Page 162 of Arousing Family

The men all surrounded me as each grabbed their clothing.

"How'd you like that you bitch?" one of them said.

"Yeah, you probably loved every second of that huh you dirty whore" said another as he bent down to spit on me.

"YOU'RE A FILTHY WHORE!" the last man said as he softly kicked me in the tits.

They gathered their belongings and left the room. I was left there battered and lifeless. My entire body was numb. I lied there still for hours and hours until I was awakened by the sounds of birds chirping outside my closed windows.

I weakly pushed myself up from the floor and got to my feet. Looking at the clock, I realized I must have passed out completely. I could barely walk from the soreness of my ass and between my legs. I stumbled over to my bedroom mirror and looked at my naked self.

"Oh My God, look what they did to me" I said staring at myself running my fingers over my bruises as a small smirk crossed my face.

I got myself over to the bed and fell into it as if I had fallen from the sky. I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself.

"Just what I needed!"

The End.


bsp; Wet Stone

The clock hanging crookedly on the shabby wall had just flipped past two am. I had been watching it for the past 17 minutes as my girlfriend leaned against my shoulder on the sagging couch and drunkenly babbled until she passed out, as I had planned. When we had arrived four hours ago, her hair had been neatly fixed, as always, but now the curly reddish-brown strands flowed wildly around her slim form, cascading down into the low neck of her top to rest between her breasts. At some point after she had stopped caring, her white bra strap had slipped off her shoulder and now rested on her arm, visible below the short sleeve of her shirt.

We formed an oasis of calm, ebbing at the edge of the wild party that had overtaken the old house by storm. This house embodied the very definition of a college party house. The sagging couch sat against the rear wall of the large great room. To my right, a beer pong table began hosting its 14th game of the night; the waiting list on the whiteboard behind it still filled from top to bottom, despite the fact that half the people on the list could not possibly finish another game without first passing out. To my left, a large oak table hosted twice as many people as chairs, and some card game that I could not possibly comprehend sober was underway. An archway behind the oak table opened up into a large wooden-floored dance room, filled wall-to-wall with writhing bodies. Through a doorway in the far wall of the great room, I could see into the kitchen. On its tile floor, six people were playing an intense game of caps. Throughout the house, music blared, people danced, and the drinks ran freely, even at this late hour.

I reached my hand into my pocket and wrapped my fingers around a cold, marble-sized stone. It fed on the energy of my body, drawing heat from my fingertips and leaving them chill and numb. Soon I felt the familiar tingle indicating the stone's readiness. Now my fun would begin. Mentally, I conveyed my orders to the ancient stone: I ordered it to begin filling the bladders of all female occupants of the house at a constant rate, such that in exactly ten minutes time they would be so full that they would involuntary lose control. To provide some level of fairness to said occupants, I then amended my instructions so that anyone who peed before the ten minutes were up would be released immediately from the stone's control.


The dealer at the card table saved herself first. Scarcely three minutes from the issuing of my commands, she smiled triumphantly and threw down her final card. I heard a chorus of jovial boos arise from the others at the table as they dropped their hands in defeat. The champion left the table, stumbling straight(ish) for the small bathroom, located directly across the room from the couch on which I sat. She managed to stagger in without incident, then she flipped on the light and closed the door to the house's sole bathroom.

No sooner had the old dealer left the table, than a girl with flowing blond hair arbitrarily promoted herself to dealer and began shuffling for another round. Her black nearly-translucent top captured my gaze for nearly five minutes as I watched her toned arms shuffle and deal cards.


The opening of the bathroom door interrupted my pleasant daydream. On reflection, I found it amazing that one as drunk as she had only tied up the bathroom for five minutes. Her egress also drew the immediate attention of one of the dancers; the dancer leaned over and whispered to her partner, then headed towards the open door. As my gaze followed her across the room, I noticed one of the observers of the beer pong game also heading towards the bathroom. She was a cute brunette, and her knee-length brightly colored green skirt swirled around her knees as she walked hurriedly. But she did not walk quickly enough; the dancer entered the bathroom first and closed the door. Not wishing to appear desperate, the brunette altered her course slightly and instead headed to the kitchen. Moments later she emerged, sipping tenderly from a green cup as she returned to watch the game. I was amused to see her acting as if she had intended all along to consume more liquid rather than expel it.

