“I was,” Landon chimed in. Apparently he was going to protect her, despite his irritation.

“Rose,” her father rumbled. She was still largely hidden behind Will and she would rather prefer to stay there. She wasn’t afraid of her father by any means but it was embarrassing to step out in front of them all looking this way.

Will turned to her, tucked her hair back, then threaded her hand into the crook of his arm. She didn’t dare look at anyone as they turned. “I rather shocked her and she has yet to answer. I wish to give her all the time she needs to think it over to make her decision.”

“Good of you.” Her father’s voice dropped even lower. She stole a quick glance and his face was pinched, his brow set low. “Don’t you worry about your own reputation?”

“Not at all.” Will and she moved toward her father until they stood in front of him.

“Rose.” Her father gave his own thigh a tap, the sound cutting through the tension in the room. “We’re leaving.”

Rose unthreaded her arm from Will’s so her father might escort her out of the room. But she had the oddest feeling that she didn’t want to let Will go. Not ever.

Chapter Ten

After Rose walked away, it took every ounce of Will’s self-control not to chase her and pull her back to his side.

Rose belonged with him.

That wasn’t the way in which he had meant to propose. A problem he needed to correct in short order.

Perrault walked back into the room. “Lady Roselyn is gone? Is she all right?”

“She’ll be fine.” Landon didn’t smile but his eyes danced as he said, “She was shocked by the thought of marrying this one.”

Perrault let out a bark of laughter. “That is shocking.” His gaze swept over Will. “You are considering marriage? Has your situation really gotten that desperate?” Perrault scratched his head. “I thought it might have with the recent scandal and your request to actually attend a house party.”

Will gritted his teeth. It had never bothered him before. Not until Rose. Once someone had looked closely enough to realize that he was intelligent and capable, he found being with people who assumed him an idiot to be terribly frustrating. “My proposal was based solely on Rose’s merits.”

Perrault raised his brows. He’d been an acquaintance for more than ten years and their conversation had always remained light. “Of course it was.” He winked, then he turned to Landon and slapped him on the arm. “Just don’t give him the code to my safe.”

Will had to fight not to hit the man as he stared at him. Landon had already given him the combination, which he, in turn, had passed onto to Bridgeton so that the baron might be caught in the act.

It was Landon who responded. “I would trust Lord Addington with my life, along with my safe.”

Perrault raised his eyebrows. “Right.” Then he gave Will a smile. “Jolly good fellow.”

Landon had the advantage in this conversation. He knew that. But all the same, Will liked the man immensely in this moment. “Is everyone ready for the hunt?” The gameskeeper had likely been out since before dawn, making this mid-morning hunt possible.

“The best part of a house party if you ask me.” Perrault grinned.

Landon looked from one man to the other. “Right.” He turned toward Will. “Speaking of trust. Can I trust you to lead me through the hunt? I’ve never participated in such a formal one.”

“Never?” Perrault practically yelled. “You’ve been missing out.”

Will attempted not to roll his eyes. “Of course, Your Grace.” He and Landon had decided to circle back to the house. They would catch Bridgeton and send for the constable. Will had to confess, he didn’t usually participate in that part of the process. It was how he kept his cover. He hoped everything went smoothly, though he would be ready if it didn’t.

“Well, in that case. I’m off to change. See you in the field in just a bit.” Perrault exited, with a merry whistle as he walked down the hall.

“Dreadful,” Landon followed the man’s path with his eyes. “He’s your friend?”

Will nearly grinned. “Acquaintance. Most people treat me like that. Unless they want something from me.”

“And Lady Rose? How does she treat you?” Landon looked back at him.

Will took a breath. “Like she sees the real me.”

“Ahhh.” Landon gave him a smile. “Let’s get her diamonds back shall we? It will make your proposal so much stronger.”