a lot of plans to make. But let’s wait until we’re on dry land and I’m no’ battling to control a captive and a boat in a choppy sea."

"The captive isnae giving ye much trouble."

"I wouldnae say that. I’d say she’s given me nothing but trouble."

Dougal didn’t sound like he minded too much. Kirsty settled close to his side and let him steer his boat. Right now, she didn’t care where he took her, as long as he stayed near and kept calling her his heart in soft Gaelic.

Once the Kestrel came out of the small bay, she caught the breeze and sliced through the waves like a knife through butter. They passed the closest, smallest islands, then jibbed toward the pier on the largest one further out to sea. Seal Island boasted the most substantial dwelling on these skerries.

Unsurprised Kirsty noticed smoke rising from the snug bothy’s chimney. "How did ye know about Seal Island?"

"I’ve managed to have a few chats with the islanders without ye hovering at my elbow." He leaped onto the pier and tied up the Kestrel. Then he bent toward her with a smile turning his eyes to sapphire. He held out his hand. "Come, Miss Macbain."

Chapter 11

Despite seeing the smoke outside, Kirsty was surprised to find the cottage set up with a roaring fire and food and a bottle of wine. "Where did all this come from?"

Dougal closed the door behind him, shutting the two of them into this small space. She gulped in trepidation as she looked around, noticing that the big bed in the corner was made up with finer sheets than the islanders usually ran to. Another ripple of fear that wasn’t entirely fear ran through her.

"You’re no’ the only one who can sneak around Askaval, doing devious things in the middle of the night, lassie." He swept his greatcoat off and hung it on the hook near the door.

"It’s all from Tigh na Mara?"

"Where else?" He stood in front of her and regarded her with steady, searching eyes.

She still wore the cloak he’d wrapped around her at Saint Ninian’s. Slowly she took it off and set it on a chair, all the while keeping her eyes glued to his.

Somewhere on the trip over to the island, she’d made a decision. This might be their only private moment before they married. With such a short engagement, they’d both be whirled away into a flurry of wedding preparations. She loved this man, and this was her chance to show him how much.

"Will ye kiss me, Dougal? Ye promised you would."

After removing her jacket, she raised her hands and began to undo her plait. As he watched her, his eyes darkened with stirring carnal interest.

She spread her fingers and ran them through her thick dark hair to loosen it from its confinement. Shrugging off her short coat, she stepped closer. "I wish I was wearing silk and lace."

He made a dismissive gesture. "I dinnae give a rat’s arse what you’re wearing. It’s ye I want."

Another long voluptuous shiver. She tugged her plain white shirt free of her breeches. "And it’s ye I want. Show me what you feel."

He stepped back with a shocked expression on his face. "Kirsty, ye misunderstand me. I didnae bring you here to seduce ye."

She arched her eyebrows in disbelief. Despite her appearance of confidence, her heart was racing with nerves. "What about the fine bed linen?"

He sighed. "Aye, well, perhaps that was more wishful thinking than actual intention."

"Perhaps I’ll seduce ye." She gave a low laugh. "Dougal, you’re blushing."

His smile was wry. "Aye, that I am."

"Chivalry again."

"Och, no, I’ve abandoned chivalry. I told ye."

"You’ll never abandon chivalry." It was her turn for a wry smile. "You’re still my perfect knight."

He looked uncomfortable. "Ye wouldnae say that if you knew what was going through my mind right now."

"How intriguing." She pulled her shirt over her head. She dropped it to the wooden floor, a luxury in a crofter’s cottage like this. Beneath her shirt, she wore a warm woolen vest that preserved her modesty. For the moment.