I’m sitting on the floor, my cheek pressed against the cool wood of the vanity beside me, after having vomited out my disgust and horror. I’m weak and shaking, tears still streaming down my cheeks when the door swings open. Xavier is finally here. My watery gaze meets his hard one, and as I watch the ice in his eyes melts.

“Hey sunshine,” he rumbles lowly as he lowers himself down beside me, and wraps a comforting arm around my shoulders, tucking me protectively against his side.

Wrapping my arms around my rounded belly I lower my eyes in shame.

“It’s our families that have caused all this.” My voice is raw with the guilt that I’m feeling for Vince being involved with this. “What if…” I let my words trail off, not wanting to give voice to my darkest fears.

Pulling me closer, X drops a kiss to the top of my head before speaking. “Analise, the choices our families have made has no bearing on our children.” His voice is solemn as he continues, “Or on us. We make our own way. Our own choices. We are not doomed to repeat their mistakes. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make all of this go away before our babies are born. They will never be touched by the evil that has touched us.” He is so sincere that I know he means every single word. I gift him a tremulous smile, his certainty making me feel better. I know, deep down, that he is right. He will do everything possible to make sure that none of this darkness shadows our future. I just need to be strong enough to trust him. I can do that.

Pushing to my feet, I reach for my toothbrush while Xavier wets a cloth with cool water for me to wipe my face. I feel marginally better after cleaning up, and slipping my hand into his we leave our room and go to face this newest development in our lives. I know that together, we can handle whatever the rest of the night holds.

When we enter the living room, the missing people are inside filling the airy space. All of them are either crying softly or sitting silently, wrapped in warm blankets while they clutch steaming mugs. The doctor is here, and I overhear Travis telling him that the most serious case is in one of the spare bedrooms. I look at Xavier, questions in my eyes. He shakes his head and shrugs, clearly not knowing what to say.

“Grayson is with her. She seems to mean something to him,” He tells me softly. That’s news! I’ve known Gray most of my life, the same as I’ve known Xavier. He was from the same neighborhood, and has been X’s best friend since forever. He’s always been laid back and happy, but I’ve never seen him spend time with a girl for more than a couple of dates. Ever. He’s a total player as far as I can tell. Or at least I always thought so. There being a girl that matters to him takes me by surprise, almost as much as it seems to have surprised X. Maybe I’ve been wrong about him? It’s not as if I’ve ever known him well.

“You found her with the other girls?” I ask quietly, watching as the doctor hurries down the hall, a medical bag in his hand. He shakes his head, tugging my hand, so I follow him to the kitchen, leaving Ellie and Faye to tend to the assembly alone for just a little bit longer.

“One of the ladies told us that they had them split into two groups.” He finally says. “The virgins and the ones that aren’t.” His lips press into a thin line of disgust. His hand sweeps toward the crowded living room. “They didn’t do much of anything to the innocent ones. Just kept them locked up, thank fuck. Protecting their profits, I suppose.” The words are spit out angrily, his usually warm brown eyes black with anger. “The rest of them weren’t so lucky.”

I feel my face pale, and bile rises in my throat again, as the meaning of his words sets in. “Gray’s girl?” I squeak, fighting a new wave of tears, my heart breaking for the woman. For Gray, who never seems to let women too close, to have this happen when he finally is sickens me.

Xavier just shakes his head. “She hasn’t said a word since Gray carried her out of there.”

“Nothing?” I ask.

“Not that I know of.” He opens his mouth, prepared to say more, but then snaps it shut, looking away from me.

“You found her with the abused women?” I finally whisper, dragging his attention back to me.

“No. I found her alone, naked and chained in the basement.” His words are hard, devoid of emotion, but I can see the horror and anger reflected in his eyes.

“The basement?”

“Yeah. Dominic’s playroom.” He growls, pacing away from me, and I know that he is blaming himself.

“It’s not your fault, X.” I step forward, slipping my arms around his trim waist and pressing myself tightly against his hard frame, forcing him to stop moving. His large body is almost vibrating with tension as he struggles to contain his emotions.

“My family. My responsibility.” He finally mumbles, giving in to my clasping arms, before stroking my hair and holding me close.

“No,” I state firmly. I will not let the man I love tear himself apart with blame for something he had no control over. “This is not your fault. You did not make Dominic do these things. He and y

our father were involved in this long before you were old enough to have any idea about it.” I step back and stomp my foot when I see the doubtful look on his face. The one that clearly says that I’m allowed to have my opinion, even if it’s wrong. “No Xavier Cerelli. Do not give me that look! I am right, and if you use your brain, you will know it!”

Frustrated with his self-condemnation, I turn away and stomp into the living room seeking out Faye and Ellie to see what I can do to help.

A keening wail diverts my feet, and I rush down the hall, stopping outside the closed guest room door. I take a deep breath, unsure of what I’m going to find on the other side of it. Behind the barrier, a small voice is pleading. I know that no one is trying to hurt her, but it’s plain as day that she doesn’t.

“Please! Please! Don’t touch me!” the words are wrought with hysteria. There is a low rumble of male voices and then another piercing shriek. “Noooo!”

Pushing the door open, the first thing I see is Grayson’s massively large back. His fingers are fisted in his russet-colored hair. Tension radiates off of every inch of his body. The doctor is squatting in the corner, blocking my view of the woman huddled there wrapped in a dirty crimson sheet. All I can see of her is a matted tangle of jewel tone, rainbow-colored hair and skinny arms and legs.

She is clearly terrified, and who can blame her? Dr. Halvorson is as big as Xavier and Travis. Where do all these huge, muscled guys come from? I never saw men this size anywhere while I was gone, but they’re all around now, and they clearly forget just how intimidating they can be.

“Get away from her!” I snap in exasperation, impatient that they are so dense that they can’t tell that a man touching her is the last thing this woman wants after the abuse she must have suffered.

Gray whirls around to face me. The fact that I startled him reveals how preoccupied he was with the scene unfolding in front of him.

“She needs help, Ana.” His deep voice is shaking and strained. “But she won’t let us near her.” His voice cracks at the end, revealing a whole slew of emotions, but I’m not worried about his feelings right now.