Page 80 of Arousing Family

Every man except Keith and I. "Assholes."

Danielle's jaw tightened. "Michael, don't get too sweet on that slut 'cause she's gonna be a cum mop when I'm finished with her." She smooched her lips. "Good thing you already got your first kiss in."

"Listen up," Keith said, making eye contact around the room. "The only thing you're gettin' is a blow job. You will keep your hands and your dicks above Lucia's waist. If she says stop, you stop. Anybody doesn't"—Keith twirled the bat—"I'll turn your head into a line drive. Is there anyone out there who doesn't unders

tand me?"

Silence. This was Keith the hard-ass oil field foreman talking. They understood.

"OK, Danielle," said Keith, "It's your show."

Danielle jerked Lucia's ponytail hard enough to get a yelp. "Our captive fellatrix will suck you off in the order I call your names. You can come in her mouth, but . . . I'll buy a case of premium beer for every man who shoots his load on this pretty face."

Lucia, throat exposed to the wolves, looked like she'd bitten into a lemon, but she held her tongue.

Danielle fished a name out of her pocket. "Travis. Lucia's mouth awaits your cock."

"Hey that's me!" The red-haired guy Lucia had shed her bra for stepped forward. Tall with beefy thighs and arms, he towered over the bound girl.

Lucia smiled bravely. "Travis, you got something for me?"

Travis unzipped his jeans and stopped, suddenly self-conscious. "Just in front of everybody?" he asked to scattered laughter.

Lucia nuzzled his crotch. "Come on, Travis, I can't do this if you don't take him out. Put him in my mouth."

Travis stared down at Lucia. "What the hell." He plopped his cock and balls onto her upturned face to scattered calls of "Attaboy."

Lucia pressed her cheek against his goods, inhaled deeply, and delivered welcoming licks that swelled Travis' cock to parade attention. Curving upward from a dense thatch of curls, Travis' cock seemed of average proportions. With her hands tied, Lucia played a frustrating game of cat and mouse with the bobbing head until Travis lent a hand. Lucia latched on like it was a candy cane, licking up and down until his cock was wet and slick, then she began to draw him deeper into her mouth until her nose snuggled into his pubic hair.

"Holy shit, the bitch can deep throat," someone said.

Lucia would draw Travis' cock into her throat three or four times, pull up for air, lick and nibble the head, then swallow again. Travis answered each dive with a satisfied groan. When he could endure no longer, Travis stroked his cock while Lucia sealed her lips firmly around its tip. With her wide, sparkling eyes urging him on, Travis ejaculated with a grunt. Lucia sucked until Travis had nothing left, showed him what he'd given her, and swallowed.

"Thank you, Travis," Lucia said, licking her lips. "That was delicious."

Travis' performance broke the ice because the next two men unlimbered their cocks without reservation. Lucia's fellatory skills dispatched both quickly. The second man's load she swallowed neat; the third splashed a weak load across her cheeks.

"Fuck," said Lucia. "Come on guys. Let me swallow it."

Maybe it was the cum dangling from Lucia's chin, but number four chickened out. Neither coaxing from Lucia nor his friends would change his mind.

Four down. It was going pretty well for Lucia.

Danielle called the next name. "Nelson."

Lucia frowned. Nelson, a wiry, pompous ass of a man about forty swaggered up to Lucia, pulled up his shirt and pushed down his trousers. He and Lucia had traded some nasty insults that went beyond friendly rivalry, and here he was slapping her face with his fat cock. Nelson played this game until he was erect, then dragged her face up and down his shaft, ordering her to spit instead of lick for lubrication.

"Juice it good, cunt," he said, "Cause your takin' it all."

Nelson shoved his cock down Lucia's throat and she choked. Laughing, he held Lucia on his cock until the convulsion subsided, then began to roughly fuck her face. His cock wasn't long, but Lucia struggled with its girth, occasionally gagging because she couldn't find a rhythm in his staccato thrusts. Nelson would yank her head up at unpredictable intervals, let her grab one or two quick breaths, then drive her head down again.

Danielle, her nipples straining under her shirt, watched with sublime joy as Nelson raped Lucia's face. The room had fallen quiet except for Lucia's sporadic "glucks" and Nelson's misogynistic, obscenity-laced commentary.

"Christ, Nelson," someone said. "Give her a break."

"I ain't heard the bitch say stop," said Nelson.

"Lucia, are you OK?" Keith asked.