She made a helpless gesture. "Are you saying you’d like me to cuddle up to you?"

"For a start."

"Forgive me. I’m such a rank beginner at this."

That damned tenderness surged again. "I suppose you’ve only ever done it in bed."

"Yes. Under cover of darkness. And not for years. When I realized Roderick was so…indiscriminate, I locked him out of my room."

Dear God, how she’d been shortchanged when it came to the men in her life. "Bloody fool, to seek his pleasure elsewhere when he had paradise waiting at home."

Another of those wry little exhalations of amusement. "He didn’t see it like that. He said I was about as exciting as a plank of wood." She frowned. "I hope you won’t feel that way."

Brock laughed, even as he wished he’d had the chance to punch the vile Roderick in the nose. "I promise I won’t."

"You might need to be patient, all the same." She went back to looking troubled. "I’m not very experienced."

He gave a long-suffering sigh. "I can see I’ve taken on a huge responsibility to womankind. I hope I’m up to it."

Up to it? He was half-aroused already. He reached across to pull down the blinds, plunging them into a twilit world. In the confined space, Selina’s jasmine scent tinged the air with the promise of bliss.

"What do I need to do?" She sounded nervous as she crossed to sit beside him.

"Only what you feel like."

"I feel like running away back to London."

When he caught her fluttering hand, it trembled in his grip. "Do you really?"

"No." The word was a breath of sound.

Anticipation rushed through him. "Good. Will you sit on my lap?"


He raised his head and stared into her eyes. This close, even in the dim light, he saw flecks of green and gold in the rich brown. "First this can go."

Carefully, as though one rash move might scare her away, he untied the ribbons under her chin that held her bonnet in place. He tossed the plain straw monstrosity onto the other seat.

"Are you…are you going to undress me?"

"It’s too cold." He removed his leather gloves and shoved them into his pocket, then taking his time, he slid her gloves from her slender hands. He lifted each hand to his lips, then turned them over and kissed her palms.

She made a faint sound of pleasure. How the hell had her husband failed to give her satisfaction? She was the most responsive woman he’d ever known.

Selina’s unwavering stare betrayed fear and dawning excitement. He kissed her palm again, circling his tongue, relishing the taste of her skin. She shifted against the seat as arousal stirred.

"Are you ready?" he murmured.

She cast him an uncertain glance. "No."

He smiled. "Are you sure?"

The smile she gave him in return was tremulous. "No."

With a cautious movement, she reached for his shoulder. Working with the swaying carriage, she wriggled around and placed her luscious rump on his knees. The soft heat of her, so close to his cock, made him swell and harden. He released a strangled sound as his arms encircled her, holding her safe against the rocking.

"Are you all right?" she asked unsteadily.