Page 18 of Arousing Family

Lisa looked directly at Eve, cocking her brow in query; asking the unspoken question. More?

"Yes," came the whispered reply, accompanied by the susurrus of a robe falling to the floor.

Again kissing, Lisa slowly backed Eve into the heavy split-log chair alongside the table. Separating only long enough to shed her own robe, Lisa stood on the sturdy rungs and lowered herself until she was lightly straddling Eve.

Eve's hands immediately sought Lisa's breasts, and her mouth soon followed. Lisa hung on to the back of the chair for dear life as an agile tongue worked one nipple and then the other. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the wide array of vibrators so casually strewn across the table. Letting go with one hand, Lisa reached blindly toward them. Her hand landed on the nearest one, and she grabbed it. It was a very heavy, long, and absurdly thick cock with a suction cup base. She turned it on, licked the suction cup to wet it, and mounted it to the chair's smooth clear-coat finish between Eve's legs. Its vibration was deep and pulsing.

With a low groan, Eve thrust into that towering vibrator while Lisa rocked against it from the opposite side. It didn't take them long to find their rhythm. They moved as if they'd been together for decades; their hot wetness slipping against the shared phallus. Lisa peripherally felt the burn in her thighs as she thrust in sync with Eve, but her world revolved around the pressure building in her clit and the feeling of Eve's tongue and teeth on her nipples.

Sliding against its length with her head thrown back, Lisa lost herself in the sensations. She was climbing, soaring, floating, falling—and starting all over again. Eve's hands held her hips, setting the pace of their sensual dance, as they drove one another toward bliss.

One thought intruded on the hypnotic passion: I'm with Eve! With that realization, Lisa's orgasm blossomed, growing in strength until her entire body shook with the power of it. Her legs refused to hold her any longer, and her feet slipped from the chair rungs as pulse after pulse rocked through her.

"F-fl-floor," she gasped, knowing that balance would not be possible for several minutes and not wanting Eve to lose her edge.

They stretched out on the thick rug in front of the hearth, and Lisa wasted no time positioning herself between Eve's legs. No amount of fantasy prepared her for the reality, and she marveled at the intensity of her feelings. Savoring her scent and the soft silk of her folds, she licked lightly along Eve's labia and stroked the inner wall of her cunt with two long fingers.

"Please," Eve whimpered.

Your wish... Lisa thought as she dove into Eve's pussy, sucking her clit and fucking her with her fingers. With her other hand, she gathered some of her own juices and used them to slipperily rim Eve's ass. Having her face bathed in Eve's arousal was the most erotic sensation she could imagine and one which had dominated her thoughts for many months. The fantasy paled in comparison. Eve ground her hips into Lisa's face until only her feet and shoulders remained in contact with the floor, and Lisa met her thrusts with ravenous enthusiasm.

Eve shuddered as her climax overtook her, pushing Lisa roughly away. Nowhere near ready to stop, Lisa reached onto the table and grabbed the double dong. She made sure one side was turned on and slid it into Eve with one smooth push, carefully avoiding her overly sensitive clit.

"Lisa, I..."

"Shhh!" she replied. "Trust me."

Lowering her mouth to the exposed shaft, Lisa took it into her mouth, the moisture activating one circuit: a low hum along the entire length of the other cock.

Eve moaned softly and closed her eyes. "Very nice, but I..."

Lisa squeezed with her lips, which activated another vibration; a throbbing at the head, deep inside.

"Mmm. Lisa, it won't..."

Lisa knew what she was going to say. A bunch of the women in the office had talked about it one afternoon. Eve believed that she couldn't come again so soon; that because she couldn't stand for her clit to be touched, the initial orgasm was it. Lisa understood, for she'd once felt the same. Rather than talk with her mouth full, she raised a hand and delivered a stinging slap to Eve's flank. Just one.

Once the surprise wore off, Eve chuckled. "Okay, bitch. Give it your best shot."

Oh, I intend to, Lisa smiled to herself as she rolled the cock in small circles, maintaining the pressure and the vibration but staying well away from Eve's clit. She knew it might take a bit longer, but there was no rush and no place she'd rather be. The tension gradually left Eve's body, and she relaxed into the motion—just enjoying the pleasant sensations without the frenetic urgency.

When Eve's hips started to move, Lisa replaced her mouth with her hand in order to deepen the pressure. She pulled the cock harder against the front wall of Eve's cunt, knowing that she w

as beginning to feel the burn inside.

Eve mumbled something, but Lisa couldn't make it out. She was off somewhere, inside herself. Lisa reached up and ran a finger lightly across Eve's lips. A tongue darted to meet it, and Lisa felt the instant rekindling of her own desire.

"Yes, lover," she purred. "I want that tongue between my legs."

Eve grabbed Lisa's free hand and pulled it back to her mouth, sucking her fingers. The fire between her legs was growing from the inside out. It was much different than the surface build, which condensed all sensation into her clit and discharged it like a bolt of lightning. Instead, the blaze spread outward, growing heavier and hotter until it encompassed her whole sex.

Lisa could tell Eve had crossed a threshold. The crescendo now inevitable, she gave the vibe's sack another squeeze and straddled her friend, lowering herself onto the shaft and activating the moisture-sensitive circuit on both sides. Eve's head rolled from side to side, and her hands worked her own nipples as Lisa ground against her mons.

"How is it, Eve?" Lisa taunted. "How's my cunt feel against yours? Still think you won't come again?"

Lisa's voice drove Eve further into the throbbing fire. She groaned a ragged, "!"

That happened to be precisely what Lisa had in mind, and once again, they fell into a rhythm born of pure compatibility. The burning coursed through Eve, and Lisa could feel the added vibration brought on by Eve's pulsing sex.