I thought about what I should do to prepare for Emma even though I had a few days before she arrived. I needed to stock the fridge, clean the second room and tidy everything else.
I shook my head at the idea of her living here. She was just a kid for the longest time and then suddenly I was graduating, and she was getting tits and a great ass. I hadn’t seen her too much since I started playing professionally, but she was a cutie last time.
I wondered if she was the kind of girl to have guys over at the apartment a lot. Greg swore that she was a good girl, but women could hide things. Greg had never stopped being protective of her.
Emma had always been sheltered. I suppose it paid off since she was great in school and going to college for engineering now, but at some point, she was going to go crazy. I could step in to some degree if she was living with me, but Emma was an adult who deserved to live her life. Who was I to stand in her way?
The commentators said something positive about the Patriots again. Enough, already. What the hell did they know? I could think of a few years they weren’t right, and a team just proved them all wrong. This year, it would be my team.
As much as I bashed these guys, I listened to what they had to say and let it get to me. I was just a backup for the team right now, but I trained as hard as anyone else, ready to step in when needed. I was still a valuable part of the Trojans and proud of that.
I wondered what it would be like with a roommate here. I hadn’t had one of those since college, much less a woman.
Most women didn’t even get the chance of staying the night with me, much less seeing the morning light here.
I made it clear that I was in it for casual sex and nothing more. They weren’t going to spend the night, move in or date me. I was also careful about safe sex. I knew that stuff got to the media about players, but I didn’t worry about that. I didn’t have a bunch of kids running around or any felonies, and in pro sports that was something. I was doing great.
I woke up later to the sound of knocking. I realized I fell asleep in front of the TV. I grabbed the towel to answer the door.
A hot blonde was staring at me in shock.
“Hey, Jackson. Did I arrive at a bad time?”
It took me a moment to recognize the hot blonde as Emma and not some woman that I’d brought home once.
“Em? I thought that you were coming next week.”
“No, it was today.”
She stared at the worn mat on my doorstep, blushing deeply. “I’m sorry, Jackson. Want me to get a hotel until you’re ready? I thought that Greg arranged this better.”
“No. Not at all. I just spaced out. Come in, Emma. I’ll get some clothes on and clear your room.”
I ushered her in, keeping a tight hold of the small towel before I darted back to my room.
Fuck, Emma was gorgeous now. Her body filled out with some great curves and those big brown eyes could make a man do just about anything. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a dark purple top.
I dropped the towel and looked around the bedroom for something to wear. I grabbed a clean pair of workout shorts and a T-shirt, tugging them on before I looked at the mirror to see my dark hair sticking up in complete disorder. I ran some water through it and arranged it into a quick version of the spiky look that I mostly went for.
The living room was empty when I reappeared, but Emma had dumped her stuff near the kitchen and I presumed she was getting more things from the car.
I opened the door to the spare room and groaned. There was a queen-sized bed, but it was covered with stuff. I made quick work of clearing it so I could wash the sheets. I’d had a few parties and who knows what happened in here. I pulled them off and dragged them down the hallway to see Emma standing in the living room with a box.
My eyes slid down her sexy body.
“I’m going to wash these. Let’s get the stuff from your car and bring it up. Then I’ll tackle the room.”
I could see how uncomfortable she was and I smiled at her. “I’ll take you to dinner to welcome you. We can stop by the grocery store on the way home.” She bit her lip. I knew that she hated being an inconvenience. “Emma, this is my bad. I forgot but it won’t be that hard to fix.”