“Sunshine?” I growl, every instinct that I have ratcheting up to high alert.

Her round, frightened eyes lift to mine, “I think it’s time,” she whimpers, gasping and bending forward again with a low cry.

Her words wash over me like a bucket of ice water, freezing me in place, while my mind scrambles to catch up. I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I had hoped we would have a little more time.

Another guttural moan tears from her throat, and that’s all it takes for me to find my footing again. A feeling of calm washes over me. The doctor told us that having twins meant that the babies would probably be early. I guess that the reality of that never fully set in until this exact moment.

My babies are coming RIGHT NOW!

“Your bag is already in my truck,” I tell her, my voice steady, as I wrap my arm around her and carefully lead her back into our room.

“Can you make it to the bathroom without me?” I don’t want to let her go, but I need to get her out of the soiled pajamas and into an oversized t-shirt dress she picked out a couple of weeks ago. Ellie said it was what he sister had planned to wear, and paired with a light cardigan she will be ready for anything.

A shaky breath passes her lips, and she uncurls her body, finally letting her arms drop to her sides. She smiles sweetly up at me.

“Yes, X. I’m good now. Just a couple of strong contractions.” She reaches out and pats my hand comfortingly before she waddles into the bathroom clutching the waistband of her sagging pants with a small laugh, “I’m a mess.”

When she opens the door, I use the light from the bathroom to pull open her dresser drawer and pull out what she needs. It only takes a minute, but by the time I have everything she will need, I hear the shower turn on. Not wanting her to be alone on a slick surface, I hurry to the other room. Her discarded garments are in a soggy pile near the laundry basket as if she kicked them across the tiled floor, it’s so out of character for her, that I almost laugh.

Setting the clean clothes on the vanity, I push the boxer briefs I was sleeping in to the floor, and join her under the decadent rain shower head.

“Oh!” she jumps a little as I pull her into my embrace.

“Don’t want you to fall.” I kiss the top of her wet head and take the washcloth from her hand. “Let’s get you washed up quick and then get you to the hospital.” I tell her.

She turns, hugging me tight for a long moment, “Don’t forget to call and tell them we’re coming.”

I nod, my attention focused on gently cleaning between her legs and down the insides of her thighs. The timing is poor, but seeing her naked sex so close is making me hard. I huff, annoyed with myself. It’s been a couple weeks since I have been able to make love to my wife. She has been too uncomfortable for anything more than cuddling when she falls, exhausted, into bed each night.

“Xavier Cerelli!” She is trying to be stern, but can’t disguise her laughter, “are you getting turned on by all of this?” She waves her hands at her belly, indicating the inside out belly button and the pink lines on her breasts and belly where her skin has stretched to accommodate our growing babies.

Dropping to my knees before her, I kiss her hard belly, wrapping my arms around her still narrow hips. “Can’t help it.” I mutter between kisses, “You’re the most gorgeous woman on the planet.”

“I’m as big as an elephant.” she grouses.

“The most beautiful elephant.” I agree, smiling against her sweet-smelling skin. She starts to giggle at my words but is interrupted when another contraction tightens her abdomen under my hands. Her sharp cry echoes off the tiled walls, putting an immediate end to our playful banter, as well as to my hardening cock.

“Let’s get you out of here.” I murmur against her hair, waiting for the contraction to pass before I lift her off the floor and carry her to the counter. She is breathing hard, but no longer unable to move, as she takes the towel from my hand to start drying herself off.

“Go get dressed X. I can get myself ready. I should have a few minutes before I have another one.”

I do as she says, practically running to my side of our closet and pulling on the first things that my hands touch. Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I send a group text to Grayson and Travis. I want my best friend close. I know that Ana wants Faye to be with us in the hospital since the two of them are as close as sisters after everything that they have been through.

I turn back to the bedroom, ready to collect my wife and carry her to the elevator, but she is already waiting for me by the door.

“Ready?” she asks. Her voice is light, but I can see the tightness around her eyes and mouth in addition to her agitated rocking in place. She is hurting and doesn’t want me to worry. I nod my agreement and take her cold hand in my warm one and lead her out of our apartment and into the private elevator. I have no doubt that Grayson will be in the parking garage waiting for us when we get there.

“You’ve got this, sunshine,” I whisper in Ana’s ear as I crouch behind the tub she is sitting in. Her labor is going well, the fetal heart monitor beeping along at steady pace. The doctor and Jenny, the midwife, have both reassured me multiple times already that the babies are in the right position. We are excited to get the chance to deliver them without surgery. The babies are small of course, but they aren’t expecting any complications at this point. They are just taking their time joining us out here.

Travis and Grayson are waiting in the small sitting room down the hall. There is no way in hell I would let either of them see my woman almost naked. Not even under these circumstances.

Faye is sitting beside her on a small rolling stool, their hands clasped together while she counts out Ana’s breaths. There’s something close to terror in her eyes. I’m sure Travis will be hearing all about knocking her up now that she is witnessing labor.

“It’s time to push again, Ana.” Jenny encourages her.

Slipping my arms around her, I feel Ana’s whole body tighten with the force of the contraction tearing through her. A low painful sound wrenches past her lips. It’s even worse than the times that she has cried out loudly with the pain. Her breath comes in short, hard pants before she pushes again, her knees drawn up to her chest in a tight squat as she bears down.

I can vaguely hear the voices of the nurses and doctor through the buzzing in my ears. The sight of Ana’s blood swirling through the water sends a rush of fear through me.