Rose realized her mouth was open and snapped her jaw closed. It was as though Tricia was speaking directly to her fears. “Do you have any other siblings?” Rose asked, attempting to move to a safer topic.

“A younger brother, who is off adventuring on some ship. It is giving my father fits.” Tricia gave her another smile and Rose couldn’t help but return it.

She was sure the current Duke of Waverly would prefer his heir to be on dry land. “I can imagine.”

“My father has yet to learn that if he simply loosened the noose, his children would struggle against it less.”

Rose swallowed again. She had also been rather rebellious of late. How did Tricia keep doing that? “He probably just wants to keep his children safe.”

“I’m sure.” Tricia’s look grew more distant. “As I get older, I also worry about my brother, Teddy. If only he weren’t taking such risks. They aren’t worth it, the possible consequences.”

Again, Rose’s insides fluttered. “Tricia, would you and your husband mind escorting me to my room? I find I am terribly fatigued.”

“Of course.” Tricia stood, waving to Ryker. “My apologies for prattling on.”

“Oh no, not at all. I found it fascinating.” Rose really liked Tricia and it was so nice to talk with another woman. “I hope we can spend time together tomorrow, so you can tell me more.”

Tricia gave her a glowing smile. “I’d like that. But tomorrow, let’s agree to chat about you.”

Rose waved her hand. “I am terribly boring.”

Tricia’s eyebrows rose. “I doubt that very much.”

Once back in her room, Rose wondered if she should have shared more with Tricia. The other woman had told her she’d been ruined. That her sister had married a rake. Maybe, she was the one person who could help her sort out her feelings.

Her thoughts about Will circled back to the forefront of her mind. Part of her truly wanted to believe that he wasn’t a thief, that despite being a rake, he was capable of change. She saw so much good in him. He’d protected her, celebrated her intelligence, made her laugh, found her funny. No one had ever stirred this level of emotion, not even before her mother’s death.

With a sigh, she finished getting ready for bed. She wouldn’t come up with any answers tonight, and the past few days had left her drained.

Rose thought again about some of the other things Tricia had said. Was she like Teddy? Taking too many risks for something that wasn’t worth it? Her mother’s jewels were, she thought, but then another thought pushed that one away. They were just things. How would her mother feel if she were ruined?

And what of Will? How important was he? She was beginning to think very…

If only she could know if he was or was not a thief. Then she could decide if a future was possible with him.

But before she could come up with a plan, her eyes drifted closed. She was terribly tired. Her lips tingled and she touched them, wishing even more for another kiss from Will. But would wishes lead to heartache?

Will returned to the ballroom to find Rose gone. He knew he couldn’t go chasing after her and so he had no choice but to spend the next hour socializing in what was becoming a dreadful evening.

Except for kissing Rose. That had been one of the most incredible experiences of his life, which was likely why the rest of it felt dull and tedious in comparison.

Two people now knew he was a spy, or had been. He’d expected to feel lighter for the sharing, but it only made his worry more acute. What if Rose found out before he could tell her?

Deciding he’d participated long enough, he made for the doors. Truthfully, he had every intention of climbing the trellis under Rose’s window and having a more personal conversation with her. Now that he’d decided to tell a very select group his secret, he didn’t want to wait any longer.

“Addington,” Lord Bridgeton called as he approached. Damn it all to hell, he was the last man he wanted to speak to.

But he had another obligation to Rose besides truth and that was to find her mother’s jewels. “Bridgeton.”

“Fancy a walk on the terrace? I’ve news of a mutual friend.”

Will gnashed his teeth together. “I’d be delighted.”

Will fell into step next to the other man as they made their way to the terrace doors. The night was cooler, and it felt good to step outside. The house was built like a rectangle and this ballroom opened to the same courtyard that both his and Rose’s room faced. He could see her balcony door and a candle flickering within. If he squinted, he could almost see a shadow moving about. “How does married life treat you?”

Bridgeton grimaced. “Delightful. Rebecca is everything I’ve ever wanted in a wife.”

Despite his best intentions, he felt his eyebrows floating up. “She is something.”