Instantly my black fatigues feel uncomfortably tight as all the blood in my body rushes south.

I can't stop my own moan as my eyes devour the sight of her, and my mouth waters, remembering the sweet taste of her skin.

She pulls the wet cloth from her face and her good eye opens. Her golden gaze peeks at me upside down before shyly flittering away.

Fuck, I love her so much.

“I'm so happy I found you in time,” I tell her as I hand her a fresh washcloth. She dunks it in the water before using it to carefully rub at her face. It comes away dirty and stained with blood.

“Me too.” Her eyes are serious as she looks over her shoulder at me. “Thank you,” she whispers as she sits forward and hugs herself with a small shiver. The water isn’t deep enough to keep her warm. I lean forward and press a small kiss to her spine.

“Is there room in there for me?” I ask, hoping to distract her from her thoughts. Surprising me a little, she nods and I strip down to my boxer briefs. Splashing into the shallow water, I pull her back against my front and turn the water back on with my foot. I pull her on top of me so we lay in the rising water but her sutures stay dry.

We lay that way for a long time, absorbing the feeling of her back pressed against my front. My cock is nestled between her soft thighs, driving me crazy with the need to start thrusting, but she doesn’t seem to notice it. I restrain myself until the water starts to cool, then flip the drain and stand up, holding her body against me for a moment before handing her a soapy cloth so she can finish washing. I need just a little space between us.

Holding my hand tightly, she lets me wrap her in a fluffy bath sheet and lead her into the bedroom. She is quiet and docile under my hands as I rub her dry and pull one of my t-shirts over her head before helping her settle into the enormous bed. Handing her the room service menu, I pick up the phone and call for room service.

“What do you want to eat, Sweetpea?” I rasp. I know I won't be able to resist her once I have her in that bed beside me, even though I should. I'm going to make sure she has everything else she needs before I make her mine. Right now that means rest and food - and me on the other side of the room.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I'm a little skittish. I know I shouldn't be, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am. Lying in the tub against the hard length of Travis’ body, his hard cock tucked between my legs, was amazing.

I have never felt so cherished and safe. And nervous. It’s obvious that even in my swollen and injured state that Travis still desires me. I want him too, I just don’t know what to do about it.

My body is humming with desire, but I'm so sore and tired that I feel at odds with myself. It doesn't help that I got a good look at myself in the mirror before my bath. I know I look like crap. I don’t understand how he can want me looking like this. I'm not sure it even matters. I don’t think anything like what we did the other night is possible with my stitches. So I’m not going to worry about it right now. I will think about something else. Something that has nothing to do with how good it felt to have the hard rod of his shaft tucked between my thighs. Sighing I make myself pay attention to the menu he handed me.

I’m excited to get room service. It isn’t something I’ve ever had an opportunity to have. I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until he placed the menu in my hands and asked what I wanted. Everything sounds delicious, but I decide to keep it simple, requesting a grilled cheese on sourdough and a chef salad, cheese and fresh vegetables not being things usually in my meager grocery budget. Travis makes the call and orders for both of us before he sits on the comfy looking chair by the balcony door. Since tucking me into the bed he has been keeping distance between us.

I don't know how to act with him. One minute he's caring for me like a lover, and the next it's like I'm his baby sister and he’s tucking me in bed and getting me food. I’m all tied up in knots and I don't know how to act, so I close my eyes and rest against the pillows. His phone rings softly in the quiet and I hear the soft padding of his feet as he walks into the other room. I think he’s talking to Blake.

My limbs are heavy and tired. Maybe I should just take a little nap. This bed is pretty cozy with the early afternoon sun streaming across it. Turning onto my side I hug a pillow to me listening to the soft cadence of Travis’ voice from the other room. I nod off almost immediately.

A knock on the door wakes me and I sit up, feeling kind of fuzzy and confused. My head hurts and my stomach is growling its protest at having not had anything to eat since early this morning. I was just going to take a little nap, but looking toward the window I can see a few stars shining in the sky and the glow from the city lights below.

Travis is asleep on top of the covers next to me. He’s fully dressed now and I take a moment to just stare at his familiar face and listen to the rhythmic sound of his breathing. I never thought I would see him again. I’m so, so happy that he’s here.

Another firm knock spurs me to get out of the bed, doing my best not to wake him. There are dark smudges under his eyes from lack of sleep, and I want him to rest for as long as possible. I’m not the only one who needs to be taken care of. I’m going to take care of him from now on too. The thought makes me happy in a way I don’t think I ever have been before. Like my heart is full.

I cross quietly to the door and standing on tiptoe I peak out the peephole. There is no way I'm not checking to see who it is. Not after the couple of days I’ve had.

Standing outside the door is a waitress with a cart holding several of those domed food covers. Travis must have ordered later room service because I fell asleep. I open the door, motioning her inside,

“Hi,” she chirps as she pushes the heavy-looking cart inside. When she notices Travis sleeping across the room, his massive naked chest on display, she whispers, “I'm Ellie. Your man asked that dinner be brought up at seven. It's seven.” She shrugs like she knows what she just said is obvious, making me smile as much as my damaged face will allow. I like her.

“Hey Ellie,” I whisper back. My throat is still really sore, but rest and ibuprofen seems to have helped. “I'm Faye. Thanks for bringing our dinner up.” I suddenly remember that I should tip her, but I don't have any money. I’m not used to being on the giving end of tipping. I glance around, looking for Travis' wallet.

“Faye, not to be rude or anything… but are you okay?” she asks, gesturing to my bruised throat and face, concern showing in her eyes. I nod.

“Hang on a sec?” I ask her, kneeling down to rummage in my bag for some cash since I can’t find Travis’ wallet. I’m sure I have some in here somewhere. I stop digging around when I hear Ellie’s tinkling laugh behind me. Travis’ voice rumbles in reply.

He tucks his wallet back in his pocket and hands a folded bill to Ellie.

“You had it,” I smile, motioning to the wallet, and my heart flutters as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to his side.

“Yeah. Ellie was just letting me know that if you need Tylenol or anything to call the desk and she can run it up for you.” Ellie is nodding earnestly, a smile dimpling her cheeks.