Suddenly her petite body stiffens, and her legs over my shoulders thrash, heels digging into my back as her orgasm rushes through her. More of her tangy-sweet essence floods my mouth, and I drink up every last drop of her pleasure until she collapses weakly against the mattress.

Her eyes flutter open and meet mine for an infinite moment before she holds out her arms to me in welcome. I crawl up the bed, scooting her up until she rests comfortably against the pillows and pull the covers over us as I cradle her against me. She is already asleep.

“I love you, Ana, ”I whisper into her hair, still amazed that she wants me with as much ferocity as I want her.

Chapter Nineteen


Faye and Travis came back from NY with records that spanned over a decades worth of crimes committed by Xavier's family members. He sat up late into the night, pouring over every page. When he finally came to bed, he didn’t want to talk, he just let me hold him, giving him comfort the only way I could. Assuring him that no matter what his family was responsible for, that I know that he’s a good man. I’m discovering that is his deepest fear, that no matter how hard he tries, he’s afraid that he will end up the same as them.

The following morning, after making a copy for himself, he handed the evil book over to Agent Weaver. She asked him to stay available to the FBI, for as long as necessary, while they build a case against Dominic and the rest of his men. He is only too happy to do that.

Xavier’s disgust at the actions of his father and uncle seems to know no bounds. He finally opened up and told me about his mother, and how his father killed her while he was away at boarding school. Of course, there is no way for him to prove it after all this time. Helping the many other victims of his father and uncle’s crimes is his way of seeking justice for the woman who loved him and taught him that he could be a better man.

Dominic has been completely off of everyone's radar since Faye and I were taken. I know that Xavier is worried that Dom may try to make another move to use me against him. He tries not to let me see how deeply he is concerned, but he barely lets me out of his sight. Even with Blake and Travis stepping up security in the building and using their varied resources, they haven't been able to locate him. I know X is anticipating retribution. Snitches wind up in ditches, he half-joked with me… not that I found it in the least bit amusing. At least Vince is out of the hospital and behind bars pending trial for his involvement in the kidnapping. One less thing to worry about.

I hardly ever leave the building without him anymore. I'm in good company, I suppose, Faye doesn't go anywhere without Travis, so mostly we hang out in my apartment or hers. Sometimes we go down to the cafe so we can see Ellie. On good days, both of the guys are available, and we get to go next door and work on setting up my store. It’s going to be amazing. IF I ever get to actually open it!

The intercom buzzes loudly, and I stand on my toes to peek through the peephole. I’m under strict instructions to never open the door unless I'm sure that I know the person outside and that they are alone. X isn't home yet. Otherwise, he would be dealing with the door. His protectiveness is sweet, but sometimes a little overwhelming.

Margot stands just outside the door, here to do the cleaning. She’s been coming twice a week, which I think is a little much, but Xavier insists.

Twin pregnancies are considered high risk, and Jenny, our midwife, suggested that I limit my exposure to household chemicals. So that means that X painted the nursery while I spent the day with Faye at her place, and Margot gets to come do the housework that requires cleaning agents stronger than dish soap and antibacterial wipes.

“Hi, Margot.“ I greet her as I open the door. Her smile is forced as she pushes in a small cart of cleaning supplies. I always tell her that they aren’t needed, we have everything on hand, but she still always brings her own.

“Hello, Mrs. Cerelli. “ she replies cooly. “What needs to be done today?”

I’m not sure why, but I get the distinct impression that she dislikes me. Even before X and I got married, she was very short and dismissive toward me. Ellie says she is that way with everyone.

“There isn't much to do. I already did all the cleaning, I guess things just need… sanitized?” She knows what needs to be done, but still, she asks. She nods curtly, dismissing me. Shrugging, I leave her to her task and text Faye and Ellie to see if they want to meet up in the cafe. I don't want to be here alone with Margot. I know it’s my home, but it makes me uncomfortable.

Faye texts right back, agreeing to meet me at her place so we can go down together. A quick call lets Xavier know where I’m going, so he can make sure that someone keeps an eye on me. With a sigh I call out, “Margot, I’m going downstairs to have some lunch.” She doesn’t respond. I’m going to be so glad when all this is over so life can find some sort of normal. Preferably before the babies come.


I’m pretty sure that it was Vince who had been funneling information to Dominic. Especially since all signs point to him being Dominic’s man right from the start. Dom must have been aware of my feelings for Analise before I ever acted upon them and placed Vince where he would be able to glean the most knowledge from my guys and myself.

Dom’s been keeping a much lower profile, compared to prior to the kidnapping, as in he’s gone completely off the grid. Weaver has advised me not to get my hopes up. There have been vague whispers about something big coming up. Something that has the Cerelli name all over it. That can’t be good. So now we wait.

The thing that is weighing heaviest on my mind is that Dom and his guys are somehow staying a step ahead of me, and the Feds. The only way that could be happening is if someone is still feeding him information that only a few people know. Travis and Blake know everything, as well as Weaver and her team. I know that they are not the source of information continuing to get out. That leaves Ana, and I don’t believe for a minute that she is passing along information to Dom.

Hell, she doesn’t even want to know the little bit I have shared with her. She says she trusts me to do what is best for our family. That means it has to be someone I don’t expect. Someone who has access to the penthouse or my office. Agent Weaver mentioned the possibility of someone planting bugs, so I called Travis to ask for help searching for them. It’s probably something I should already know how to do, growing up in the family I did. I can admit that I willfully tried to ignore that whole side of my life and that doing so probably has put me at greater risk. That’s changing now.

A text lets me know that both Travis and Blake are on their way up. A loud knock a brief minute later announces their arrival as they let themselves in.

“Hey man,” Travis says as he enters, heading to the minibar and pouring himself a shot of my best whiskey.

“What’s this about bugs?” Blake laughs and jokes, “Better hope they don’t bite your guests.”

I just shake my head and stop myself from rolling my eyes. Ana’s rubbing off on me, not that I mind…

“Want a drink?” I ask him, motioning to the bottle now sitting on my desk. He nods, stepping toward it.

“Weaver says it’s the only thing she can think of with his inside man being in custody.” They both nod.

“No chance that there is someone else feeding info to him?” Travis asks, cutting to the heart of the matter. Bugs would be better than having someone I trust relaying secrets to my uncle. We have been careful, he shouldn’t be privy to anything other than the fact that I’m working with the Feds, but God knows what he could know if somehow someone has gotten into my office or home.