With a muffled sound of excitement, she took him deeper. She squeezed the base of his dick, then fondled his aching bollocks.

It was all over for his restraint. On a cracked groan, he clutched her skull hard between shaking hands and began to pump into her mouth. Somewhere through the wild storm, he expected her to pull back. But she took all he gave. When at last she lifted her head to gaze up at him, he watched her delicate throat move as she swallowed.

Her eyes were as dark as night and heavy with female satisfaction. With a luxuriant lack of shame, she lifted her hand from him with a final caress. She wiped the mouth that glistened with his seed.

"Och, lassie, you’re such a bonny woman," he said, lapsing into the Scots of his childhood as he so rarely did.

His knees threatened to collapse under him. Gratitude cramped his overflowing heart.

"I liked it," she said in a hoarse whisper. "I felt like you were mine."

He grimaced with the force of his emotions. "I’m yours anyway."

Clumsily he hauled her to her feet and kissed her. She twined herself around him as if she couldn’t get close enough. When they drew apart, they were both breathless.

"That you would do that for me…" Coherence remained too much to ask. He straightened away from the door, unsure his legs would support him. His blood ran sluggish with the lingering effects of his mighty climax in her mouth.

She smiled. Her hair was a wild tangle and threatened to tumble free of its pins. Her eyes glowed with excitement. "I did it for myself, too. You’ve given me such pleasure, I love that I can return the favor."

"You give me pleasure just by breathing," he said in a voice gruff with feeling. And because she’d been so endlessly generous, he dared to make a last forbidden request. "But there’s one more thing I’d like."

Faint bewilderment drew her brows together, but her answer reflected the trust they’d built up during these days of searing intimacy. "Anything."

Despite her quick cooperation, he wasn’t sure she’d take this next step, although she’d make him a happy man if she did. He took her hand and drew her into the center of the room. "Ever since our first night, I’ve wanted this."

She’d stopped looking uncertain. Instead she looked intrigued. "Oh?"

Encouraged, he went on. "I want to watch you touch yourself."


Embarrassment and guilty excitement seized Selina. "You want to watch?"

He gave a sharp nod, as his eyes burned into hers. "You said you thought of me when you touched yourself. I want to see you do it. So I can imagine you doing it again, when you…"


"I’ll feel so awkward."

His expression darkened. "Will you do it for me? It would give me something to hold onto."

How could she deny him? She read the yearning in his face even as she asked, "You really want this?"

He nodded again. "More than I can say."

"Very well," she said in a reedy voice.

Without shifting his eyes from her, he reached out to grab a chair. He sank into it, stretching his long legs out before him. If she hadn’t read the bristling tension in his straight shoulders and the adamant set of his jaw, she might almost imagine he treated this moment as unimportant. She supposed he was trying to set her at ease.

Not much chance of that.

During a week when they’d spent hours naked together, she’d become used to his eyes on her unclothed body. But this was different. This felt like a performance.

She hesitated and shot him a questioning glance as her courage faltered. He smiled with the singular sweetness that always made her heart expand, until it threatened to break free of her chest.

"Selina, if you don’t want to do this, it’s all right."

She straightened her spine. What would this hurt her? She’d do anything to give Brock pleasure. Yet her knees trembled as she stepped forward and turned her back. "Will you unlace me? If I’d realized what you wanted me to do tonight, I’d have chosen another dress."