“Thanks, Ellie,” I say. “I really appreciate it.” I feel like I could be friends with this girl. I’m not sure how long we are going to stay here, but I hope this isn't the last time I see her. Now that I don’t have to hide, I am exci

ted by the idea of making friends.

“You're welcome,” she replies, reaching out to touch my hand. Looking up at Travis, she continues, “Thank you, Mr. Keller.” She flutters the money in her hand with a smile. I can see he gave her a fifty, and that makes me proud to be with him. Those of us who work in service positions really count on our tips to make ends meet, and I'm happy that he was so generous with the sweet girl.

“I work till seven tomorrow morning,” she says as she walks into the hall. “So don't hesitate to call down if you need something.” With a quick wave she enters the service elevator, and I wave back as the doors close.

“I like her,” I say to Travis, and he runs his hand down my back, turning me toward the small table.

“She liked you too.” He chuckles and I sit down as he puts the covered dishes in front of me. “Eat your dinner, Sweetpea,” he tells me and winks. “I need to tuck you back into bed soon.” A sexy grin brightens his face and his dimples almost make me swoon. I feel blood rush into my cheeks and spread down my neck at the thought of him tucking me in. My nipples tighten and my body tingles. A rush of heat between my legs makes me cognizant of my lack of panties as moisture slicks the inside of my thighs. I press them together tightly and I lower my eyes to my food and dig in, ignoring my body’s reaction to him and instead relishing the gooey goodness of the grilled cheese.

I feel like a perv, but the only thing I can think about is what he did to me a couple nights ago and how badly I want him to do it again. There is only one exception—this time, I want to return the favor.


She thinks I don’t notice her staring at me from across the table. Her face is tipped down like she's focused on her food, but I can see that she keeps looking up at me from under her thick red lashes.

She is so damn cute.

I'm just as fascinated by her, but I'm not trying to hide it at all. I’m leaned back in my chair, legs stretched out under the table, my bare foot resting against hers.

The only reason we are eating and I don’t have her on her back under me is because she is injured and she has missed enough meals in her life. I'm not about to be the cause of her missing another one. While she was sleeping I made arrangements for a physician to come see her tomorrow. I trust John’s assessment of her injuries, but I will feel better once she sees a doctor and gets some antibiotics for the knife wound.

I will always put what is best for her before what I want.

Right now the only thing I want is for her to finish her food so I can take her to bed and erase every bad thought in her head. At least for the next twelve hours or so. Tomorrow we will have to talk to Xavier and Ana and figure out what comes next.

During the hours we spent watching the monitors, Xavier filled Blake and I in on a lot in regard to the FBI’s investigation into Dominic. He also asked if we would be willing to stay on and provide additional security for Ana and his businesses here in Vegas. At least until things are sorted out.

It didn’t take Blake and I long to decide. Neither of us has any real need to stay in Spokane. The only reason we were there in the first place was so I could be near the cabin. I will have to talk to Faye and see what she wants to do. She has a say in if we stay here or go back, but I can’t help but think that relocating might be a good idea.

I wonder if we can convince Becca to relocate as well. We count on her to run the office, and I think she will be a good friend to Faye.

Faye sets her silverware down and pushes her plate away, and I can finally allow my thoughts to rest fully on her.

“That was so good,” she says as she stacks up our dishes and carries them to the cart. She is efficiently wiping down the table, even though it’s clean, so I push the cart into the hall.

“Do you want to wash up for bed?” I ask when I return, even though I know we took a bath just a few hours ago. I don’t want to sound too eager about getting her into bed.

I quit going home with women years ago. I wanted something more, a deeper connection, but none of them ever felt right to me. Since then it's been me and my hand. I never gave it much thought. It’s just the way it was. Now, with Faye right here; so perfect for me, exceeding every dream I ever had of what I wanted. All I can think about is how sweet it’s going to feel to sink my cock into her tight little body and fill her with my cum.

“I would like to wash up a little better.” She smiles a little at me before going to the bathroom and turning on the water. “Is there something I can cover these stitches with?” she calls out.

Pulling my first aid kit out of my pack, I join her in the bathroom. “I have some tape,” I tell her as I pull out waterproof tape to cover the dressing. She holds her shirt up, just under the soft curves of her breasts, as I secure the tape over the gauze dressing. Some blood has seeped through, and I make a note to change it after she showers.

It's hard to pay attention with her soft skin under my fingers and the bottom curve of her tits peeking out right at eye level, but I get the job done and rise to leave the room, turning my back so I can adjust the steel rod in my pants to a more comfortable position.

“I'll hurry so you can have a turn,” she says behind me.

“Take your time. I showered while you were napping,” I tell her as I turn back the bedspread before pushing my jeans down my legs and laying down.

Chapter Thirty


I wash quickly and spend the rest of my time primping. I shave my legs and armpits before bravely taking Travis' razor to the wispy curls on my pussy. I don’t have a ton of hair there, and I’ve never had a reason to, so I've never shaved it off before. I know men are supposed to like it, though and I want to surprise him.

I'm pretty sure we aren't going to actually sleep, since it is so early still. I don’t want to sleep. The feeling I had when I thought I was about to be raped hasn’t left me. I don’t want to wait. Not even one more day. I love Travis and I’m ready to give myself to him, even if I am battered and bruised. I know that he will take care of me and make it wonderful.