What the bloody hell did that mean? What was happening today that he kept having these strange conversations? But he’d agree to near anything if he could find out more about what motivated Rose. “Of course, my lord. If I am able.”

“Rose, as you will learn, is a bright young woman. She has had her share of suitors but when my wife passed a year ago, Rose lost all interest in perspective husbands.” Reagan paused and Will turned to assess the man. His face was pinched in pain. Will’s own chest tightened. Losing a parent was never easy. “She doesn’t grow any younger and I wish to see her settled. What if something happened to me?”

“My lord?” Will’s drew his brows together as he tried to make sense of what he’d just heard. Unlike his conversation with the widow, he had an urge to protect Rose. The Marquess of Reagan, however, did not want him to court his daughter. Will was sure of that. Lady Rose would have her choice of suitors and they would not include destitute earls. Not that he actually was but Reagan didn’t know this. No one did. So what was he asking?

“Try to understand.” Reagan rubbed the back of his neck. “I haven’t seen Rose express interest in anyone until yesterday when she met you.”

Will tightened at the thought of Rose being more aware of him than any other man. Why did that please him so much? “I am not an appropriate suitor for her, I think we can both agree on that.” He should play along. He’d get more information that way but his desire to protect her overrode his need to solve this particular mystery.

“I don’t want you to actually court her, simply remind her of how enjoyable it can be.” He sighed. “It has been a difficult time for us. I simply want her to remember how to be happy.”

“Admirable,” Will murmured, thinking of his own family. He had mourned the death of his parents in a cursory fashion. What might it be like to love that deeply?

“I married Rose’s mother for love. Her father had left them in debt. Lucille had no dowry to speak of and her mother, Rose’s grandmother, had grown so desperate that she sold her prized possession, a set of diamond jewels.”

Jewels. He schooled his body not to react. She’d called him a thief last night. And at one of the last auctions the Marquess of Highwater had held for his stolen goods, a stunning set of diamond earbobs, necklace, and ring had been sold off. “Go on,” he rumbled.

“I tracked those jewels down and presented them to Lucille when I proposed. They were her one family heirloom and when she was on her death bed, she gave them to Rose.” Lord Reagan paused. “It was shortly after her death that my solicitor came. I wanted my will redrafted and my assets accounted for. He took the jewels, along with several others, for appraisal.”

He swallowed down the lump in his throat. “Who was your solicitor?”

“Mr. Winters.” Reagan answered. “Do you know him?” Then he shook his head. “Ridiculous question. Everyone knows him now. As I am sure you now know that he stole the jewels and auctioned them off.”

/> “I am so sorry,” Will’s fist clenched at his side. He’d been wondering what would cause a lady with a sterling reputation to sneak into a man’s room in the dead of night. He had his answer.

“As am I.” The marquess shook his head. “I could buy her more jewels. Have an identical set made. But it wouldn’t be the same. And though she has only ever said it once, I know she thinks constantly on getting those pieces back.”

Will took a deep steadying breath. Did the marquess know he was involved? Did he think Will knew of the stones whereabouts? “What did you want from me?”

Reagan stopped and turned to him. “I know of your reputation…”

That made Will’s insides tighten unpleasantly. Why did it bother him that Rose and her father thought him a thief? He hadn’t been tempted to give up his true circumstances in a long time. “Which is?”

Reagan gave a ghost of a smile. “As a man who is rather popular with the ladies.”

Will reared back his head. He had not expected the marquess to say that. “I beg your pardon?”

“I am hoping that you could pretend to show interest in my daughter. Nothing untoward. But try to engage her in a way that makes her see what she is missing. Help her overcome her grief of losing her mother and the one possession that connected them.”

Words failed him as he stared at Rose’s father. They’d reached the entry and stood at the base of the grand stairway. He’d already been untoward, not that he would share that fact. What was more, he was certain he hadn’t deterred her in the least from her search for the jewels. She hadn’t seemed lovestruck at breakfast. If anything, she’d been even colder. But also because a man of Reagan’s position and power didn’t want a thieving rake anywhere near his daughter. “You can’t want me to court her. I’ve already informed you of my reputation…”

“I am aware of your reputation, or the one you present to English society.” Reagan lifted his brows to accentuate his point. “But I also know that you are drawing that chapter of your life to a close. To be seen with Rose could raise your social standing and your future prospects. You could make a match that would benefit you after this is done. Not with Rose, of course. But some other eligible lady who was fitting.”

He drew in a sharp breath. How did Reagan know this? “I don’t know what—”

“Save it, lad.” Reagan placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll make more progress if we don’t pretend. My information comes from the highest of sources so there is no need for you to lie.”

Bloody bullocks this was strange. And if the Prince Regent was sharing then it meant he truly thought Will was done as a spy. But if not a spy, what was he then? Just a lord? That wouldn’t do for him at all.

He should likely tell Reagan he had no interest in a match. If he did, he wouldn’t need Rose to make him attractive. Even if women thought him destitute, one of them would marry him and hand over her fortune. A woman like Lady Crawley for example. He hadn’t allowed her to finish but the offer was about to be on the table.

He ignored his niggle of irritation at Lord Reagan’s comment that he wasn’t suited to Rose. If the man knew he wasn’t actually a rake or financially ruined, why wouldn’t he be suitable? Never mind that he didn’t wish to marry.

Besides, the entire plan was ridiculous. He was here to suss out a thief. But Rose had the same end, and she’d likely get herself in real trouble when the actual thief arrived. If she’d been willing to sneak into his room, she’d be willing to take ridiculous risks again, only with actual criminals who might really hurt her. Will didn’t want to think about why that bothered him so much but if he were seen to be wooing her, he might be able to keep an eye on her. “Very well, I will do it.”

Reagan blinked as though surprised but then gave him a winning smile. “Splendid.”

“What are you doing, my lord?” Rose asked as she came down the steps. “What is splendid, Papa?”