There is a loud sound and I feel something wet misting my face at the same time, and before I can comprehend what is happening, Vince is on the floor behind me screaming in agony. I can’t move. I can’t even spare the man who sheltered me all these years a glance. I’m unable to tear my eyes away from Xavier, motionless, watching as he advances toward me, crowding into my space.

His rock solid abs graze the bump of my belly, and my heart contracts painfully. Lifting my face, I look up into the molten chocolate of his gaze. His eyes are flashing with some emotion I have never seen in them before.

“Hi, ”I whisper. Inane, I know, but it’s the only word that will come out before terrified sobs come bubbling up and out of me. Ever so slowly, he gathers me against the hard planes of his body, tucking the top of my head under his chin, letting me get it out of my system. God, he smells so good. My heart races for an entirely different reason when I hear him murmur against my hair.

“Hi, wife.” He’s still calling me his wife. That has got to be a good thing. Right?

When I have no more tears, for now at least, I pull back a bit, unsure of myself now that the storm of emotion has passed. I can still feel Vince behind me, and I turn my head to, but Xavier firmly takes my face in his hand and redirects my attention.

“Don’t look, sunshine. He doesn’t deserve a single second of your attention. Someone will be along to help him shortly.” He rumbles, pressing his lips into the hair over my ear. He’s being so gentle, but I can hear the steel in his voice. I nod my head in agreement and allow him to lead me from the room and into the hall. His body is alert and tense, his gun still held comfortably in his hand.

“Can you make it down the stairs yourself or do I need to carry you?” his voice is gruff as we enter the dusty stairwell at the end of the hall.

“I. I…think so.” I stammer, uncertain. It’s a long way down, and I’m still feeling shaky, but I don’t want him to think I expect him to tote me down twenty flights of stairs. Nodding, he takes my hand in his large one, threading our fingers together and pulling me close as we start down.

We only make it down about halfway when my adrenaline finally wears off. I abruptly sit down on the stairs, jerking our hands apart, unable to go another step. My entire body starts trembling with exhaustion and residual fear. He hasn’t said a word to me since offering to carry me. I can’t help but think that he must be angry with me. How could he not be?

I know that I’m going to have to tell him that all of this was my fault. I’m the one who stupidly called Vince and gave him the information that he needed for Dominic to strike a blow at Xavier. No one has ever accused Xavier of being prone to forgiveness. I’m scared that he will never be able to forgive me for putting us all in this terrible situation.

I’m sure Travis won’t want me to be friends with Faye anymore either, once he knows the truth. I’m too drained to move as I huddle there, so lost in my miserable thoughts that I barely notice Xavier talking to me as he lifts me into his arms and continues down the stairs. I press my face against his throat and close my eyes, taking comfort from him, while I whisper “I’m so sorry”, against his skin over and over.


She’s definitely in shock. Since I picked her up, and carried her to the waiting SUV she has been shaking and mumbling quiet apologies. I have no idea what she thinks she needs to be sorry for, and every reassuring word I have uttered has fallen on deaf ears. Blake finally radios an update that Travis is on his way out with Faye. John and Mike are coming out behind them. Knowing that everyone is ok steadies my nerves, and I buckle Analise into the passenger seat and head for home. She still doesn’t say anything, just stares sadly out the window at the busy street.

My thoughts are whirling with everything that could possibly cause her to feel that she needs to apologize to me.

The baby isn't mine. That's the one that my mind locks onto. Jealousy courses hotly through my veins. The thought that she left me and gave herself to someone else is a bitter pill, but one that I know I probably deserve. Breathing deeply, I force my anger back, as I stop the SUV in my spot near the private elevator. I need to wait until we have a chance to talk, making assumptions is never a good idea.

She slips quietly out of the car before I can reach her side, and I bury the words I want to say, the questions I want to ask. The parking garage is not the place. I need to get her upstairs, in our home, where she belongs and then, then, I can get the answers that I need.

I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, but I know that she never loved me so, I can’t think of one reason that she would have remained faithful to me while she was gone. She has no way of knowing that I haven’t even looked at another woman since she has been gone, and there is no reason why I should think she would even care. The same despair that I felt in the days immediately following her running away blankets me as she walks meekly beside me, her eyes downcast, her sunshine gone.

We take the private elevator to the penthouse in bone-crushing silence, Analise standing too far away from me, her arms once again hugging her baby bump. When we enter our apartment, she walks directly into my office. The windows face the building we just ,and I leave her standing there staring at it. I wish I knew what she is thinking, but first I need to get everyone out of my home, so I can figure out what to do about my wife.

Blake is in the dining room, packing up his computers and other equipment.

“Trav and Faye are on their way up.” He tells me. Nodding in acknowledgement, I call the main desk and arrange for suites on the floor below mine to be opened up for my guests. Now that I have my Analise home, I don’t want anyone sharing our space. Not even for a night or two. I also order room service. Even if she isn’t ready for it now, she will need to eat. I rapidly fill Blake in about the accommodation changes before quietly making my way back to my office.

“We need to talk.” She says, glancing back at me over her shoulder before looking away again. I hate that she can’t even look at me for long, and I blame myself, again, for my rough treatment on our wedding night. I round my desk to stand beside her. My eyes on the bruises that already mar the pale perfection of her cheek. I should have killed Vince for daring to lay his hands on her.

“Yeah. We do.” I know my voice is frigid, reflecting the ice encasing my heart, but I can’t summon any warmth as I wait for her words to destroy me. She takes a deep breath, her eyes fluttering up to mine.

“It’s my fault we got taken.” She whispers, her voice agonized. For a heartbeat, I’m too confused to respond. Of all the things that she could have said, that is the last thing I ever would have expected.

“Why do you say that?” I finally question cautiously.

“The night before we left Spokane, I called my da… Vince. I called Vince and told him I was coming home. I didn’t know he was working for Dominic.” A sigh shudders out, and she mumbles, “I’m so sorry.”

Her voice sounds so defeated that I can’t help but take a step closer, wanting to comfort her. This is what she has been apologizi

ng for? What about the baby?

Carefully weighing each word before I say them, I finally speak. “That isn’t your fault, baby. You never could have known that Vince would betray you. Us.” My fingers find hers without hesitation, and I pull her a step closer to me. “Even I didn’t know that Vince had turned on me, and if Dominic wanted you, he would have found a way with or without Vince.”

She finally lifts her misty eyes to mine, a look of hope on her face. “You seemed so upset with me.”

“I thought you were going to tell me something I didn’t want to hear.” She looks at me with her beautiful eyes darkening with questions.