Long moments pass as we watch her read and respond before Blake breaks the tense silence. “Is she crying?”

I can’t tell, but I don’t think so, or maybe I just don’t want to see it. “Maybe,” I say, uncertain.

“I can’t tell either,” Travis says, still watching carefully.

We all descend back into ou

r own thoughts as we continue to observe Margot. After quite some time, the older woman rises and straightens her clothing before approaching my office. We can see her hesitate, her hand on the knob as she takes a long slow breath before turning it. Blake switches the feed to the camera in that room, and I’m not surprised when she walks right to my chair and removes the recording device and replaces the memory card with a new one from her basket before leaving the room and repeating the action with the hidden recorder in the master bedroom. She stops before leaving the penthouse to look around. Her face is pinched, and I can see her mouth move as she whispers something, but I have no idea what,

“Well, at least we know who,” Blake speaks up, and I nod my agreement.

“Now, I just want to know the reason why.” I’m angry and a little hurt. I trusted this woman in my home. Around my pregnant wife. Her moment on the sofa sticks in my mind, her slumped shoulders and demeanor of despair.

“There’s something going on with her.” Travis rumbles from where he sits reviewing the footage again. He’s had training in body language and nonverbal cues, so I trust his judgment, but that doesn’t lessen my ire.

“Let’s bring her in to talk then,” I say gruffly.

“I’ll go.” Blake volunteers quickly, already moving toward the door.

“Been spending a lot of time lurking around housekeeping lately…nice to have a real reason this time.” Travis jokes. Blake lifts his middle finger, making me laugh despite my black mood, as he closes the door behind himself.

“I think he likes Ellie.“ I offer and Travis joins me laughing and rolls his eyes.

“Oh, how the mighty fall.” He says, shaking his head with humor before turning back to the computer.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Everyone has reconvened at the penthouse at my request. Blake texted that he is escorting Margot up. I can’t help the anger that is bubbling inside me. The sense of betrayal. I interviewed Margot when I first bought the casino, chose to keep her on staff, and promoted her to head of housekeeping. I trusted her. I have never been a bad judge of character, so I can’t help but wonder where I went wrong. How I made such a grave error. Or what happened to make her turn against me.

Ana and Faye sit on the loveseat in the living room, talking quietly. They refused to not be present. I think that Ana is scared I will lose my temper and say or do something that I will regret later. Travis and I flank the gas fireplace, waiting. My buddy Grayson is in the kitchen, a scowl marring his face. He’s been on edge about something for the last week or so, but so far, any attempts I have made to get what is bugging him out in the open he refuses to talk. Just says it’s personal, and that he will let me know if there is anything he needs me for.

I am aware that all of us in the same room will definitely be intimidating, and that’s my plan. Once Blake gets here, we will be even more so. I’m hoping that we can get what we need from Margot without any additional scare tactics. I don’t want to make threats that I won’t keep. The only thing I’m actually prepared to do is fire her if she refuses to talk.

The hard knock of a fist against the front door announces Blake moments before it opens, and Margot enters head down, her usually stiff shoulders slumped. She doesn’t meet my eyes as she quietly slips into the room and sits in the chair Blake indicates before coming to stand beside us. Faye and Ana fall silent, eyes round as they wait to see what will happen.

“You know why you’re here?” I inquire, breaking the stilted silence. Finally, her eyes creep up and she nods once, saying nothing. I’m grateful that the cameras are recording this. Legally I know that we should have called in the police, but since Dominic somehow must be involved I wasn’t ready to bring anyone else in. I did touch base with Agent Weaver as a courtesy. She just advised me to record everything and to not break any laws. Fair enough.

“Ok, then. Since you know why you are here, why don’t you tell us why you have been spying on me.” I continue. I’m trying to control it, but my voice is harsh with animosity. She cringes subtly before drawing in a long breath and straightening her shoulders.

“Did you know that I’m a grandmother, Mr. Cerelli?” she finally questions, and I shake my head negatively. Her eyes settle on Ana, sitting across from her. “My granddaughter is fourteen.” She says. I have a hunch that I’m not going to like what she says next. Not one bit. “Your Uncle Dominic took her. He wants me to get him information that somehow helps him get you out of Vegas…he says he already has a buyer for her.” With those words she cracks and falls into Ana’s waiting arms, sobs tearing out of her.

“Fuck,” I mutter, more to myself than to anyone else.

“Totally FUBAR.” Blake agrees, shaking his head. His gears are already turning, and he stalks into the dining room to set up his laptop. His fingers rapidly clicking on the keyboard he calls out, “Ms. Smith, does your granddaughter have social media accounts?”

Margot sucks in a shuddering breath, and wipes her eyes on the tail of her cardigan as she rises to her feet. “Yes,Mr. Stone. She does.” She pulls a chair over, and sits beside him while he hacks into her various accounts looking for any clues as to how Dominic got access to the young girl.

My anger has completely dissipated in light of knowing the real reason behind Margot’s betrayal. Knowing that she was trying to save her grandchild from a terrible fate makes all the difference in the world, and I‘m not sure I would have done anything differently if our positions had been reversed.

Unfortunately, I know Dominic, and he’s probably already sold the girl. I hope not, but we need to be prepared for that.

“Margot,” I say quietly, leaning on the table beside her, “We will do everything that we can to help you get your granddaughter back. Are you going to be able to maintain contact with Dominic without him knowing that I know what you have been doing?” I can’t help but admire her determination when she firms her posture back to her usual stiff-backed stance.

“Yes, Mr. Cerelli. I can do anything I have to if it means getting Gracie back.”

She means every word, which means I might just have a chance to get close to Dom with her help. Agent Weaver wants him to be prosecuted for his crimes, but I know that he is clever enough that we could bring his whole operation down around his ears, and nothing would touch him. My father was the same way. It’s the reason I have been able to walk away from the family business so easily and step into legitimate endeavors. No charges ever stuck to my father, so there was never anything to stick to me. Regrettably, nothing will stick to Dominic. It never does. He will walk, no matter what Weaver throws at him. Once everything dies down, he will be back. Hurting innocents, peddling drugs and I know without a doubt that he will never stop trying to end me, one way or another. He always saw my desire to make my money lawfully as a slap in his face… exactly as my father did. They couldn’t fathom any reason why a Cerelli would want to work for his wealth instead of just continuing on the family legacy.