“Oh, Ewan,” she said again. “That’s…that’s wicked.”

He smiled and brushed another kiss over her lips. She moved under his hand with a subtle, mysterious rhythm that set his blood pumping. “There’s more.”

“I’m ready,” she said, still watching him with that adorably unfocused gaze.

The scent of her skin drove him mad. Madder again with those quavery sighs and the way she moved to encourage him. But when he slid one long finger inside her, he felt her body’s natural resistance. However strong her desire, he’d hurt her if he took her now.

He’d face flaying before he hurt this miraculous creature.

Gently he began to move his finger in and out, until she rolled toward him. “Please. Now.”

“Not yet,” he said, forcing the words out.

“I want you,” she cried out, digging her nails into his shoulders. Tomorrow his body would bear her mark. His heart would bear her mark forever.

He kissed her, drawing her lower lip between his teeth for a gentle nip. “Trust me.”

“I do,” she said helplessly, straining up until those luscious breasts brushed his chest.

He closed his eyes and prayed for strength. He tested her with two fingers. Then when she was gasping and restless, he slipped down the bed and with sudden ruthlessness tugged her thighs apart.

He placed his mouth on her, seeking her hot honey with his tongue. She gave a sharp cry, and another when he drew hard.

She’d trembled close to the edge for so long. Now she flew over the brink into a shuddering climax. For uncountable moments, he lingered between her straining thighs, relishing her body’s wild quaking.

Her hands were buried in his hair. At her peak, they’d tightened to the point of pain. Now they fell loose, combing through the damp strands with a tenderness that sliced at his heart.

He lapped at her, bringing her down as the tremors subsided. His hands framed her hips. Eventually he raised his head. He’d intended to watch her first ecstasy, but the need to taste her had overcome him.

Her face was flushed. Her eyes were heavy. She lay sprawled in voluptuous abandon against the rumpled sheets. “Ewan, that…”

Charlotte licked her lips, and the sheen of excitement on her skin shot another bolt of arousal through him. He slid up her body to kiss her wildly, deeply, succulently. Her bent knees cradled his hips in silent invitation.

Lyle lifted his head and stared into those opaque eyes. With exquisite care, in denial of imperious need, he pressed into her body. Delectable resistance. Even more delectable yielding.

When she made a faint sound of discomfort, he stopped, panting and desperate. Then her hands curled around his shoulders, and she bowed up to meet him. “Keep going.”

Her bravery made his heart expand. He was overwhelmingly conscious of her body’s grip. The craving to plunge threatened to master him.

“It will get better,” he said, hoping to Hades he spoke the truth.

She pressed her mouth to his. “I can bear it.”

“Och, Charlotte,” he said helplessly. “It’s not a test of endurance. You’re meant to enjoy it.”

The curve of those lush lips in her strained, pale face made him commend her gallantry yet again. “Then you’d better make sure I do.”

“My bonny darling,” he whispered, and kissed her with all the unspoken love in his heart.

As the kiss lengthened, she relaxed beneath him. He loved the piquant taste of her mouth. He loved the snug clasp of her body. Hell, he just loved her.

He raised his head and edged ahead. She gave a soft cry. In his extremity, he couldn’t tell if it was pleasure or pain.

For a long moment, he lay unmoving, feeling her body flower around him. He pressed his cheek to hers and closed his eyes on a prayer of gratitude for interfering fathers, and bad weather, and gorgeous, brave, clever lassies.

From the first, he’d recognized Charlotte as the other half of his soul. But this profound emotion as he joined his body to hers exceeded anything he’d known. Buried deep inside her, he could swear they breathed as one.

He loved Charlotte Warren with a purity and steadfastness that nothing could shake. He would wed her and claim her as his with every bond of church and state. But their true marriage started at this moment.