Page 247 of Arousing Family

"Just wait until the drivers' license thing...that's a whole new spin on worry."

"I am not looking forward to that time, that's for sure. Come on this way...the light I need help with is down here."

I follow you down the hall, and can't help but appreciate the view that though I've seen and enjoyed many times in the gym, this setting was infinitely more interesting and erotic, because it was in your home and more you. Your perfume, your home, your smell. But there was a task to do and I was making some serious leaps of imagination. Just couldn't help it though. Your flowing brown hair and your smell and inside your home were really quite enticing. But I was here to help with the house chores, remember? That's what I kept telling myself.

Anyhow, I waited a moment for you to get a step ladder and followed you to the stair well where there was a set of lights 12' up from the landing.

"Here's the one I can barely reach. Do you think you can change these lights? I leave them on at night for safety."

"Sure...let me see if I can reach." I pulled the ladder underneath the lights and climbed to the second from the top step, just a bit teetering, but seemed stable with you holding the ladder.

I reached up as high as I could reach, and could barely unscrew the light bulb at the top of my outstretched arm. The first bulb came out without troubles and then you handed me a bulb to insert. No problem. Two more to do.

The second one also changed without troubles. The third one somehow was a bit stuck, and as I reached out yet more to try to apply a bit more force to unscrew the bulb, I felt my left leg slip and then the balance of the ladder was upset and in a strange slow-motion tragic cinema, the ladder started toppling and I was slipping at the same time losing balance. In the brief second between considering hanging on to the suspended light and falling 5-6 feet, I opted to try my luck at the latter, and tried to find a way to fall safely.

You held on to the ladder, thinking that would stop my imbalance, but it seemed to secure my legs from my swaying body, and I fell awkwardly to the stairwell landing, feeling a pain in my hip as I hit the ground and then I don't remember much at


When I came to, my leg was throbbing and the left side of my head felt like I was hit by a brick. I don't know how much time had passed or how I came to be laying propped up against the back of the sofa, but that's my next memory.

"What happened?" I managed to croak, trying to grasp the situation.

"You fell and hit your head and your leg. I managed to get you down to the sofa here. How do you feel? That was so scary."

I could see the concern in your eyes, and I felt some ice on the side of my head, and another one on the front of my hip. "I saw you hit your head on the wall, but then I saw some bleeding from your hip. Must have been how you hit the step of the ladder when you fell.

Now my head was starting to clear, and though with a bit of a headache, I looked down and saw my pants open and an ice pack also under the waistband of my underwear. There was some bleeding from a cut there, but as I looked under the ice pack, I saw a cut that wasn't too bad and mostly superficial.

"That's odd...I just don't remember a couple moments since I fell. That part I remember."

"I'm just so sorry. I thought it was within reach and that I was holding the ladder safely for you. I feel terrible."

"It's really not that bad. Just a bump and a scrape. How did you get me from the stairs to the sofa?"

"I just kind of dragged you. You were mostly out, but somehow I got you down the stairs."

"That's pretty good for a woman to drag a man. All that working out comes in handy after all."

"I guess so. I just feel so terrible." The unusual situation was dawning on me, sitting here with my pants open on your sofa, with you next to me, and you holding an ice pack to my head, and also at the front of my hip, tending very tenderly to my injuries. It really wasn't that bad. A headache to be sure, but I was beginning to enjoy the circumstances somehow. Maybe this wasn't such a bad accident after all. A bump and a scrape. And who knows what else? Nothing broken I could tell that much after all.

"Really Carol. It's not that bad. Could have been a lot worse. At least, I got two of the bulbs changed, right?"

"Yeah, right. Let me look at that cut again," you said, lifting the ice pack and pulling my pants further down along with the waistband of my underwear. I instinctively tried to shield my privates a bit, and you could tell my embarrassment. "It's ok...I've seen it all before. I just want to be sure the cut isn't bleeding anymore."

"OK. Let's have a look. I think it's not too bad." I couldn't help but feel a bit tingling in the nether regions at the proximity of your hand to my crotch and was trying as hard as possible to think of the pain in my hip rather than the rising erection I felt.

"Um...Carol...I" was all I could muster, coherent words not exactly forming into any sentence structure.

"What? Does it hurt that bad?" you asked, with concern in your voice and eyes wandering to the waistband of my shorts where you had lifted them away from my skin trying to assess the source of my discomfort.

"It's not's just that, well, it's that there's something else..." I tried to form a sentence again, but couldn't help but focus on your hand and forearm mere inches from my cock, now swelling and the tip just poking towards where your hand was.

"Is there something else bothering you?" I wasn't sure if you appreciated my situation or that you were just playing the innocent but knowing muse.

"I think that my hip isn't hurting as much as I thought." Well, finally some sort of full sentence structure came to my mind.

"What is it then?" Again, the innocence of your voice not matching with your hand, again, just an inch from my now full, raging erection moving towards your hand as if that's where it knew the stimulus was coming from. "Is there something else here hurting you?"