With a reverent touch, he began to run his fingers through her long hair. His deep sigh of satisfaction communicated his pleasure in her in a way mere words never could.

“Lovely,” he murmured, lifting a silky hank and letting it drift down through his fingers so it caught the red glow of the firelight. “Lovely, lovely, lovely.”

Confidence unfurled in her heart. Joss wanted her. She already knew that, of course. But she hadn’t known he’d dreamed of her. She hadn’t known he yearned the way she’d yearned.

Her hair cascaded in thick auburn waves down to her waist. With another of those wordless sounds of appreciation, Joss collected great handfuls and buried his face in it. She smiled, enjoying his pleasure, and stroked his head, the crisp curls cool under her fingers.

“Let me light the candles,” he said urgently as he raised his head. “I need to see you.”

“Next time,” she whispered, feeling daring and wanton as she thought of the nights stretching ahead of them.

White teeth glinted as he smiled. “Yes, next time.”

He swung her up into his arms, so she felt like she was flying, the way she’d felt she was flying when they skated. With Joss, her soul took wing.

Helpless against the wild clamor of desire, she curved into his body and slid one arm around his powerful neck. “I love how strong you are.”

I love you.

That rumble of subterranean amusement always made her heart skip a beat. “I’m a big brute, that’s for sure.”

“You can pick me up with one hand,” she said breathlessly.

“Not quite.” He laughed softly. “How angry you were when I hauled you down to the kitchens that first night. I thought my boldness must bring a fairy curse down on my head.”

She buried her nose in his neck, inhaling his essence as if she tested a fine wine. “I feel magical tonight.”

His hold tightened. “You’ve always been magical.”

If only she did have mystical powers. She’d wave her wand and keep Joss captive forever. “I’ve forgiven you for treating me like a sack of potatoes.”

“I should hope so, after I did all that hard work with the Christmas decorations. I’ve been your beast of burden ever since I arrived. I thought you’d never finish ordering me around when we were cutting the greenery.”

She gave the hair at his nape a sharp tug, loving that he teased her. “You enjoyed it.”

Since she’d lost her mother, nobody had teased her. Growing up in the vicarage in Kent, Maggie had learned that laughter was an essential part of love. Laughter had been largely absent during her last five years at Thorncroft.

Until Joss arrived. He’d given her so many gifts, not just the gift of this glorious passion burning between them.

“I was cold and wet, and under orders from an otherworldly being.”

She tugged his hair again. “So?”

“So I did indeed enjoy it. I said you have magic, Maggie.”

“I hope so.” Loving the subtle slide of her skin upon his, she laid her head on his bare shoulder.

“Shall we make magic together now?” His voice was low and serious.

When she nodded her head, her cheek caressed his arm in a silent declaration of love. “Don’t make me wait any longer.”


Gently Joss set Maggie on the bed and came down over her. How natural all this seemed. As if ordained to happen. He felt no guilt—although seducing an innocent went against every principle—just an overwhelming gratitude that he’d discovered her. It would have been so easy to bypass this unforgettable woman, hidden in this secret, snowy dale.

Questions of servant and master didn’t matter. Had never mattered, despite her absurd and charming attempts to keep to her place when he first arrived.

Now Maggie Carr was in his bed. What a marvelous outcome. He dedicated himself to exciting her, learning the places on her body that gave her pleasure. He scraped his teeth across her neck until she shivered in helpless response. His hands traced her breasts and hips and arms, the hollow of her navel, the sensitive skin behind her knees, the luscious curve of her buttocks. Her muffled gasps of surprise and delight were a symphony in his ears, sweeter than any music he’d ever heard.