“Do you really think so?” Hope floated up in her chest.

Tricia’s smile was gentle. “If you don’t want to believe me than ask him yourself. I have a feeling he just hasn’t had an opportunity to tell you.”

Rose sat back in her chair. They’d have to be alone to have such a conversation. Tingling spread through her at the thought. She knew exactly how and when to discuss the matter.

Chapter Eleven

Will and Ryker tromped through the woods. It was nearly time to circle back to the house but a problem had arisen. Perrault wouldn’t leave them be. He’d been glued to their side all morning.

“What shall we do with him?” Ryker whispered as Perrault fell a few paces behind.

“Lose him or take him to strengthen our case.” Will whispered back.

He watched Ryker mull the matter, the man’s eyes hard and calculating. He liked the Duke of Landon very much, he had to admit. He was smart and resourceful and had managed to successfully thumb society. What wasn’t to like? “You’re right. Let’s take him.”

With a nod, Will turned back to Perrault. “Hey, old chap, I’d like to check on Lady Rose. See how she fares after this morning. Would you mind escorting me back? I don’t want risk any further damage to her reputation.”

Perrault frowned. “Leave the hunt?”

“Good idea.” Ryker gave him a wink. “I’ve realized I’ve my cufflinks in my pocket and I’d love to put them in your sa


Pennault’s frown deepened. “You’ve got the combination and then you can chaperone Lord Addington and Lady Roselyn. You can help each other, I’d say. Though I think you should both wait until after the hunt.”

“We’ll go now. Feel free to join us or not.” Will turned to go, knowing Perrault would follow. Though it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t.

Perrault paused for moment and then threw up his hands. “Fine then. But we’ve only just escaped the house and the women, I don’t know why you’d want to return.”

Will bit back a chuckle. He wondered if he’d ever feel that way about Rose. Somehow, he doubted it. Every minute he spent with her made him even more greedy for her company. He wished he really was going to the house to check on her.

He wasn’t entirely certain how she’d taken the news about him being a spy. On the one hand, she now knew he wasn’t a thief. On the other, he’d deliberately kept her in the dark about his profession, his motives, and pretty much every part of his life, with the exception of his name. “You can attribute it to new love.”

Perrault snorted but refrained from speaking. Will had been circling them back to the house all morning so they left the woods near the rear entrance by the kitchen. As they entered the house, they used the servants’ stairs to travel to the study.

Ryker looked back at him as they made it to the landing. It was meant as a silent communication that he was ready for action. Entering the hall, Ryker stuck out his arm to stop them. “I hear something,” he whispered.

Perrault opened his mouth, but Will immediately shushed him. “Careful.”

Perrault ducked his head closer to whisper, “It’s just a servant.”

“Sounds strange for a servant.” Ryker craned his head. Will had to give him credit, he had excellent hearing and there was no noise, but Ryker made the ruse believable. They hadn’t planned this part and Will had been growing concerned about bursting in on a criminal during the act. Especially with Perrault ,who didn’t know that was about to happen.

“Let’s just check shall we.” He pumped his hands down. “But quietly and carefully just in case.”

They both stepped in front of Perrault. While the man had irritated him this morning, Will did prefer his host not get shot.

The study door was closed but as they approached, they actually could hear the sound of someone hurriedly shuffling about.

“That is odd,” Perrault stood straighter.

“Shhhh,” Will reminded him, grasping the door of the handle to slowly turn it. But it barely made a quarter turn before it stopped. The door was locked.

The shuffling continued inside as Will gently put the knob back in position and let it go.

Will stepped back for a moment. It was essential that they catch Bridgeton in the act but did he dare pick the lock in front of Perrault?

But without a word Perrault stepped forward and inserted a key into the lock. Swinging the door open, the man strode forward.