Burying her fingers in his hair, she murmured incoherent words of encouragement. As she stepped free of her drawers, she shifted against his mouth. He groaned into her satiny skin. Sometimes, he’d spin out his desire by undressing her garment by garment, revealing each inch of her, until she stood magnificently bare to his admiring gaze. This wasn’t going to be one of those occasions.

Unable to resist, he kissed her intimate curls, tasting the salty liquor of her arousal. She tilted toward him, then cried out when he caught her hips and pulled her down to face him.

Another kiss, a duel of teeth and lips and tongues, punctuated with gasps of pleasure. He fell back against the grass, taking her with him. “Ride me, Marina,” he growled.

Without a word of protest—sometimes she could be breathtakingly obedient—she straddled him. “I do love it when ye wear the kilt, my braw Scots laddie,” she said in a passable imitation of his Highland lilt.

“Because it’s the dress of a proud Mackinnon?”

He cupped her breasts through the

green jacket she’d worn the day they first came together. All those bloody buttons. He resisted the urge to rip the rag to shreds.

Sensual appreciation curled her lips. During the last weeks, he’d become a connoisseur of her smiles. This one had only appeared since they’d been lovers. He adored its gloating self-confidence. He adored its unabashed hunger. As their affair progressed, Marina’s shyness had rapidly faded. This was a woman who reveled in earthy pleasure.

“No, that’s not why.” She tossed up his kilt to reveal his erection.

His hands slid under her skirts to shape her buttocks. Her naked skin was smooth and warm to his touch. “Then why?”

To his regret, she twisted out of his hold, then regret exploded to ash in a flash of blinding heat as she dipped her head to kiss the tip of his cock.

Mischief and desire lit her black eyes as she looked up from where she crouched over him. “It’s because you’re easy to reach. A most convenient costume.”

“I wish you’d adopt it. I swear you’re wearing this devilish cocoon to torment me.”

She laughed, a low ripple of amusement that only made him want her more. “I like to make you work for your reward.”

“Whereas ye don’t have to?” he asked ironically, while his thundering pulse threatened to mash his brain to porridge.

“That’s right.”

With a sureness that shuddered through him like a blow, she took his cock in her hand and squeezed. By the time she rose on her knees and sank down to take him inside her, he was tensing every muscle and grinding his teeth to hold back from spilling.

His sight dimmed, until the sky and the hillside became a blur. All he could see was light-speckled darkness and the beautiful woman rising above him like a queen. Then he closed his eyes and yielded to glorious sensation.

Heat. Darkness. Pressure.

As she rose and fell against the bright blue sky, he opened his eyes to watch. He loved the way her face changed when she strove after ecstasy. He caught her waist, the subtle shift of her muscles under his palms echoing the subtle shift of the muscles holding him snug inside her.

She descended with voluptuous slowness, and he groaned as he verged closer to losing himself. Be damned if he’d let this end so fast. He tightened his jaw to the edge of agony and dug his fingers into her hips as he strove to restrain himself.

The taunting smile on her lush mouth told him she recognized his struggle. “Not yet, caro.”

“Not yet,” he grated out, as she clenched and almost shot the top of his head off.

With shaking hands, she undid the row of buttons down the front of her jacket, then the buttons down that saucily masculine shirt. He had a sudden powerful memory of their first day as lovers when she’d worn nothing but that shirt over her nakedness.

Panting with excitement, he ran his hands up the thighs framing his hips. With each move, she set off thunderclaps of pleasure. He hoped to hell she didn’t intend to take her time, or he couldn’t answer for the consequences.

At last the shirt parted to reveal breasts pushed high by her corset. The sight of that sumptuous flesh pressing against her sheer shift made him groan and bump his hips higher.

“Have you any idea how much I want you?” he asked hoarsely.

Marina gave a wiggle that drove him closer to the brink. “I think I just might.”

Clumsy hands shoved aside the material covering her chest. When he began to tease the hard pink nipples, she spasmed around him and cried out.

He bowed up and closed his lips around one hard peak, while his hand continued to torment the other. By the time she slid back to take him inside her again, she was lusciously hot and slick.