“It's time, Faye,” Ana says, bouncing a little with excitement.

I stand up and turn back toward the mirror, checking my reflection one last time. The bruises on my face and throat are completely healed. Thank goodness. I chose to dress simply for today. A full length white silk, slip-style dress that clings to my body. Coupled with modest heels, I look taller and curvier than ever. Like Ana’s, my hair has also been restored to its natural color and just the barest hint of makeup accentuates my face. I wish my dad could be here today, mom too.

“I'm ready,” I say after a long moment, picking up the simple bouquet of white dahlias and cornflowers that almost exactly match Ana and Ellie’s dresses.

Following them out of the small dressing area in the choir loft of the church, we make our way down the stairs before pausing in the vestibule. Ana and Ellie fuss with my veil and hair before pressing kisses to my cheeks and slipping through the doors to take Xavier’s arms.

The door behind me opens letting Blake in with the midmorning sun. He wraps me in a hug as the wedding march begins to play.

“Ready?” He asks with a cheerful smile. I take a deep breath and place my hand on his arm.

“Definitely,” I reply as he opens the door and guides me toward my future.


When music starts playing in the nave of the church I turn away from the alter to watch her. She looks like an angel walking down the aisle on my best friend’s arm. She is so perfect that the air feels sucked from my lungs. Her gorgeous red hair is loose and flowing around her shoulders, a bright pop of color against her milky skin and the silky white dress. It has taken us a lifetime to reach this moment.

Her topaz eyes meet mine and don’t waver. In them, I see everything she has ever been to me. The small girl who depended on me to keep her safe and be her friend. The rebellious teenager who became my best friend. My lover. And now my bride.

My future.

My love.

My world.

It takes just seconds for her reach my side, but they are the longest of my existence. Finally she is beside me. Smiling up at me. I hear words being murmured, but they sound far away and I can’t be bothered to try to listen until Blake sets her hand in mine and takes his place beside a smiling Ellie, who shyly takes his hand.

Father Patrick begins to speak and I focus, listening as he starts the traditional ceremony. This is the most important day of my life, and I don't want to miss anything, not a single word or flicker of emotion, as she becomes mine.

As I make my vows to her I hold her face between my hands, my eyes locked on hers. When I vow to love, honor and cherish her until my dying breath I mean every word. There is nothing that will ever come between us again.

The radiant smile on her face and the glimmer of tears in her eyes tell me she understands everything I mean with my simple promises. My gaze never wavers as she promises me the same things, love shining in her eyes.

Finally Father Patrick says the words I’ve been dying to hear, “You may kiss your bride.” I wrap Faye in my arms and lift her up against my hard body, her feet dangling.

“I love you, Sweetpea,” I whisper against the sweetness of her neck.

She squeezes me tighter, her arms looped around my neck, and whispers back, “We love you too, Daddy.” She smiles and tugs my mouth down to hers. “You heard Father Patrick—you're supposed to kiss me now, Travis.” She giggles against my mouth knowing she has shocked me with her words. I feel her smile against my mouth and lift more until she is cradled in my arms.

Turning to the small group of our gathered friends, I proudly announce, “I’m a dad.”

Ana and Ellie don’t look like this is news to them, but Xavier and Blake converge on us, slapping my shoulders and kissing Faye’s


We may have lost a lot, but we have these friends… this family. Most importantly I have this little woman, who is everything I have ever wanted, and is mine forever.

Holding her closer, I lower my mouth to hers, sealing our vows with a kiss.

I'm going to spend the rest of my life loving her.

Starting now.



Wow! I actually did this! I said in elementary school that someday I would write a book and in middle school I started a historical romance because that is what I snuck and read off my mom's shelf or borrowed from friends.