"Not for a l

ong time," he mumbled, and despite his most valiant efforts, his hips jutted forward.

"Far too long." She kissed him again, briefly but with devastating effect. "It's unkind to make me wait any longer."

"Fenella…" he began, but she arched up on a sigh of surrender and this time, not even the end of the world could stop him taking what he wanted.

On a groan of helpless delight, Anthony thrust deep and felt her open in fervent welcome.

Chapter Eleven

* * *

Fenella felt like she started out on a long journey that stretched beyond this large, comfortable bed into infinity. But this first step? Ah, this first step was marvelous. She stretched beneath Anthony, basking in the snug fit of their bodies.

When he'd pushed inside her, he'd pressed his face into the curve of her neck. Now he raised his head and shifted, setting off delicious little explosions inside her. "Good?"

She smiled and twined her arms around his back, tracing his long, straight spine and the sleek muscles. "Better than good."

He kissed her, then tautened his hips and moved. The glide of his body drew a shivery sigh of enjoyment from her. A moment's emptiness before he filled her again.

Joined like this, she thought she'd never feel cold again. "More," she whispered, tilting up.

Her encouragement unleashed his power. His dark eyes turned blind and he began to move with great, deliberate strokes, deep and high so she shuddered with each thrust.

She loved every moment. While she'd thrilled to his tenderness, she'd feared he meant to treat her as too fragile for genuine passion. But this unfettered possession spoke to her strength and stirred a turbulent reaction she'd never known.

Craving the end that turned her blood to fire, she shifted restlessly. But still he kept her teetering on the edge of release until she sobbed with frustration.

"Stop torturing me." Sweet, biddable Fenella Deerham fisted her hands and pounded on her lover's back to make him obey. He laughed breathlessly and with a surge of movement, rolled onto his back until she straddled him.

"Oh," she gasped, instinctively leaning forward to flatten her hands on his heaving chest. The crisp hair tickled her palms and his skin was hot as a furnace. "I'm not sure…"

He caught her hips, keeping her in place before she scrambled away. "You haven't done this before?"

He sounded surprised. It seemed mad to blush when she was stark naked and Anthony was deep inside her, but this position seemed so outlandish as to be perverse. "Ridden a man like a horse? No, I most certainly have not."

The sweetness in his smile almost vanquished her jitters. "Try it. You'll like it."

"I don't think so." Fenella squirmed with discomfort.

Except when she moved, discomfort wasn't the result. A lightning jolt of pleasure blasted her and she cried out in astonishment.

Anthony's smile was smug, as with a hitch of his hips, he touched parts of her she hadn't known existed. The spark ignited into cascading fire. Even as she told herself she couldn't possibly be so wicked, she wriggled again to summon those breathtaking sensations.

His hands tightened and his lips drew back from his teeth in an expression of fierce delight. "Oh, aye, lass."

She couldn't complain about the view. Spread beneath her, he looked quite glorious. His olive skin gleamed like satin, and his superb physique showed to advantage against the crumpled white sheets.

"No need to look so pleased with yourself," she muttered, pressing down to ignite that quaking delight once more.

"It's your turn to torture me." He squeezed her breasts, teasing the nipples to aching points until she writhed. With every second, she was less shocked and more curious.

"I don't know what to do," she confessed, embarrassed.

"Here." He caught her hips again, lifting her, then bringing her down in a sensual slide that set every nerve in her body alight. At this angle, he filled all of her.

"So I really do ride you?"