That made her start in surprise. It cleared her mind of both the emotion and the attraction, though she still clung to him, his support somehow more important than lust. “Other men? The thieves?”

“Rose, stay out of it, remember?” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I know I already told you that your father has asked me to pretend to court you.”

She stepped back then, ripping away from him. “What does that have to do with anything?”

He reached out and gently pulled her back against him. She was acting like a skittish deer, and he was clearly trying to calm her. “He wants me to teach you the value of male companionship, and were I to guess, stir a little jealousy among some of the other eligible bachelors.” His lips were back at her ear, and she had to confess to be rather fond of the tickly feeling it created. “I don’t care his reasons, I want you to allow it so that I can make sure you stay out of trouble.”

Rose skimmed her hands up his chest, admittedly because she liked the way the ridges of muscle felt. “So you want me to allow a fake courtship that will not result in an engagement so that you may keep an eye on me? And you want me to stop pursuing the diamonds? And in return, you will find the diamonds and return them to me?”

He leaned back and gave a relieved smile. “That is correct.”

“But you’re not a thief?” she tried to keep her look innocent. “Just a destitute earl?”

“Also correct.” His smile widened.

And he’d just stepped into the trap. “Then how do you intend to get the stones back? You can’t buy them and won’t steal them.”

The smile on his lips faltered. “You are troublesome, do you know that?”

“My father informs me daily.” She waved her hand to dismiss the charge. “Also, what do you gain out of this arrangement? I can’t see how it benefits you.”

He pulled her tightly up against him again. He was being rather persistent. “I am a destitute Earl in need of funds, with a unique knowledge of your stones’ whereabouts…”

Understanding dawned and her head snapped back. “You want me to pay you?”

He looked down at her, his gaze darkening. “A small finder’s fee. There are other benefits. Your father assures me that you will improve my social standing. Perhaps I could even marry a woman with a nice dowry that will rid me of my financial woes. But to make that happen, I will need some sort of financial stability.” His gaze darkened further. “And I am being gentlemanly…for a rake. I haven’t touched you in nearly any of the ways I want to.”

Her breath caught. She almost asked how he wanted to touch her but thought better of it. “You don’t need me to marry another woman.” She leaned further back to meet his gaze. It was likely a mistake but she couldn’t glance away from their dark depths. “Your looks and charm alone would provide you with the answer to your financial woes. Speaking of, why didn’t you marry rather than becoming indebted to the marquess?”

“You’re lovely, do you know that? Beautiful, well…endowed…intelligent. A man could lose himself to you.” He leaned in as though he were going to kiss her and then stopped a breath away. She was certain that she ceased breathing. No one had ever said anything like this to her. The fact that it was him, the most handsome and tempting man she’d ever met, made her nearly forget what they were discussing. But the jewels were important. She couldn’t be distracted. She needed to remember them, they were the only piece of her beautiful mother she could have back.

“That’s not a real answer.” She took a deep breath.

“It is. I get to spend time with you. That is the bonus out of this arrangement.” And then he did what he swore he wouldn’t. He kissed her. It was soft and achingly sweet. Just a gentle press of his lips.

Her knees buckled, his arms holding her up. She slid her arms about his neck. “You promised not to do that.”

“I did,” he was still so close, he filled all her senses. “And I am sorry that I broke it. But now I need you to promise me. Say that you will stay out of it and let me get the stones back.”

She hesitated for a moment as if she were really considering it. “I promise,” she whispered. But he wasn’t the only one who could tell a lie and break promises.

It wasn’t that she’d formed any specific plan. She hadn’t; but she didn’t quite trust him either. With all of this new information, she abandoned her plan to watch him from afar. With access to him, she could see whom he met with. Find out his schedule and keep an eye on him and use the information she learned to aid her investigation. She certainly had no intention of staying out of it.

He narrowed his gaze. “Swear it.”

She raised her brow, and sighed deeply. Ignoring the niggle of guilt pulling in her chest, she squared her shoulders to hide it. She would not feel guilty, he’d promised her not to kiss or touch her, both of which he’d broken. He shamelessly used her attraction to him to pull her off guard. And her purpose here was to retrieve those stones. She ignored the voice that said she liked his touch and she liked him, that was why she felt guilty. “I just promised. What would you have me swear on?”

He looked to the side, seeming to think, then he whispered close to her ear. “If I catch you breaking your promise, you owe me a kiss. A real one.”

Why did that only make her want to break her promise more than she already intended? Her guilt evaporated. “You are a terrible rake, do you know that?”

“I’ve been told.” He gave a casual shrug. “But you taste like nectar from a flower and I’d have a real drink before this business is done.”

Her breath caught. He knew she was lying and he didn?

?t care. She was both relieved and intrigued. He wanted to kiss her. She should be worried. She was making a deal with a man who’d just admitted to being a rake. So why had this entire business gotten more fun? She tried to remember the last time anything had been pleasant. Pleasurable.

But the thought of kisses, the knowledge that they’d continue this push and pull of wits, filled her with anticipation. The hope that he was telling the truth and could return the jewels made her lighter than she’d been in months. Or perhaps she could still find them on her own.