Chapter Four

Rose looked at the two of them and narrowed her gaze. Their heads were bent together as they furiously whispered to one another. They were scheming. Her father was mostly a shrewd man, though her mother’s death had taken a lot of his fire from him. It surprised her still to think that he was befriending Lord Addington. Surely, he had heard the rumors.

“Nothing dear,” her father said as he turned to her. “You look lovely.”

She resisted the urge to smooth the folds of her muslin gown. It was perfect for walking as the day heated with a lovely blue sash at the high waist matching the ribbon on her straw bonnet. Not that she would keep her skin from taking on a golden hue. She’d never had the pale ivory skin that Lady Crawley had achieved. Though that was beside the point. Her father was deflecting. “Thank you, Papa.”

A quick glance at Lord Addington showed that he was studying her again. She watched his gaze sweep up and down her as he stepped forward and offered his elbow. “Shall we?”

She gave a curt nod and attempted not to sigh. She’d been cursing her father in her room. He was ruining her plan to put distance between herself and Lord Addington so that she might spy on him. She knew it was a ridiculous plan after last night but it was the only one she had. “Thank you.”

He led her out the front door and down a sweeping lawn to a set of gardens that spanned between the house and the river that flanked the property. They were in full bloom and as they entered, the smell of the flowers filled her nostrils. Her father had fallen back to a reasonable distance behind them, curse him. But after she breathed in again, she couldn’t help but comment. “They smell divine.”

He leaned close to her and she heard his subtle intake of breath. “You most decidedly do too.”

She scrunched her nose when she looked over at him. Warmth spread through her at his words but she would not allow that to dictate her actions. She would not be drawn in by this man. “Pish. Your charms are better suited to a woman like Lady Crawley.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” He smiled, his gaze warm.

She leaned in to hear him, unable to resist as his dark mysterious eyes met hers. It was impossible to focus. “You probably shouldn’t.”

He leaned down to whisper close to her ear, tickling the sensitive flesh along her neck. “I find women like Lady Crawley rather dull.”

Shivers of pleasure raced along her skin. Her eyebrows rose and she snapped her head around to look at him again. “She is considered a beauty by most.”

A devilish grin pulled at one corner of his lips. “I’m sure she is. I prefer a woman who is more…”

“More what?” she asking, leaning in closer though she probably shouldn’t, but her eagerness to hear his answer broke through her reserve. Her breathy question giving away her interest. Blast the man. She was supposed to remain aloof. But in her heart, Rose wanted to hear a man as handsome as him discuss her finer qualities.

“Intelligent,” he replied, his eyes dancing with merriment.

A little giggle escaped, though she didn’t mean for it to happen. He was making it difficult to remain distant. Rose had expected him to compliment her but that had been the last feature, she thought he would mention. He always seemed to take her by surprise. She’d have to remember to not engage in a conversation with only him in the future. “I can see how that would be an important trait for you. I consider myself to be reasonably astute and yet I am at a disadvantage every time we speak.”

His eyebrows lifted. “I quite disagree. You have taken me by surprise several times in the very short time I’ve known you. That is difficult to do.”

Pleasure rippled through her. She’d hoped to hear him say she was attractive but somehow, this was terribly satisfying. “Thank you.” She took a breath, trying to clear her increasingly muddled mind. He was addling her ability to focus. They turned a corner and Rose looked back. She didn’t see her father behind them. Now was the time to get answers. She attempted to focus again. “What were you and my father discussing when I came down the stairs?”

His eyes widened but then he grinned. “See, you caught me off guard again.”

Rose stopped. “Lord Addington, I appreciate you being so complimentary and kind. Considering how we met, it’s good of you.” She hadn’t forgotten that he was likely responsible for her mother’s missing jewels or that she’d planned to keep him at a distance. But since her mother had gone, she hadn’t felt a connection with anyone. Her friendships had become hollow relationships. Men seemed shallow and interested in her station only or perhaps her dowry. Hadn’t it been that way with Lord Dudley Appleton, her last suitor? Before her mother’s death, she’d been smitten with him, but he’d been irritated by her grief rather than supportive. When the jewels went missing, he’d outright told her she was a fool to search for them. Said she was grasping for feelings she’d never have again. That was when she’d known she couldn’t marry him. In her mother’s own way, she’d helped Rose to see the truth. If not for the grieving period, she’d be spending her life with a man who had little respect for her.

He’d made it abundantly clear when she hadn’t accepted his offer that she was making a mistake. It was within his power to have a real beauty and Rose should have grateful he’d given his attention to her.

“Will,” he answered.

She’d been so lost in thought, she didn’t understand what he meant. “Will I what?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.

He shook his head while he grinned. “My name is Will. When we’re together like this, I’d like for you to address me as such.”

She snapped her mouth closed, realizing it had fallen open. “I couldn’t—”

“Your father wants me to court you. Or pretend to seek your favor. It’s appropriate.”

Her gasp filled the space between them. It was one thing to admit that he was first person she’d felt an actual con

nection with in a long time but to be courted by a jewel thief? He must be lying. “That isn’t possible.”

“It is, though he doesn’t intend for us to marry.” Will began pulling her along. “I will explain it to you later. Can you sneak to my room this afternoon?”