His pistol, a letter from the Prince Regent stating his innocence, and another from the Marquess of Highwater demanding that Will settle a substantial debt by employment for nonspecific services. He’d intentionally gone into debt to the marquess, then pretended he didn’t have the funds to pay it back.

Even his closest friends believed this story, which mystified him. He belonged to a secret club called the Wicked Earls’ Club. And granted, those men often landed in these types of scrapes, but he couldn’t believe none of them could see the truth. That he wasn’t actually poor, or inept. It had made him feel so isolated, when he chose to think about it, which was not very often at all. Until, Rose.

She seemed to see right past his veneer and it was refreshing. He wanted to be around her more, see himself through her eyes. He gave himself a shake. For some reason, he’d been thinking all kinds of strange things.

And she’d been absolutely correct that he’d time to remove what he didn’t want her to find. Like his rather large and very full coin purse. Or the more private letter from Prinny that urged him to cease his work as a spy.

Rose moved about the room, opened a desk drawer, and pulled out a folded sheet of paper, then held up Prinny’s letter of pardon. She gave him a questioning glance and he nodded for her to open it.

She quickly scanned the document, her mouth tightening as she did. The letter exonerated him of any wrongdoing or knowingly taking part in any illegal acts. Then she flipped to the second sheet. Rose didn’t look up as she scanned the rest.

Rose said nothing as she folded them back up and neatly replaced them in the drawer. Softly, she pushed closed it, then she smoothed the folds of her gown. It was a nervous habit of hers and he wished he could follow her hands with his own.

Standing straighter, he finally asked, “Well?”

Her gaze drifted to h

is. “I don’t believe it.” It wasn’t a question. She wasn’t asking. It was as though she stated a fact.

He quirked an eyebrow. “What don’t you believe?”

“That you were the hapless victim of the Marquess of Highwater. I don’t believe it.”

It took every ounce of his control not to react. She was right. He’d never been the victim. He had laid a carefully crafted trap that the marquess had stepped into without a second thought. What was more, she might be the only person in all of England who saw that he would never be that man’s lackey. Although, instead of thinking he was a force of good, she thought him a criminal, but still. It was nice that someone thought him capable of more than just a fool. “Really? Why is that?”

She crossed the room again, her eyes on him. “I’ve been watching you. You don’t drink all that much, you don’t gamble, unless there is someone at the table you want to talk to. What you do is you study people.”

Shock made his chest ache. “You’ve learned all this since yesterday?” He tried to make his voice derisive. He had to throw her off the scent even if he didn’t want to.

“No, I’ve watched you for the past several days. You’re not the only one who’s been studying people at this gathering.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down. “My job, however, was easier because I only needed to watch you. Though I must admit, it was a fair sight simpler when you hadn’t noticed me.”

Damn this beautiful woman and her astute mind. She’d done it again. Caught him completely off guard. She was glorious. Absolutely wonderful. “You think you know something our sovereign leader does not?”

“How well does he know you?” Rose stepped closer and he resisted the urge to pull her into his arms. He’d made a promise. But he hadn’t realized how much she’d learned about him or how nice it was for someone to see him. Not the veneer he’d constructed. It was more intoxicating than those delightful lips and sumptuous curves.

“Very well,” he assured her, attempting to throw her off the scent. If Prinny believed it then why wouldn’t she?

Her hands rested on those lush hips as she cocked her head to one side and assessed him. “Why is the prince so well acquainted with a failing earl?”

He had to admit it was a valid question. Triumph lit in her eyes and he nearly grinned back. “I wasn’t always a failure.”

Chapter Five

Rose tried not to huff out a breath. She’d thought she had him. She’d backed him into a corner and victory had never tasted sweeter. Well, in fairness, he tasted sweeter last night when he’d kissed her. Like whisky and a hint of cigar, and something deep and masculine. Why was she thinking of that now?

He leaned in closer. She knew he was doing it on purpose. It distracted her and he knew it. Blast the man. “And, despite my recent lack of success, I still have many allies.”

“Allies who didn’t help you? Who allowed you to become a slave to a criminal?” She could barely think. If he touched her, she’d be done for. She tried to back up but his hand reached around her waist. “You promised,” she gasped, even as a ripple of pleasure made her knees weak.

“I did.” He pulled her closer. “There is more to the story, but I’m not at liberty to share it yet.” Her body came in contact with his and everything tightened. “But there is more I need to tell you today. I can find your mother’s diamonds.”

Tears sprang to her eyes and she found herself, once again, clutching at his shirt. Her physical response coupled with her intense desire to believe those words left her mind spinning. “What?”

“I was there the day they were auctioned and I have a pretty good recollection of who won them. I will get them back for you if you promise me two things.” He leaned further in with every word until they were so close, they could kiss if he’d only just tilt his head the slightest bit. Which should not have occurred to her. Because those jewels were all that were important. But her body didn’t agree and somehow the news he could find them made her want to be closer to him.

“You were there? You saw them?” She croaked out, her voice hoarse with tears.

He cupped her cheek with one of his hands. “I will get them back. But you have to promise me to stop investigating them yourself. Men are coming here who pose a real danger to you. I can’t have you getting caught up with them.”