Within thirty seconds, a line for the bathroom had begun to form. A girl, unfortunately I did not see whence she came, stood outside the door looking bravely calm. A hidden tension settled over the room; fewer drinks flowed from the kitchen, and I saw many covert glances at the bathroom door.


Around the T-minus two minute mark, the dancer finally left the bathroom. As soon as the single-person line had disappear, the nearest girl, another from the dance floor, quickly formed a new line. She stood with legs crossed, displaying an air of distinct discomfort, although her appearance as such was hardly unique to the house now. With one hand she alternated between fingering the button on her track pants and playing with the red bow in her hair, while the fingers on the other hand tapped incessantly against her left thigh; kept close in case she had to hold herself quickly.

Through the kitchen door I noticed one of the caps players give up her spot to an onlooker. Sitting with her legs spread out in front of her on the floor had clearly become too risky to continue with such a full bladder. She hobbled over to the bathroom line, her short skirt bunched up and held between her legs with both hands as she shifted her weight restlessly from one leg to the other.

Many of the card players were now fidgeting quite openly. One young lady, whose boyfriend sat upon her lap, tapped him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear. I watched as the pair arose and the boyfriend took the chair. With him now on the bottom, she nestled her soon-to-be-wet bottom into his lap.

Shortly afterwords, a loud gasp instantly drew my eyes to the dance floor. The stone came alive in my pocket, and I used it to focus on the source of the noise. A girl in a skirt with black leggings stood near the center of the dance floor, standing in front of a boy whose arms were curled around her waist. Milliseconds dragged by as I watched the disaster unfold in slow motion. Unwittingly, the boy did the stone's work for it; attempting an impromptu dance move, he took a step backwards and then began a yank on the girl's waist to pull her into his body. She felt the contact of his hands on her bare skin, followed by pressure against her taught belly. I watched her eyes widen as she realized what would inevitably follow. She bared her teeth in concentration to battle against the quickly increasing pressure in her bladder. Through the stone I felt her panic as one squirt shot into her black panties. She regained control, but the boy's arms pressed against her with more and more force each millisecond. Another squirt slipped free, immediately followed by a third. Bursts began pulsating out as she lost her balance and fell back against the boy, but still she tried to keep a mental count of each leak: five..... six.... seven.. eightnitenelev...

I withdrew my intense focus as she fell heavily against the boy. In his drunken state, the boy failed to hold her upright and the two collapsed to the floor. She had been facing me when she fell, and I stared intently between her legs at the black fabric glinting in the light as urine saturated the cloth and forced its way through. I heard him yell out as the girl's river of pee flowed over him and began forming a puddle on the dance floor beneath the couple.

The T-minus one minute mark had just passed when another pulse from the stone drew my attention away from the dance floor. Looking keenly around the room, I soon noticed a small wet spot on the floor beneath one of the girls sitting at the card table. Oddly enough, she wore bright pink slippers on her feet, despite the warm weather. Another girl sat upon her lap and both were ostensibly focused on the game. The girl on the bottom looked extremely calm; not at all like someone who had just had an accident. I continued observing her, and a few seconds later saw a surge of pee fall through the wicker chair and land in the dark spot on the floor. She had unknowingly freed herself with the very first release, but as I watched, she continued letting out small bursts in a last-ditch attempt to avoid flooding her khaki capris long enough to make it to the bathroom. The short bursts became progressively longer and longer though, even as the gap between them became shorter and shorter. Her plan had clearly backfired; she was losing control entirely on her own now.

By this time, several girls had started excusing themselve

s and, after seeing the line for the bathroom, decided the outdoors would be their deliverance. I felt a shiver from my girlfriend as she shifted restlessly on the couch beside me. Even in her unconscious state she had managed to bring one hand up to dwell between her legs.