Marina stared up at him in a sensual daze, while reality called her back from the edge of transcendence. Stupid to regret that he didn’t fill her. Stupid to feel empty and, despite all the pleasure that went before, disappointed.

He’d sworn to protect her from a child, and he’d stayed true to his word. She should be grateful that he’d justified her trust.

He drew a rasping breath, then another, and reached down to stroke her cheek. His tenderness had launched today’s journey. Now after Fergus had changed her world forever, tenderness returned to his touch and his voice to remind her of that sweet beginning.

“You’re astonishing, Marina Lucchetti.”

Chapter Seventeen

Through misty eyes, Marina watched Fergus walk across to collect a towel from the pile on the washstand. He returned to her side and with more of that heartbreaking gentleness, he wiped away the sticky mess on her stomach. Then he bent to kiss her. The kiss contained no passion, but a wealth of gratitude. He lingered long enough for the sweetness to seep into her bones and turn them to honey.

She caught his wrist, running her hand down to his in a caress that communicated exquisite joy. What could one say after flying to the stars and back? Thank you seemed inadequate. What she’d experienced beggared description.

He moved away to clean himself and wrap his kilt around his waist. His action reminded Marina she sprawled naked across the bedcovers. She sat up and scooped up her shirt, hoping it might restore a shred of modesty. It was long enough to cover her to her thighs.

Fergus crouched in front of the fireplace and set the kindling alight. “I’ll heat some water, so you can have a proper wash.”

“Thank you.” She felt tongue-tied and awkward with this transition from paradise to the prosaic. With unsteady hands, she started to button her shirt. Fergus must have shaved this morning, but her breasts and neck stung a little from his passionate attentions.

He tilted his head to observe her uncertain progress. “Did I hurt you?”

Ridiculous that she’d felt so free and bold when they’d made love, but now she blushed to talk about what they’d done.

“No.” At his arched russet eyebrow, she stammered the truth. “A little. At first.” Even more unsteadily, she went on. “I didn’t think it would be like that. I didn’t think you’d be like that.”

Frowning, he rose. “Damn it, did I let ye down, lassie?”

He was a man so confident, it verged on a fault. This hint of vulnerability touched her. She gave her head an emphatic shake. “There was no disappointment, Mackinnon. You were…” She struggled for words to convey that matchless pleasure. “…marvelous.”

He sat on the side of the bed, taking her hand. Immediately she felt better, more at ease.

“So were you.” He gave her one of those half-smiles that she cherished. “I hope before too long, you’ll give me another chance to be marvelous.”

Heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment flooded her. She was shocked at her reviving interest. Per pietà, how could she summon even a spark of arousal after what they’d done? “Really?”

“Aye, of course. If you’re not too sore.” He paused. “And if you’d like to do it all again.”

Marina sent him a mock disapproving glance. “I don’t trust you when you’re accommodating.”

“Take advantage of it while it lasts.” The half-smile lingered. “What is your pleasure, my lady?”

You’re my pleasure.

She bit back the words as too revealing, although after today, he must know that she couldn’t resist him. “Perhaps breakfast.”

Fergus kissed her with more intent this time. By the time he lifted his head, she lolled bonelessly against the pillows. “Och, you’re a grand lass.”

She summoned a smile, as her heart thundered fit to burst out of her constricted chest. “Just because I asked for breakfast?”

“Just because you are.” The fondness softening his gaze was more dangerous to her equilibrium than his smiles. And they already made her as dizzy as a wheel. “Now tell me what ye meant when you said things didnae meet your expectations.”

It was her turn to smile. “I’m not expressing any dissatisfaction.”

“I’m pleased to hear it.”

“After guarding my chastity so long, I imagined I’d rue the loss. But in your arms, it seemed so natural to let desire take its course.”

Another purposeful kiss left her trembling. “So was that the surprise?”