“Hell yeah.” She whispers into my mouth as she rolls her pelvis against mine. “I'll drive this time.”

Chapter Twenty-One


The guys still haven’t figured out who placed the recording devices in our apartment, but we know that they have to come back at some point since none of them are capable of transmitting data wirelessly. Xavier and I were both relieved when Blake was able to confirm that the type of device used is for sound only. So my fears of being an unwilling porn star have been assuaged. That’s a win. I think Xavier was even happier about that than I was.

Every day that Dominic remains free eats at Xavier. I know that he just wants to see him stopped as quickly as possible. Every day he is free, he or the people who work for him are slinging drugs and hurting innocent people. I wish there was something, anything really, that I could do to help resolve this whole situation faster, but I know that there's not.

I’m sure Vince could do something to help the FBI, but Xavier says that he isn’t talking. Everyone is hoping that he will cut a deal. Knowing Vince, he will hold out till the last minute then use what he knows to bargain for reduced sentencing for his involvement in what happened to Faye and I.

Today will be the first time that Xavier and I will both be away from the apartment. In fact, all of us will be out of the building, since today is the day that Faye is going to find a wedding dress. The guys think that this will be the day that whoever placed the recording devices will come to get them. I hope they’re right. I’m tired of the intrusion into my private life. It’s only been a few days, but I’m completely over not being able to make love with my husband in our bed. Yes, I’m feeling a little bitter about it, and honestly, can you blame me?

Xavier is in his office, talking on the phone to someone, probably a fake call to give false information to Dominic. My cell dings with a text. It’s Faye.

You ready to go?

I quickly type out my reply, Yep. Just let me tell X it’s time to go.

She answers with a thumbs-up emoji, and I slip my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and peek through the open door and smile when I catch Xavier’s eyes. His answering grin makes butterflies explode in my stomach. That’s nothing new. The man is hotter than Las Vegas asphalt in August.

I wait while he wraps up his call and sets his phone down.

“You ready to go?” he rumbles. His eyes devouring me in my new maternity jeans and a white button-up blouse. I have to admit that I look pretty cute today with my winged eyeliner and a pair of cute red and white polka dot kitten heels that I found online. I’m finally starting to feel more like myself again, now that I have medicine that keeps me from puking all the time and have been able to put a couple of pounds back on.

“Yep,” I tell him, popping the P with a huge grin, “let’s get this show on the road.”

Rising from his seat, I take my turn looking him over. As usual, he’s dressed for his job. A black suit and crisp white button-down shirt. His tie is loose, and the top two buttons revealing tanned skin, and a light dusting of chest hair. He is undeniably sexy and as he approaches I step forward, hugging his trim waist and nestling my face against him.

“I love you,” I whisper, thrilling to the feel of his arms, wrapping me tight against him.

“Love you too, sunshine,” he whispers back, kissing my cheek and then the tip of my nose. “Your shoes are cute.”

I take a step back, surprised that he would notice my new shoes. “Thanks. I love them.” I enthuse, holding out one foot and admiring the bright red and clean white. Engulfing my much smaller hand in his, he leads me to the front door with a small tug on my hand.

“Everyone will be waiting downstairs for us,” he tells me. I pick up my purse on our way to the door and head to the elevator. I’m so excited to get out of here for a few hours!

Faye picks out a dress in record time. She just wants to be Travis's wife, and the rest of the trappings are just the icing on the cake to her. It’s a great dress, a very simple white satin slip dress that drapes softly over her tiny frame. She’s as beautiful as any model in one of those bridal magazines with her creamy skin, a sweet smattering of freckles, and vibrant red hair. Regular meals have helped take the sharp edges off of her body and have filled out her curves already. It doesn’t take much regular eating to work wonders. Plus I’ve seen the way that Travis makes sure that she never misses a snack either. It’s sweet the way he dotes on her. Watching as the seamstress takes the final measurements so the dress will be ready when needed, I can’t help but smile to myself. Faye and I both seem to have lucked out. Just a few weeks ago, neither of us would have ever believed that our lives would have taken such a radical change in direction.

Everything done, we leave the quiet back room and meet the guys in the lobby. They are such a stark contrast to the room filled with frothy white gowns and bridesmaids dresses in every possible color you can think of (even the ugly ones). Both of them sit awkwardly perched on the delicate satin covered chairs near the door wearing almost identical deconstructed suits. One golden and classically handsome, the other darkly gorgeous with a dark edge that screams danger. Xavier looks up from the magazine in his hands, and I elbow Faye with a small snort of laughter. They are both reading issues of Cosmo with bold words on the cover that say things like “21

Mind-Blowing Sex Moves” and “The 7 Best Orgasm Tricks in The World.”

“Learn anything, good guys?” Faye sing songs, skipping to Travis’ side. He drops the magazine to the flimsy table between them like a hot potato and shakes his head with a rueful smile. I can’t hide my own smile as Xavier tosses the one he was reading aside and stretches to his full height before striding across the small space to wrap me in his arms and softly brush his lips across my forehead.

“I learned a few things,” he says, his hushed voice filled with laughter and promises.

I can’t help but respond, my own voice thickening with heat, “Do tell…” I invite, snagging my bottom lip flirtatiously in my teeth and glancing up at him through lowered lashes.

“Later, baby.” He promises, leading me out the door and into the sunny afternoon, following Travis and Faye to the waiting car.

The men go up to the penthouse to review video and see if they can catch our culprit, while Faye and I go to the cafe to see if we can scare up Ellie and hang out for a while. We had tried to convince her to come with us, but she was scheduled for another double shift. She is gonna love to see the pictures that we took today and help us choose the winning bridesmaid dresses. At least she will if loser Larry isn't around to mess up our plans. He really seems to have it in for Ellie lately.

“There's our girl!” I squeal waving at her as I grab Faye by the hand, and pull her after me down the hallway toward the housekeeping area.

“Ellie!” I shout down the hall, stopping her in her tracks. She turns and waves, a bright smile on her tired face.

“What's up beaches?” She asks with a laugh as we approach. I chuckle at her creative cussing, since Ellie never uses ‘dirty’ words.