Will forced himself to walk away at a normal pace when all he wanted was to dash back to Rose. Truly, he wanted to carry her to his bed. She had kissed him like no other woman ever had, with complete abandon and mutual attraction and innocent lust that had sent him reeling. The truth was, he couldn’t kiss her like that again and not claim her.

He needed to get those jewels back and he needed to make Rose his.

He entered the ballroom and nearly groaned aloud as the music and noise assaulted his senses after the quiet of the halls. Strictly speaking, he hadn’t been avoiding Rose, he’d been getting all the pieces in place to secure her gems. But now that he knew he’d tell her he’d been a spy, he found it more difficult to be with her and continue to keep her in the dark.

Will just needed time alone with her, and not the five minutes he’d stolen in the hall, but some chunk of time that, if she reacted badly, he could convince her to give him a chance.

Because he had decided that Rose was his future and he couldn’t allow her to slip away. Though he couldn’t wait too long either or lose her for lack of trust.

“There you are,” Landon called at the same time Rose’s father stepped next to him.

Will straightened. No one had known the truth about him for so long, it was strange to be with two men who did. “Here I am.”

“You are quite elusive,” Reagan murmured.

At that exact moment he caught sight of Rose skulking back into the party. “Landon,” he turned to the other man, making a snap decision. “Would you and your lovely wife chaperone Lady Roselyn while I speak with her father?”

Landon looked rather surprised but nodded his consent.

Will hesitated but then made his feet move. He normally didn’t allow so much emotion to cloud his decisions, especially not after the kiss they’d just shared, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

The two men stepped back into the hall until they found themselves in the library. Will took a seat and Rose’s father sat across from him. “Tell me you haven’t ruined her.”

Will made a choking noise but managed to recover. “I haven’t.”

Reagan slumped back in his seat. “I have to confess, I was hoping to speak with you this afternoon.”

Will gave a terse node. Apparently he’d sent the entire family into fits today. “I was busy this afternoon trying to plan how I will get Rose’s diamonds back to her.”

Reagan stared open mouthed. When he didn’t speak, Will took that as a sign to continue. “My intent is to marry—“

“Does she know that you are, or rather, were a spy?” Reagan leaned forward his eyes narrowing.

“No.” His chest tightened as he considered the next part. “And I wish to tell her myself, but during a private audience.”

Her father shook his head. “Until a proposal has been accepted, I can not grant one. While I don’t give credence to rumor and I am aware your reputation was crafted for your work and embellished by the ton, the fact remains, it would tarnish hers greatly if she were caught alone with you prior to a formal agreement.”

Will understood, he truly did. Any father would be wise to protect his daughter from the type of man he made himself out to be. And even though Reagan knew the basics of the truth, the rest of the society did not. Even still, he needed to speak with Rose alone. “Of course,” he murmured.

But he was, after all, a spy. And the one advantage to that was that he was completely comfortable skirting the rules. He’d find a way to speak with her privately one way or another.

Chapter Eight

Rose had to admit that the Duke and Duchess of Landon were truly lovely. Her Grace insisted that Rose use her given name, Tricia, and seemed very

content to sit on the outskirts of the party.

Rose gave the other woman a grateful smile. “Thank you for agreeing to sit. I hope I am not ruining your evening.”

Tricia gave her a wink as they found seats. “I dislike these sorts of things as a general rule.” She leaned closer, her eyes twinkling. “I was actually ruined at the only formal ball I attended in my first season.”

Rose gave a gasp before she could hold it in. “Ruined? At your first ball?”

Tricia giggled. “It’s a very long story, which I will happily tell you another time. Ryker proposed that very night, however, so I was socially destroyed and saved all in a day.” Looking over the crowd, Tricia spoke again. “My sister, Tabbie, applied herself to being a wallflower. Mostly to anger our father I think. She did marry an earl after all that, but he was a terrible rake before he met her. I suppose we’re not a family that was meant for society. Odd considering our father’s position.”

“A rake?” Rose’s stomach fluttered with nerves. She knew Will’s reputation. The man before her did not match with what everyone thought he was or the facts that she knew. Was it possible he could be a good man if given the right circumstances? She wanted to believe it could be true. “Is he good to your sister now?”

“Oh yes. Luke is a doting husband and I think Tabbie worried at first, but he is by her side always.” Tricia gave her a warm smile. “Ryker is perfect for me but Tabbie likes a challenge. She is intelligent and brave. I am so glad she took a chance because there isn’t a more perfect man for her. Those reformed rakes can make for committed husbands.” Then she winked.