I know that Xavier didn’t want to tell us all the details, but he didn’t want to lie to me either. There are other people being held captive in the same house as Gracie. They plan to rescue them all and bring them here before calling in Agent Weaver. She gets to settle the slave auction mess since that is something bigger than Dominic, as well as take statements from the victims. Travis thinks that there won’t be any repercussions if things go as planned. If not, they could all be in a lot of trouble.

My job is to prepare to welcome an unknown number of traumatized young men and women into my home and to help make them feel safe until the police, and their families can come for them.

Considering that it hasn’t been long since Faye and I went through being kidnapped ourselves, I think that is something we can do. I’m glad that she and Ellie are here with me. I’m not sure I would be strong enough to face the rest of this night alone.

After we eat and clean up the dishes, the guys head into X’s home office to make last-minute preparations. I know that Blake called in several men that work for K&S. It was fortunate that so many of them were willing to relocate to Vegas so quickly, so there were plenty available.

“We are so lucky,” Faye says quietly after we eat and clean up the dinner dishes. “I heard Blake say that there are only about six guards at the place they are going tonight, and they have five extra guys going with them.”

Ellie breathes out a sigh then turns back to the dishes with another blush. Faye catches my eye and smiles. Ellie will tell us what happened in the kitchen when she is ready, I just hope it’s soon because I’m dying to know the details. I know he kissed her, but it’s too soon to tease her about it. Plus, we have a lot to do to get ready for the people who will be here shortly. We are going to make a pile of sandwiches and have plenty of hot water for tea and cocoa since we don’t know how long it’s been since they have had anything decent to eat. Someone just has to run down to housekeeping to get extra blankets for everyone before the men leave.

“I’m going to see if one of the guys will go get blankets with me.” Ellie says, closing the dishwasher and heading down the hall toward the office.

“Wanna bet me who goes with her?” I laugh.

“Nah,” Faye shakes her head, “We both know who’s going with her.”

As expected, when Ellie walks past the kitchen with a wave a few minutes later, Blake is on her heels with a slightly lovesick look in his eyes. It’s obvious he knows how he feels about our little Ellie, but is clueless about the fact that she returns his affections. We are going to have to help move things along if they don’t figure it out soon.

“Hey, sweetpea, we have some time before we head out. Let’s go home for a bit.” Travis speaks from the hallway, and Faye hugs me quickly before following him.

“See you in a bit Ana,” she calls over her shoulder as she closes the front door. That is my clue to go find my husband and wish him luck, and maybe a little something else, before he leaves.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Xavier is in our bedroom, taking clothes out of the closet and setting them on the small bench that sits outside the door when I find him. The shadows on his face lift when he sees me and he grins, his teeth flashing briefly in the dimly lit room before gathering me against him. He buries his face in my hair, breathing deeply. I return his affectionate embrace, holding him close and hoping he can feel everything that is in my heart for him.


, sunshine. I hope tonight ends all this shit so we can just put everything behind us and move forward with our lives.” His hands' stroke up and down my back until they are cupping my ass. He lifts me, my legs gripping his hips, my belly enormous between us. It’s getting harder for me to hold on like this, and I know X can tell because he tightens his grasp on me and strides over to the bed, gently depositing me on the soft blankets and leaning over me. He keeps his weight off my belly, bracing on his forearms as he lowers his smiling lips to cover mine. It’s a sweet kiss, full of tenderness, and it sets more than my heart throbbing with love for him.

A breathy whimper escapes my lips. Xavier swallows it, his tongue dragging slowly against mine as his big fingers undo the buttons on my blouse and unhook the clasp between my breasts. He touches me as if we have all the time in the world. Like he won’t be charging into danger in just a few short hours, while I wait for word that he is safe. I don’t know how Faye stands knowing that this is what Travis does every day. If X was going to be in danger all the time, I think I would go crazy.

“I love you, Xavier,” I whisper, looping my arms around his neck and returning his kiss with everything I hold in my heart.

“I love you too, baby,” he mumbles against my skin as he trails the hot point of his tongue down my throat to my swollen breasts until he closes his mouth over my turgid nipple, his teeth scraping over the puffy, tender bud making me groan his name.

His voice is gravelly and deeper than usual. “I fucking love your tits,” he growls, moving to the other one while his rough fingers pluck at the hard damp nipple he just abandoned, tugging and rolling it between them until I feel a deep pull low in my belly and a surge of sultry wetness soaks my panties.

“That...oh that feels just right X,” I whine, rolling my pussy against the hardness of his thigh pressed firmly against the juncture between my legs.

“Don’t tempt me right now, Sunshine. You might never get to leave this bed again.” His voice is strained, but I can hear the teasing behind the rough words.

Giggling, I comb my fingers through his thick hair, the soft waves clinging to them, “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” I tell him.

“I’m glad you did. I love knowing that I’m doing something that makes you feel good,” he says, sitting up on his knees and soothing my aching nipples with this thumbs one last time before he lifts my hips and drags my leggings down my legs and tosses them to the floor. I love how he just moves me where he wants me in spite of my expanding belly. It just does something to my insides. My heart squeezes painfully before racing at a crazy pace as I watch him slide down my body, spending agonizingly long minutes lingering over my huge bump, kissing and murmuring sweet unintelligible words against it.

My fingers glide over his bare shoulders, stroking hot skin wherever I can reach before sliding back up to tangle in his slightly grown out hair, my nails dragging over his scalp. He moans deeply, his enjoyment of my touch such a turn on, as his mouth engulfs my soaking wet pussy, his tongue lapping steadily at my swollen flesh.

A low keening cry breaks free of my throat, and I can’t stop myself from writhing under his gentle assault. His guttural sounds of approval vibrating against my core make me desperate for even more of him.

“Please X. Please.” I chant over and over, digging my heels into the mattress and pushing up into his mouth, fucking myself on his tongue as he thrusts it into me again and again. Heat spreads through me from the tips of my fingers to the soles of my feet. It’s too much and not nearly enough all at the same time.

“Need to be in you, Ana.” He grunts, his voice raw and untamed as he rolls me over onto my hands and knees. The rasp of his zipper scrapes over the sound of his ragged breathing, followed by the muted rustle of clothing being tossed aside. I collapse to my forearms as he returns, sinking his heavy erection into my begging body without hesitation. Unable to hold myself up, I lift my ass higher as his fingers sink into my hips and let my cheek rest against the bedspread, letting him direct my movements. The way he uses my pussy to jack himself off always pushes me tumbling over the edge. I’m so lost in the erotic bliss of the smooth strokes of our joining that my own release catches me by surprise, and I scream, thrashing my head, while fireworks burst behind my closed eyelids and my muscles go lax.

I’m aware of Xavier growling as he curls his body over mine, his hard chest blanketing my back, his muscled arm slipping around my hips, as his cock hammers in and out of me in an uneven rhythm until moments later he roars his satisfaction.The explosion of his orgasm deep within me triggers another wave of pleasure to course through me.