Will saw it unfolding. Bridgeton stood with his hands full of papers and as he dropped them, he reached into his pocket pulling out his derringer.

In an instant, he was behind Perrault and as Bridgeton raised the pistol, Will gave Perrault a shove. The man crashed to the ground and he felt the bullet graze his arm, but he paid it no mind as he picked up a paperweight on the desk and aimed for Bridgeton. The throw landed directly between the man’s eyes and Bridgeton was on the floor with a large thud.

“Well done,” Ryker called as he helped Perrault off the floor.

“Did you have to shove me like that?” Perrault brushed his hunting coat off as he glared at Ryker. Then his eyes grew round. “You’re bleeding.”

Will glanced down at his arm then moved it up and down. “It’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.” Then it was his turn to glare at Perrault. “The bullet was meant for you. You’re welcome.”

Will stepped around the desk and gestured for the other two men to do the same. Bridgeton was still alive at least and as they checked his pockets, they found multiple items from the safe. He’d taken land deeds, currency, and even jewels,—but not his wife’s, of course. Or more accurately, Rose’s.

Will tied his hands and feet and then Perrault left to find a servant to fetch the constable.

“Do you need to sit?” Ryker looked down at his arm.

“I’m fine, Landon. Truly, it’s nothing.” He glanced down at it again. It was bleeding a bit and should be wrapped soon but it wouldn’t trouble him.

Will used his other arm to scrub his face. “What I can’t decide is how I will get the set of jewelry to Rose. Lady Bridgeton arrived with the stones.”

Ryker gave a chuckle. “It’s a good thing you’re retiring. You distract Perrault when the constable is here. I will tell the constable that the jewelry belongs to Rose and her father. He won’t ask questions. Place them with the rest of the stolen goods.”

“You don’t think Perrault will notice that the stones placed in his safe by Lord Bridgeton went home with a woman other than Lady Bridgeton?” Will cocked an eyebrow. He’d already had to collect one of Ryker’s plans.

“The man is a proven thief. Just explain to Perrault that the jewelry was stolen.”

Well that was bloody simple.

And it might possibly work. Which made him a little light-headed, though that might also be the blood loss. But he needed to see her and finish their conversation from this morning. Did she think she could forgive him? He just needed to know if it was even possible.

Rose tried the knob of his door and found it unlocked. Creeping into the room, she discovered it empty. She had a little niggle of disappointment that he didn’t sit in the same chair he had on the first night she’d crept inside.

Taking a breath, she made her way over to the bed. She knew that Will had caught Lord Bridgeton today and the constable had carted him off. Lady Bridgeton had snuck off sometime during all the activity.

She didn’t know where her mother’s heirlooms were now, but she trusted Will to be looking after them. They weren’t why she was here tonight.

Reaching the bed, she undid the stays of her dress and slowly allowed it to slip to the floor. Then she began on the corset strings, loosening it so she might remove it as well.

“Do you need help with that?” A low voice rumbled from the balcony. Will. The very sound made her shiver with anticipation.

He stepped in through the doors and her heart began to beat wildly in her chest. “I believe I do.”

Stepping around the bed, his fingers were in the laces as he deftly loosened them until the contraption fell on top of her dress. Then he spun her about and, without another word, his lips descended onto hers.

The touch of his lips consumed her. She forgot everything but him as he kissed her over and over, exploring her mouth with his.

As the kiss continued, her passion grew and he filled her every thought, her need driving her forward.

Rose clung to his neck and before she knew it, they had moved, shifted somehow and she lay under him on the bed. The press of his hips to hers felt better than she’d ever imagined possible and she moaned at the contact.

They hadn’t spoken, didn’t need to, as Will’s fingers came to his own shirt. In a moment, he’d undone his cravat and then his shirt as it sailed over his head. Rose got a glimpse of his lean muscular chest before he was pressed against her again. The feel of him was more erotic than even their time in the library had been and she found herself trying to press closer still.

“Rose,” he groaned out. “If we go much further I won’t be able to stop.”

She trailed her hands down the hard ridges of his back, delighting in their feel. “I don’t want to stop,” she whispered. “Being here with you is more than I could have ever…” she stopped, afraid of how much she’d reveal.

“Finish,” he gave a light but firm command.

“It’s more than I could have hoped for. Whatever time you want me…” She took a breath, hoping the wor