Page 8 of Arousing Family

The heavy arms are my mobility, the agiles are my senses and manipulators and stuff. The ones you see moving are keeping their sensory organs stimulated so that I know what's happening around me.

Now, how did you... um... end up like this?

"Some men did it for sex, what else? I was down on my luck, and working on Dime street, and one of the houses was looking for a girl to be an exotic, and I was desperate enough to say yes. So they implanted a tadpole-looking thing in my pussy. Then I was a maid while it hatched, and grew large enough to play with other people's cunts and dicks. I did that for about eight years, was the tentacle girl. So, that was about as long as any girl had lived, the symbiote starts to die and she dies too-- I didn't know that when I got it, but I might not have cared, actually.

this was forced on you?

No, it wasn't. Look-- you gotta make the very clear, I was never ever forced to take on the symbiosis. I could have worked okay without it.

I understand.

I had found my brother-- Berend, you met him-- and I was sending him my money, and about eight years I was just feeling... better and better. And my symbiont was still growing. They were almost as long as my legs. And I just had this idea that I better get out before the Hall Of Science got interested... So I acted like I was failing, and asked them if I could go and live with my brother while I died. And that's what I've been doing since-- living with my brother -- but not so much dying."

The symbiont is in, as you say, your pussy. Isn't that a small space? I would think that the wieght of your large arms--

"Heavy arms."

Heavy arms, yes-- alone would create quite a strain!

"It started in my pussy, yeah. But it-- okay, you're going to give me that look again-- it ate away my uterus and stuff, and filled all of that space. It's all wound through my whole torso, taken over some of my intestine, and is all linked into my nervous system. I'm sorry, I know how it sounds. It feeds nutrients into my intestines and it takes nutrients too. I eat people food and I.. um... squid eat."

Do you have to eat diseased flesh?

"No, I can feed off of other things, but I have to liquefy them-- we call it 'chow...'"

And you developed this healing role, correct? How did that happen?

"Well, it started with things like lesions... on the skin, you know. And a boy who had gangrene. I gave him soper from my feedpalps, to ease the pain, and then I thought about it and my eatpalps thought the gangrene scented okay-- I'm sorry, I know-- and I just tried it. We saved most of his leg-- more than the surgeon would have. So I started healing skin diseases, helping wounds.

"Then Berend's wife got sick, pancreatic cancer. And we talked about it for a long time, but the treatments the doctors had weren't doing any good, so... That was the first time I went inside anyone."

You mention a chemical that you produce, that helps regenerate cells? is that a natural function too?

"It's the growth serum that the eggs are filled with. We worked it out. My feedpalps learned to secrete it at will instead of only when I make tadpoles. It encourages T cell growth."

You make tadpoles?

"Eggs, one or two once in a while."

And do you-- have you ever implanted one?

"In a woman's pussy? Oh, yeah. A handful of times now. Okay, I bet I already know what you're going to ask-- first yes, I do worry that they will die. But I always make sure the woman knows what might happen before I let her go ahead. And I pick real car

eful. They have to taste right for it. have the genetics or the chemical balance or whatever it is that can accept the symbiote. My first didn't make it, but I have one daughter that is nine years now and going strong. And yes, they work their first years for me, here-- they do sex. It's good training for a baby symbiont as it turns out. The arms are too short to do much else yet, and the symbiont learns about human bodies... And the woman does too, come to that."

So, she would stay with you?

"Yeah, she would have to. She needs training, she would owe me, you know? And I would want to keep an eye on her."

I... Well, I can think of a hundred more questions to ask you, but we've run out of time.

"Thank you for the chance to tell this stuff."


The interviewer put down her stylus and flexed her hand, grimacing. "I wonder what the audience will think about that," she said. "I kind of worry that you will get the flaming torches and the pitchforks."

"Really?" The tentacle monster looked surprised. "Yeah. Um-- I don't want no trouble, really. i got too many people here, family. If me talking makes things unsafe, I'd rather--"