The doors slide closed, encasing us in the small elevator. Xavier pulls me against him, lifting me against him, and I forget all about Blake’s odd behavior as we silently glide toward the parking garage. My legs lock around his waist, and our mouths frantically crash together, teeth clashing, before our tongues seek and find each other.

“Fuck!” he groans into me, “tell me your little pussy isn’t wet right now, that you aren’t thinking about my mouth on you. About me deep and hard inside you.” I cry out at his words, my neck is suddenly boneless, as it falls to the side, allowing his teeth to nip along it, down to my collarbone as he grinds the thick rod of his cock against the softness between my legs. Private elevators are the best!

The doors slide open, letting in a blast of heat and exhaust scented air. I am breathless and hornier than I’ve ever been before. Xavier slowly lowers me to the ground, dragging my body down the length of his. For a moment, I'm tempted to push the button that would take us back up to the penthouse.

With a wicked chuckle, Xavier takes a step away from me. That man knows exactly what he just did to me. So not fair!

“Come on, sunshine, we have somewhere we’re supposed to be.” His voice is husky with desire. It makes me a little less annoyed at him. A little whining sound of protest escapes me, making him laugh again. “Soon babe. I will take care of you soon. I promise. But let’s go meet our little one first.”

His easy acceptance of my pregnancy almost makes my heart explode with happiness, and I smile up at him as I take his hand and allow him to lead me to his waiting car. It’s the awesome black one that I have always wanted to ride in. He looks so damn hot in that car. I feel the clench of desire in my core again as he opens the door and helps me to sit in the low slung leather seat. I’m not ever going to get anything accomplished if this is how it’s going to be between us. Passion and sexual tension have my body buzzing as the engine roars to life, and I watch his long, thick fingers wrap around the steering wheel. My man is so freaking hot!

The obstetrics center is part of a brand new medical complex not too far from Xavier’s building. It doesn’t take long to get checked in, and we are taken right back by a cheerful medical assistant. I can’t help but wonder what it took for Xavier to get us the preferential treatment. Probably a donation of some kind. After the assistant takes my height, weight and blood pressure, she leaves us alone so I can put on a gown and sit on the bed as directed.

I’m so excited I can barely hold still. This is the one thing that I was saddest about missing out on. X holds my hand, an expectant smile on his face. He’s excited too.

We don’t wait long before there is a light knock on the door, and a different young woman enters, introducing herself as the ultrasound tech. After that, everything moves quickly.

Xavier assists me to lie back against the crinkly paper covering the table and pillow, while a sheet is draped over my legs, and my gown lifted up to expose my belly. Warm jelly stuff is spread over my skin to ease the movement of the little wand. My eyes are locked on the screen, waiting… and there is the head. I can see little hands. Too many hands. I’m confused and scared.

“Is that…” I gulp. Hard. “Is there...two?” I squeak.

Xavier laughs beside me. It’s a happy laugh, and I smile up at him. Albeit a little nervously.

“Yes, indeed,” the tech says with a big smile. “There are two in there, you didn’t know?” I shake my head, a definite NO, and her smile grows.

“Congratulations, mom and dad!” She moves the wand around some more, clicking a couple of times to print some of the better images. “Do you want to know the gender?” she asks, looking at me. I’m supposed to decide? I can’t.

I look to Xavier. I have kept this to myself for so long that I want this to be his decision. His eyes meet mine, questioning, and I whisper, “Up to you, X.” His smile gets even wider, crinkling the corners of his eyes. He looks so happy that it makes my heart beat harder.

“Yes.” He states, his tone certain, “We would love to know their gender.”

A few more swipes of the wand and she freezes the image on the screen and points. “Baby one is a girl!” she prints and moves the wand again. “We’re in luck, we can see baby two clearly as well! It’s a boy! Congratulations again, Mrs. and Mr. Cerelli.” She enthuses.

I’m still a little bit in shock. There are two of them! I never suspected, but I should have. I’m already enormous and still have several months to go! The tech wipes my belly off with a warm cloth and heads out of the room to send the midwife in. Before I can even swing my legs to the floor, I’m in Xavier’s arms, and he is pressing kisses all over my face. His hard, warm palms gently cupping my cheeks.

“Thank you, sunshine. I swear I will take such good care of all three of you.” His words and expression are so genuine. I’m don’t know how I got lucky enough to have him welcome me back so easily, but I’ll be forever grateful.

Our little love fest is interrupted when there is a short rap and the door swings open, admitting an older lady, her hand outstretched first to me, then to X. “I’m Jenny Long," she says, “the Certified Nurse Midwife here at the center.”

She looks friendly enough, but I notice her eyes linger warily on the bruise on my cheek before shooting over to Xavier. I know what she is going to say before she even opens her mouth.

“Mrs. Cerelli, could you and I have a moment alone?” she asks. I can see that Xavier noticed the look as well, and he subtly bristles with indignation.

“That won’t be necessary, Ms. Long,” I state firmly. “I know you want to ask about the bruise and if I’m safe. We can have that conversation in front of my husband.” She looks like she wants to argue, but I immediately continue, “My father did this.” I gesture to my cheek. “I have been out of town for several months, and Xavier and I had not told him that I was pregnant.” I’m telling as much truth as I can without raising more questions.

“Needless to say, for reasons I’m not willing to dive into, he was not pleased. “ She looks to X for confirmation, and he nods somberly.

“Her father, for obvious reasons, will not be allowed around her, or our babies.” He states firmly, his voice ringing with sincerity. She makes a quick note on her iPad but seems to accept our partial truths and moves on to questions about how I’ve been feeling.

The rest of the visit is uneventful. I’m a little anemic, so she prescribes a prenatal vitamin with iron, as well as something for my never-ending morning sickness.

Other than me being slightly underweight, everything is normal, and the babies are healthy. She encourages me to increase what I’m eating. So I have no doubt that Xavier will be poking at me non-stop, to eat more. As long as I don’t develop any problems, I don’t have to come back for a month, when I will see a doctor who specializes in twin pregnancies.

Jenny, as she insists on me calling her, will continue to see me too, and as long as everything goes well, she will be there to help us with the labor and delivery.

X is leaning across the stick shift, buckling my seatbelt for me, when he whispers, “So baby, you wanna…” he trails off, and I bite my lip as I feel my body heat in response to the suggestive tone of his voice. “Go baby shopping after lunch?”

I can’t stop the shout of laughter that bursts free, and I nod happily. “Can we make the room across the hall from yours… umm… ours… the nursery?” I ask. I had been thinking about using that room. I know that I want the baby, babies, as close to us as possible.