“No women at all?” Puzzled, she tried to interpret his expression. “I can’t believe that.”

He shrugged. “Oh, it’s true that I went a little mad when I first entered society. I knew you’d never have me, so what did it matter what I did? I soon realized that I was using those women as stand-ins for the woman I really wanted. Once the pleasure was done, it always had a nasty kick. I haven’t shared my bed in four years.”

“So the ladies didn’t pursue you?” She could hardly credit this. But meeting his grave stare, how could she doubt him?

He took her hand and raised it to his lips for a kiss that was a beckoning whisper of bliss to come. “I suspect my lack of interest was the main attraction.”

“So it really has always been me?” She knew by now that he’d loved her for years, but he was still capable of astounding her with the strength and steadfastness of his devotion.


“I’m not worthy.” A lump of emotion clogged her throat, so the words emerged as a husky murmur.

The sweetness in his kiss melted her bones. “Of course you are, my darling.”

“I know I haven’t loved you as long as you’ve loved me,” she said, more choked up after that potent kiss. “But I promise I’ll catch up to you.”

“Now, that, my beloved, is an offer I’ll gladly accept.” Giles drew her close and kissed her with a passion that promised a lifetime of love and happiness to come.

The Christmas Stranger

A Regency Novella


Anna Campbell

Copyright © 2017, 2018 by Anna Campbell


Cover art by Hang Le

E-book Formatting by Web Crafters



To Anna Sugden, with grateful thanks for her help at the inception of The Christmas Stranger

The Christmas Stranger


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7