A wardrobe stood in the corner and she moved toward it, holding up her candle. She didn’t know exactly what she looking for but any piece of evidence she might be able to use to blackmail him into returning the jewels would do.

She tried to picture herself actually completing such a conversation. He had to be more than six feet tall and strongly muscled, while she was of an average height at best. No one had ever accused her of being intimidating. Her heart beat wildly in his presence and her tongue tied every time she drew near him. Which had likely proved an asset over the past few days. She was so quiet in his presence that he had yet to notice her existence, making it easier to study him. But were she to confront him, that would be a different matter entirely.

His scent lingered in the room as strongly as if he were here and it addled her mind, making her fingers clumsier. She took a deep breath reminding herself that he was not here and she’d do best to hurry before being discovered.

She opened the door to the wardrobe and searched the walls for a latch or hidden door that might reveal some secret. Finding none, she began to search the pockets of the coats hanging within.

“I beg you not to crease them. My valet will pitch a fit if they have to be repressed.” A deep voice rumbled from the corner.

The little hairs at the back of her neck stood on end as shivers raced down her back. She gave a cry and dropped the candle she held. It thumped to the floor and bounced, the flame hitting her dress and immediately sparking on the lace overlay.

Dear lord, she was on fire. Rose cried out and tried to spin about to find some way to put out the flame but her motion turned the sparks to actual flames as her dress lit.

Horror made her freeze in place. “What have I done?” she yelped, not knowing what else to do.

In the next moment, strong arms had wrapped about her and she watched, completely speechless, as large hands deftly rubbed the folds of her gown together to snuff out the flames. Most of him was positioned behind her but she saw his hands, large and lean, quite masculine, and yet graceful. She’d never been so transfixed by a pair of hands…but they were glorious.

Even more astonishing, those hands patted their way up her body until they rested on her waist. There was nothing frightening in their touch but no man had ever been so bold. Surely it was fear, but she could hardly catch her breath as she gasped at every touch.

“Are you all right?” a deep voice behind her asked.

“Yes, I believe that I am.” She turned slowly in the arms that were still holding her and stared directly into a very large chest. As her chin tilted back her eyes travelled up the rather muscular column of a man’s neck, over a terribly strong square jaw, up the straight nose, and into the chocolate-colored eyes of Lord Addington. Drat.

“Excellent,” he said with little inflection. His calm demeanor only added to her certainty that he was a man who was always in charge. “Now tell me why you’re searching my room.”

Chapter Two

Her face tilted up to his and every muscle in his body tightened. Lady Roselyn Chase stared at him open-mouthed without saying a word. How had he failed to notice how utterly stunning she was during the last few days?

Her thick blonde hair was pinned back from her face but several sections trailed down her shoulder and across the creamy skin of her exposed neck and chest. He’d like to hold one strand in his hand, allowing the silky tress to slip through his fingers. Her perfectly full lips parted, but no words came out.

He had the sudden urge to kiss those lips closed.

“I…that is to say…I was simply…” she stopped speaking again.

Which worked out fine. Quite nice, really. Though she had a lovely voice, it sounded as sweet as honey, he found he cared less about knowing why she’d trespassed and more about why he wanted to roar with need while holding her in his arms.

Will held her tiny waist to steady her. The urge to run his hands up her back and explore further had him tightening his grip upon her middle. It would be beyond reprehensible. But he stared at her, admiring the soft planes of her face. Her large blue eyes, supple pink lips, straight little nose. How would she taste? He’d guess delicious.

“You simply what?” he asked.

“I was mistaken, my lord,” she stuttered out. “I…I thought this was my father’s room. I came to retrieve a pocket square for him.”

Well, that was reasonable. A perfectly logical explanation from pretty lips. Except he was a trained spy. Beside the fact that she’d picked the lock and searched his room, she was clearly lying. Though he couldn’t see if her pupils dilated, which would give any lie away, he could feel her breathing as she was pressed against him. Her heart rate had slowed as he held her in his grasp until she’d spoken. Now, it was so rapid that it near thrummed out of her chest against his own.

It told him two rather interesting details. The first was that she was not being truthful and the second was that she was uncomfortable with the falsehood. Did she not tell them often or was this a particularly painful one for her in which to engage? He drummed his fingers against the small of her back as he contemplated how to get the answers he wanted.

“A pocket square?” His voice was low, lazy, intentionally so. He hoped to put her at ease. He likely should put distance between them but then, how would he measure her heart rate? Besides, he qui

te liked her in his arms. “If he is in need, he can use one of my mine. Tell me. What has happened that he needs one so desperately, my lady? May I call you Lady Rose? You’ll forgive me but I heard our hostess use the name. I find it suits you.”

She swallowed and her hands fluttered to his chest. At first she seemed to try to push him away but then her fingers splayed out, as though she were exploring him. How delightful.

“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly take one of yours. Think of the questions…” Her words tapered off but even in the moonlight, he saw her eyes grow wider. “My reputation as a lady.”

“Quite right.” He still didn’t let her go. “You wouldn’t want to be saddled with such a disappointing prospect for a husband such as myself.”

She made a choking noise in her throat. “I did not—”