Deliberately, he didn’t touch her breasts. He caught up one silky skein of hair and brought it to his lips. Her scent rose to his nostrils, rich and heady, tinged with jasmine. With a hum of pleasure, he rubbed the silky tress against his face. She made a choked sound and leaned forward.

His control shattered. He dragged her into his arms and kissed her with all the passion he’d leashed until this moment. She twined her arms around him and pressed closer with an untamed hunger that made his blood pump hot and hard.

He swung her in his arms until she bumped into the bed and collapsed back in a beguiling jumble of bare arms and legs and drifting hair. He didn’t follow her down. Instead, he ripped off his neck cloth and coat and flung them aside.

She watched him, eyes avid with hunger. "More," she said in a low growl that threatened to set him alight.

His laugh betrayed a crack. "I’m madam’s obedient servant."

"Good." She lifted herself on her elbows so she could see him better. The movement jostled those lush breasts.

Before she came to him, he’d wondered whether she’d be a timid lover, reluctant to step outside the bounds of propriety. He loved how wrong he’d been.

Now Selina made no attempt to cover her nakedness but seemed to bask in his admiration. He took a moment to relish the sight of her white body sprawled over the sheets. Her wild mane of hair fanned about her in rippling amber and flax.

Brock shed his waistcoat and shirt in a hurry. When he stood before her bare-chested, she released a voluptuous sigh of appreciation. "You’re a beautiful man, Lord Bruard."

For years, women had told him he was handsome, but the sheer wonder in Selina’s tone had him blushing. That hadn’t happened since he was a boy in the Highlands, chasing his first lassies. "Thank you," he said gruffly.

She raised her hand in a languid gesture. "My pleasure."

He chuckled. "That sounds like an invitation."

That luscious mouth with its full lower lip curled in a wicked smile that a day ago he’d never have imagined he’d see on prim Mrs. Selina Martin’s face.

"Clever as well as decorative. What a lucky girl I am." She must have seen he was on the verge of jumping on her – hell, he was so ready for her, he was close to coming. Only the memory of this afternoon’s wretched overexcitement and its result held him back. "But not yet."

"You’re torturing me," he groaned.

The smug little cat laughed. "You’ll live." When her attention sharpened below his waist, the results were predictable. "More."

Brock dropped into the chair she’d used to such devastating effect when she’d removed her shoes and stockings. He couldn’t imagine he looked half so appealing as he tugged off his boots and stood to shed his breeches.

She shifted to rest upon the pillows piled high against the headboard. Her gaze fastened on his rampant cock. He’d thought he was already as hard as he could get, but unbelievably he experienced a fresh rush of arousal.

The silence extended.


When she licked her lips, he groaned again. Still she didn’t speak.

After a bristling interval, he asked, "Have I shocked you into a trance?"

To his relief, her intense expression eased. "Did I say you’re beautiful? I was wrong."

"You were?"

"Oh, yes." He was sure now that whatever her reaction to his nakedness, disappointment wasn’t the problem. "I think splendid is a much better word."


She smiled and held out a hand remarkable for its steadiness. "Now come here and do splendid things to me before I die of wanting you."

Chapter 7

Selina watched vivid excitement flood Brock’s dark features. She didn’t exaggerate when she called him splendid. All that masculine strength. All that masculine potency. How could she resist?

"My darling girl…" In two strides, he reached the bed and came down over her. She framed his narrow hips between her legs and curled her arms around his supple back. His muscles tautened beneath her touch.