“Good news is the sick fucks never vaginally raped her.” He slams back his drink. A hoarse groan falls from Grayson’s lips.

“Does that mean…?” He can’t finish his words, but gestures toward his ass.

“No. They didn’t do that either. Thank God. It seems Dominic wanted those places for himself. When he couldn’t maintain an erection long enough to do it, he let his buddies take turns using her mouth. She was covered in semen. I took a lot of samples for the lab and the standard photographs.” His face reflects the disgust I can hear in his voice. “Ana is helping her bathe. You can go in and see her soon.” His words are directed at Gray, who has pushed away from the table and is pacing the brightly lit room like a caged tiger.

“She is going to need time to recover from this,” he says. “If she even can.” Rising from the table he stands and picks up his bag before walking to the door. “Let your FBI agent know that she can come by my office for the samples.”

Then I’m alone with my best friend again. He’s wrecked by what he just heard, still pacing the kitchen, his hands tugging at his hair in agitation.

“I’m going to go check on her ” he says suddenly as he yanks open the fridge and quickly assembles a sandwich and pours a glass of orange juice. He squares his shoulders, mentally preparing for battle, and puts both on a tray before adding a couple of cookies and carrying it down the hall.

There is a soft knock followed by Ana’s voice as the door opens. I don’t hear it close, just the low rumble of Grays voice. Then silence.

Ana’s soft hands slide over my shoulders a minute later, and she leans over hugging me tight, her damp cheek hot against my neck.

Chapter Thirty


There is no way to know what to say to someone when you have met them during the darkest days of their life. Especially after the vile details of her captivity came out while Dr. Halvorson was collecting samples and treating her injuries. I struggled to contain my horror when he carefully pulled the soiled sheet away from her body, revealing more overlapping bruises than tawny skin. The marks of some kind of stick or whip were bad enough, but nothing compared to the ring of cigarette burns in various stages of healing on her stomach.

I sat silently at her side while she clutched my hand in hers, tears streaming down her face, my heartbreaking for what she had suffered. Especially knowing that recovery will probably be even harder since her body will heal, but the damage done to her heart and mind could last forever. None of the other victims had been subjected to the same level of torture and abuse as Nikki.

She is lying in a fetal position under the fluffy comforter, her breathing steady, but I know that she is still awake. Her whole body flinches, and she silently curls more tightly into herself, at the sound of a knock on the door. It swings open, and Grayson’s massive form fills the doorway, but I don’t think she is looking.

“I brought some food,” he says in a hushed voice. I motion for him to take my chair as I stand.

/> “Nikki. I’m going to go check on my husband.” I lay my hand gently against her back, feeling her ribs expanding under my touch with each breath. “Grayson will sit with you for a little while. Is that ok?” She doesn’t move or say a word. “I will leave the door open. If you need anything just call me.” I try again, hoping for a reply, but still nothing. I start to leave the room but hesitate beside him for a beat before gently resting my hand on his shoulder.

“Holler if you need me,” I whisper, then slip into the quiet hall. There are lights on in the kitchen, so I go there, slipping up behind Xavier and wrapping my arms around him until my face is tucked against the warmth of his neck.

“Don’t cry sunshine.” He murmurs, turning to pull me onto his lap. I didn’t even notice the tears tracing wet paths down my cheeks.

“They hurt her so bad, X.” my voice is quivering. “How can people be so cruel?” I can’t stop thinking about the cigarette burns. One for every day they had her, she had said, when the doctor had asked about the varied states of healing. Twenty four days. Nikki had been Dominic’s prized possession. The others had all been there less than two weeks.

“You need to rest, wife,” Xavier growls against my skin as his hands find their way to the hard roundness of my belly.

“I don’t know if I can sleep. There are just so many thoughts whirling in my head.”

“I know how to help you relax.” He says with a wink and his usual panty-melting grin. I know he’s trying to keep things light for me, so I laugh weakly and do my best to return his smile. He stands, depositing my feet on the tile floor, and pulls me flush against his hard body. “I love you, Analise.”

Tilting my face up to his, I genuinely smile for the first time tonight. “I love you too.” I murmur before tucking my face back against his chest and squeezing him tightly.

“Go check on Nikki, then get ready for bed, love.” He sets me away from him, turning me toward the hall with a soft squeeze of my butt cheek. My heart is already lighter after just a few brief moments in his loving embrace. Peeking over my shoulder at him, my lips curve up in a suggestive smile.

“Don’t take too long, husband.” I give him a flirty wink before continuing down the dimly lit hall. I hear his soft footfalls on the tile floor as he carries his cup to the sink then the quiet splatter of water as he rinses the dishes.

Stopping outside of the guest bedroom, I hesitate, my fist lifted to knock quietly on the partially open door. Soft crying is coming from inside. Not wanting to intrude, I lower my hand and silently push the door open. Gray is on the bed, his back against the quilted midnight blue headboard, Nikki is cradled against him like a small child. His massive hand rubs a slow pattern on her back, his face a mask of agony. His tortured green eyes lift to meet mine, but his stroking hand never slows.

“Are you ok?” I mouth silently knowing how he will respond before he shakes his head no. “Do you need anything?” I whisper. Again he responds in the negative. Stepping back into the hall I gesture toward my bedroom with what I hope is an encouraging smile. “If you need anything…” He nods his understanding as I pull the door partially closed again, leaving him alone with the broken girl in his arms. Thoughts of what could have happened to Faye and I when those same men had taken us swamp my mind. That could have been us. It could have been me… it’s a terrible thought, and I’m more grateful than I can express that Xavier was able to rescue me from the clutches of the people who could do such a thing to another human being. My own father included.

I’ve had time to shower and to slip on one of Xavier’s soft cotton t-shirts over a silky pair of bright orange panties. They are pretty hideous. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I bought them, but they are comfortable as I climb into the cool coziness of our bed just before X strides through the door. His hair is a messy tangle from the way he scrapes his hands through it when he is agitated and the activity of his evening. His hard jaw is dark with the stubble that he hasn’t taken the time to scrape away today. Yesterday either. It makes him look fierce. Intense. It’s oh so sexy. He is always so careful to not let his stubble scratch me up, but right now I want to feel it marking me everywhere.

He stops when he sees me watching him from my pillow. A sweet smile gentles his grim face, making my heart beat faster. When he looks at me that way, I can feel his love flowing around me like a tangible thing. My own lips curve up in an answering smile.

“Hi,” I say quietly. After everything we have seen this evening, it feels wrong to not use a small voice.

“Hi sunshine, ” he replies, his voice is hushed as well. “I’m going to go shower.” He gestures to his clothing. “I can’t stand to have the filth of that place on me anymore.”