Still her eyes devoured him. When she licked her lips with an appreciation both innocent and salacious, he groaned.

Her brazen gaze focused between his legs, where he was hard and ready for her. “We need to go somewhere warm. Soon.”

“Italy is warm.” After a week in Devon, they set sail on his yacht for three blissful months in the Mediterranean.

“I may never come home.”

The playful conversation soothed her skittishness, he was glad to see. “You’re making me blush,” he said sardonically, and with absolute truth. “Your turn.”

To his delight, she accepted the challenge with alacrity. With a grace that set his pulses stuttering, she hauled the pretty nightdress over her head and tossed it away.

She was prettier than the nightdress. Much prettier. For years, he’d pictured her naked body. But the sight of her made imagination a beggar.

Every drop of moisture dried from his mouth as all the blood in his body rushed to his loins. “I was wrong,” he whispered.

Serena was blushing beautifully. Her hands fluttered up to cover herself, before she forced them down to her sides. He appreciated the unspoken trust in the action. “About what?”

“I’m not the luckiest man in England.”

“You’re not?” The pudding-headed girl sounded uncertain again. Didn’t she know she was the most glorious sight in Creation?

“No.” His excitement mounting, he completed a leisurely inspection of the woman he loved. “I’m the luckiest man in the entire universe. There’s no question.”

Her smile conveyed such pleasure, he wanted to hug her. “Thank you.” She paused. “If that’s true, why on earth are you standing all the way over there?”

“I’m admiring the view.”

And what a view it was. Her slim, white body and high, perfect breasts. The sweet little belly above a nest of dark gold curls. Graceful legs, crossed decorously at the ankles. As if such a blatantly sensual creature could have any truck with decorum.

Her fingers clenched in the sheets, but still she didn’t cover herself. “You could take a closer look.”

He stepped forward and leaned one knee on the bed, looming over her. “You make me so happy,” he said, moved when she tilted her face up for his kiss.

More trust. He swore on everything he held sacred that he’d prove himself worthy.

He slid one arm around her waist, loving the sensation of his skin moving on hers, and tugged her up and into his body. With his other hand, he brushed the heavy fall of hair back from her unforgettable face. For over half his life, her image had been carved in his heart, but tonight he couldn’t resist studying her features as if he saw her for the first time.

“I think you should kiss me,” she said shakily.

“I’m taking my time,” he said, tantalizing her. And himself.

Soon he’d be unable to hold out against desire’s command. But for now he lingered, etching every minute detail in his memory.

He’d been so sure he’d live out his days in solitude and disappointment. Since he’d won Serena’s love, the universe had turned bright with hope.

“Giles,” she said with a hint of complaint, “stop tormenting me. I’ve been waiting too long.”

He grinned. “You know nothing about waiting.”

She shot him a frown. “Are you going to make this a competition?”

He laughed and kissed her quickly. “No. Because whatever happens now, I won in the end.”

“So did I.” A determined light entered her eyes, and she slid her hand behind his head. “Now I want to enjoy my victory.”

She stretched up to press her lips to his, and he relinquished all thought of delay. He let her draw him down until he lay over her, their bodies twining together in sublime harmony.

By the time he rolled to his side to catch a breath, he admitted that the gradual approach had served its purpose. Her response showed no hint of hesitation.