“What’s wrong?” Travis asks.

“What the fuck, man?” Gray says, taking in the rage and panic on my face.

“Dominic’s in the penthouse.” I snap, before willfully calming my voice and returning the phone to my ear.

“Where are you at?” I ask my wife as calmly as possible, wanting nothing more than to reduce the anxiety I’m sure she is feeling.

They are locked down in my tiny panic room. Thank fuck! I’m a little shocked that all three of them fit, but that’s a good thing. I can’t begin to imagine what would have happened if they didn’t. I know that Faye and Ana wouldn’t have let any one of them be alone with Dominic, especially not Nikki, after everything she has been through.

I’m relieved when she makes a little joke about not being able to get out of the safe room. I know she is going to be okay.

“We’re on our way,” I tell her, already pushing the button in the elevator that will take us upstairs again. Hopefully, Dominic will still be in there, and I can take him down while he is in the middle of an attack on

my wife. Even Agent Weaver won’t be able to fault me for that. Just the thought of Dominic getting his hands on my wife and doing half of what I know he did to Gray’s girl Nikki… it incites a level of fury in my gut that I have never experienced before. I can’t stop thinking about it. It fans the flames of the anger I’ve spent my whole life struggling to contain like my mother always told me to. I’ve always tried to keep my promise to her, but in times like this, I know that I’m my father's son through and through. Right now, there is nothing in me except for the need to destroy my enemy. I just have to find his sorry ass.

Right after I make sure that my woman and babies are ok.

The doors slide closed, and I finally meet the gazes of my friends. Their expressions are a combination of anger and concern. Exactly how I’m feeling.


Travis’ question is cut off by the deep rumble of Grayson’s voice.“Are they ok? Is Nikki ok?” I know that was his real question, but he’s too polite to not ask about all of our women first.

“She’s fine,” I tell him, assuming Ana would have said something if she wasn’t. “They are all ok. They made it to the panic room before he could get to them.”

Travis nods, his expression lightening a bit. Gray’s flinty expression doesn’t change.

“How the fuck did your fuckin’ uncle get in there in the first place?” His words are clipped and clearly frustrated. With a shake of his head, he turns and stomps off the elevator toward the ajar penthouse door, his big black pistol held tightly in his hand. This is not the Gray I’ve known my whole life. Whatever he feels for this girl, he’s got it bad.

Travis shrugs at me and follows him. I do the same, reaching for my phone to text agent Weaver and let her know the newest development. By the time we reach the door, she is on her way, and Travis has notified Geno and Blake. The building will be locked down in minutes, and no one will be able to leave without passing through security. If Dominic is still inside he won’t be getting out. Thank fuck! I’m ready for this to be over.

Carefully we enter the apartment. It’s disturbingly quiet. From the foyer, I see blankets and pillows strewn across the floor of the living room, along with a spilled mug of what looks to be tea, evidence of their flight from Dominic. A deep rolling growl breaks loose from behind me and Grayson pushes past me. There aren’t many men who would do that, push me to the side, but he’s never had any problems putting me in my place if he feels it’s warranted. This is one of those times, I guess.

Leaving the door open behind us we proceed, sidearms at the ready. I would be willing to bet that once Dominic realized that they were out of his reach, he scurried off like the rodent that he is. It’s my dearest hope that when Dominic meets his end, the rest of the family will crumble into obscurity. For the sake of my own future, for Ana’s and our children. For my mother, God rest her soul. I have countless reasons to want the Cerelli empire to disappear, and from its ruins, I will build a new one. One without a foundation built on victimizing people.

My office door hangs off-kilter from damaged hinges. Cerelli men aren’t small. Not even when they are Dominic’s age. I’ve kicked enough doors in to know that is what happened here. I enter, ready for anything, as Travis and Grayson swiftly move down the hall, checking the other rooms. The office is in total disarray. Everything has been knocked off the desk. Numerous framed photos are on the floor, their glass shattered, including the one of my mom and I the day before I was sent to boarding school. This shows, more than anything, that he doesn’t even have any respect for the dead.

Disgusted, I shake my head, my boots crunching over the broken glass toward the closet. I hear the guys return as I’m punching in the nine-digit security code required to unlock the safe room. A loud click sounds in the quiet room. I turn the latch and slide the door open.

The girls are inside, sitting side by side on the floor, blinking up at me as they try to adjust their eyes to the bright overhead lights. Quickly I reach out and take Ana’s outstretched hand, pulling her up and into my arms, holding her tightly as I inhale her sweet scent. Travis and Grayson are right beside me, waiting to do the same for Faye and Nikki, but I don’t have time to pay any attention to them. Observing her small bare feet, I lift her against my chest and stride from the room.

“You alright, sunshine?” I say, my lips brushing against the crown of her silvery blonde head.

She nods and cuddles her face against my neck, her small hands locked in my hair. “Yes. We’re fine.” I can feel the curve of her lips as they smile against my skin just before she yawns. It’s been a long day and an even longer night, and I love how easily she trusts me to keep her safe.

“Try to rest babe,” I tell her as I lay her on our bed and draw the covers over her. “I’d hoped that tonight would go a little differently,” I try to keep it light by teasing her about how we were interrupted earlier, “but I have to get back downstairs.”

Her eyes lift to mine, trapping me in them for a long moment before she asks, “What’s going on downstairs?”

“We have the building locked down. We’re hoping Dominic hasn’t had a chance to leave yet. But regardless, we have to reassure our guests that everything is okay and that they are all safe.”

It’s already either very late or very early. I haven’t decided yet, but it’s nowhere near over for me yet. “I will send someone up from security up to guard the door until I can get someone up here to fix it, but you three,” I smile, resting my hand on the round fullness of her abdomen before continuing. “The three of you need to get some sleep if you can.”

She yawns again before agreeing sheepishly. “I’m pretty beat, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep until you get back,” she says, adjusting herself against the pillows. Leaning over, I kiss her belly and then her velvety lips.

“Rest, Analise. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She smiles sleepily up at me, rolling herself into the blankets. It’s been an excessively long day for both of us, and carrying my babies has her worn-out enough without her being awake and worried for almost twenty-four hours straight.

Turning back, I take a long look at her face one more time before quietly closing the door and reaching for my cell phone to text Geno to come up to stand guard. Since I’m taking Travis and Grayson with me, there is no one else I will trust with protecting my woman.