Reade shrugged. “Nor I. There must be three hundred people here tonight. I have some news. It appears the bill of sale I found in the Virden’s house was couched in vague terms and inconclusive. Although we’re pretty sure of what goods it refers to, it wouldn’t stand up in a magistrate’s court.”
“They’re sly customers. Been getting away with their dark deeds for some time.”
“Let’s hope we reel them all in at their meeting near the docks. But the reason for it worries me.” He frowned. “It can have only one purpose. We must discover where it is held and quickly. I’ve assigned Black and Goodridge to follow Virden. I’ll relieve them when I’m free from my other commitments.”
“The Regent?”
Reade nodded. “We fear there could be another attempt on his life. People have grown even more unsettled since the government enforced its system of economy. While it was to reduce debts caused by the wars and the aftermath of Waterloo, people are starving, and the landowners suffer.”
“Fury is mounting since Prinny ignored the government’s advice to issue a royal command to abandon all the work on his Brighton pavilion,” Cartwright said. “The work goes on unhindered.”
“When you think of poor Spencer Perceval shot down by a madman, back in ’12, you’d think it would give Prinny pause.” Reade shook his head. “But no. We have our work cut out to keep him alive.”
“He believes himself invincible, methinks. Did you enjoy your dance with Miss Dalrymple?” Cartwright asked, moving on to a far more pleasant subject.
“I did. But you are unlikely to see it again.”
“No? I can’t remember seeing you stand up with a debutante before. I liked her. Nothing coquettish or false about her.”
“Miss Dalrymple is charming. And quite gorgeous,” Reade added thoughtfully, his gaze still resting on her as she entered the supper room with Hislop.
“Then, the reason you won’t dance with her again is…?”
“Really, Cartwright. Must I spell it out? A country lass. An innocent with a romantic view of life. Marriage. An orderly existence.” His eyes widened. “The refurbishment of Seacliffe in the latest style when I have just been at pains to restore it. Not to mention, outfitting the nursery.”
Cartwright stroked his chin. “I’m afraid I can’t quite make out your meaning.” It was obvious from his smile that he had.
“Shall we find some decent liquor while I explain it to you? You are obviously a dull-witted fellow.”
Cartwright chuckled. “An excellent idea. There’s a fire and a fine brandy in the library.”
“You’ve already checked?” Reade asked as they left the ballroom.
“Always do. Only way to endure these infernal evenings.”
“Then, why come?”
“Because Letty enjoys them.”
“Ah-ha!” Reade laughed. “Precisely what I referred to.”
“I have no complaints. There are many advantages to marriage you did not mention.”
“Apart from the obvious, you can list them over the brandy,” Reade said.
“I prefer to keep you intrigued,” Cartwright said.
“Who says I’m intrigued?”
“You may have little desire to discover the delights of marriage for yourself, but it’s my hope you will reach a point in your life when you do wish it.”
Reade was not about to discuss how very unsuited he was to marriage. “I wonder why married men are always so keen to marry off their single friends?”
“Because it will mean you’re recovering.”
“Recovering?” Reade sighed, but he couldn’t fool Cartwright, so he didn’t try. “I fear you are about to tell me, and I must urge you to please don’t, Brandon.”