’s father gave him a slight wink. “After I’ve escorted Rose to her room.”

Lady’s Crawley’s huff of breath made him bend his head and scratch his nose, to hide his smile. The woman had the subtly of a peacock.

Her behavior only got worse as they made their way down the hall. “Lord Addignton,” she purred as her hip brushed his.

“Yes, my lady?” He bit back a sigh as he glanced over at her.

She gave him a cat like smile. “I must confess that I was rather intrigued to see you on the guest list. I’d been hoping to gain an introduction for some time.”

“Mission accomplished.” He didn’t bother to look at her again. He knew where this was headed. She wasn’t the first woman to proposition him. Did she only want a dalliance based on his reputation or was she looking for her next husband? He sucked in his breath. It didn’t matter.

She gave a contrived laugh. “Indeed. But now that we’ve met, I wonder, what shall we do…together?”

He suppressed a shudder. Will didn’t intend to do anything with this woman. Glancing over at her with a frown, he considered how he might be rid of her as quickly as possible. “Shall we play chess?”

She made a choking noise. “Why would we do that?”

His eyes moved heavenward. He had a feeling if he’d said that to Rose she would have understood that he’d meant they engage in a battle of wits. Whether it was actually playing the game or in some other form. He did like the game and would have enjoyed playing with any worthy opponent. Her reaction only confirmed that he and the Lady Crawley had little in common, and he didn’t just mean a love of chess. “You don’t play games in your free time?”

“Of course I do.” She purred again. “But I had something more interesting in mind.”

Blessedly, they’d reached the library. “You’ll have to tell me some other time, my lady. I fear I am late.”

He didn’t allow her to respond as he deposited her safely into the library.

Turning he had just left the room when Rose’s father met him outside the doors. Now was the perfect opportunity to question the man on his daughter.

The Marquess gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. “I’d like to thank you again for helping my daughter last night. Rose is a delightful girl but she does have a penchant for landing into trouble.” Lord Reagan chuckled as they began walking toward the entry to meet Rose.

If the man only knew. “It was no trouble at all. Happy to be of service.”

“I hope to get straight to the point and ask you if perhaps you could be of service again?”