“So am I, sweetheart.” Emotion crammed his chest to the brim. “And now I’m home, I’ll never go away again.”

“That makes me happy,” Kerenza said solemnly.

He had to swallow before he could speak. “So do I get my kiss?”

She nodded again, still with that serious air. He found her solemnity charming. Hell, he found every little bit of her completely perfect.

Slowly Robert tipped his head forward. There was a vibrant, expectant pause before, soft as the brush of a sparrow’s feathers or a butterfly’s wings, Kerenza glanced her lips across his scar.

The breath jammed in his lungs. The moment was so piercing, it hurt. He closed his eyes against the urge to weep.

The kiss was over in seconds, but it changed his world forever.

“Thank you, Kerenza,” he said gruffly.

She smiled with a sunny openness that cast light into the closed, dark corners of his soul.

“Papa?” she asked, watching him steadily. She seemed as fascinated with him as he was with her.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Can I have a puppy?”

The sheer, astonishing ordinariness of the question struck him with the force of a swinging boom in a high sea. Then something strong and joyful and indestructible surged up from out of his belly, and he fell back on his haunches and started to laugh.

The sound took him completely by surprise. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed just from sheer happiness. A certain black humor had helped him survive his imprisonment, but he hadn’t laughed like this in years.

Before he could stop himself, he caught Kerenza up and kissed her on the nose. For a moment, he held the light little body too tight. Then when she wriggled, he let her go.

She regarded him with disapproval, but didn’t retreat. “Papa, you’re very silly.”

“Undoubtedly.” He caught his breath and rubbed one unsteady hand over his face. Damn, that had felt good. “Can you put up with a silly papa?”

She frowned, considering the question. “Yes.” Then she returned to the most important subject. “So does that mean I can have a puppy?”

“I don’t see why not.” He smiled and brushed his hand over her

untidy mop of hair. It was warm and silky under his touch. “What does your mother say?”

“She says we move around too much.”

“Ah, but that was before I came home.”

An expression of unfiltered elation brightened that intense face. “So I can?”


“How on earth can I stand up to both of you?” Morwenna’s blue eyes glowed misty like the Cornish sea at dawn. She met his searching glance, then looked down at Kerenza with a long-suffering expression. “All right, you little monster, you win. You can have a puppy.”

“Oh, splendid.” Kerenza performed a happy skip, then launched herself forward to hug him. As those childish arms encircled his neck and she pressed a sloppy kiss to his cheek, he thought his heart must break with love.

“Thank you, Papa. Now let’s go. I’ll show you my pony.”

As the child took his hand, he tilted an eyebrow at Morwenna. “Coming?”

With a tremulous smile, she shook her head. “No, you go. I want to check on our room.”

“Come on, Papa,” Kerenza said with a princess’s impatience.