Page 389 of Arousing Family

Then I swallowed as Cynthia slowly walked over to me, her boots clicking on the tile floor. She took Sarah's hand and said, "Let's find out."

I said, "Uh, ladies..."

Cynthia stepped up very closely and said, "I know you've been wanting some of this. Haven't you?"

I swallowed again. "You got me."

Cynthia grinned naughtily. "Well, as much as I would love to fuck you right now, I'm afraid all I have time for is a little oral sex. Want to help, Sarah?"

Sarah grinned at Cynthia and then at me. "I'd love to." Then she reached for my t-shirt tucked into my jeans. "Let's get started, shall we, Cynthia?"

Cynthia leaned in to kiss me, her breasts pressing against my chest. Suddenly two different feminine hands were fondling my already-erect cock through my jeans.

"Oh my goodness, someone definitely is hard."

"Yep. You got me."

Both of them laughed cute little tinkles of laughter. Cynthia kissed me again, and this time she eased her tongue inside my mouth. Then suddenly I heard a zipper being unzipped and I realized it was mine, because then there was the sensation of a female hand reaching inside and easing my cock out.

Sarah was down on her knees before me, stroking it slowly. "Do you mind if I suck your dick, John?"

I shook my head. "Uh, nope."

Sarah grinned. "Good." And then I gasped as my cock was suddenly surrounded by warmth and moisture.

I groaned as Sarah sucked my cock. Cynthia ran her tongue and lips along my neck. Her voice whispered, "Do you like the way she sucks your cock, baby?"

"What do you think?"

"Judging by all that grunting and groaning you're doing, I'd say pretty good."

It was driving me nuts to watch 'the' Sarah Shahi sucking my dick. I almost came in her mouth right then.

Cynthia's lips were gently kissing my neck. Then she said, "Would you mind if I took my turn now?"

"Go for it."

"Thank you, I will."

I looked down and watched as Cynthia eagerly took my dick in her mouth but sucked slowly and gently. Then Sarah stood up. "You know, it's too bad you sent the makeup artist away. Because I might need a touch-up after we're done with you."

I chuckled and grinned. "Yeah. But I can always call another makeup artist if I need to."

Sarah grinned, too. "Good. Now shut up and kiss me."

So I did. For a few minutes I was absolutely in heaven as Sarah kissed me while Cynthia sucked my dick. Then Sarah joined her down there and they took turns.

I could definitely tell the difference between Sarah's technique and Cynthia's. Cynthia's sucking was slow and easy and gentle, while Sarah's was more rapid.

In either case, I was in heaven. This was definitely a perk they didn't discuss in college.

But this wouldn't last much longer, unfortunately. I could feel that tightness in my groin getting worse.

I grunted out, "Ladies. Going. To come."

The sucking got faster, more insistent. Then suddenly there was a great big squeezing sensation. I groaned out loud and stared at the ceiling. I didn't care whose mouth I came in.

I finally looked down, to see Cynthia releasing my dick from her mouth. Sarah said, "Can I taste?" She kissed Cynthia and extended her tongue.