Page 49 of Overprotected

He slapped my ass, making me jerk forward with a cry. Jackson pushed deep inside me and fucked me before he spanked me again, making me tense with pleasure.

I cried out as I came with him, feeling his heat deep inside me. Jackson dropped beside me as I stretched out deliciously and smiled.

“You make everything right,” Jackson said as he moved to hold me.

I let him fall asleep wrapped around me, memorizing the feel of his body against mine. I loved Jackson. It might have started as a crush, but it was full-blown love.

I was making breakfast for him one morning while he jogged. Jackson came in, telling me that Greg was on the freeway and on his way over. I gasped, and we decided quickly that I should go to Bella’s, since this was no way to break the news to him about us. I changed and left with a quick kiss, pulling into my apartment as my phone rang.

“Hello,” I said, trying to sound casual.

“Hey, sis,” Greg greeted me.

“How’re you doing?”

“I’m great. I’m in Nashville. What are you doing today?”

“I just went for some breakfast with Bella. What a surprise,” I tried to sound happy and legitimately shocked as I sat in my car. I knew that I wouldn’t be seeing a lot of Jackson now and sighed.

“Let’s do dinner tonight. Jackson had his car beat up, and he needs to take care of that, but we’ll be free later.”

“What happened?” I walked past his car on my way to mine, but I’d been in a rush, not noticing anything.

“Someone bashed his headlights in. It must have been late because he didn’t hear anything, and nobody reported it.”

I frowned. I hadn’t heard a sound, but I couldn’t say that.

“I wonder why?” I asked as Joe came to mind. That would get Jackson riled up and ready to go after him.

“He says there some kind of thing going on with another player. Come over later and we’ll grab dinner. I can’t believe that you don’t live here anymore,” Greg said as I considered my answer.

“I think he enjoys having it to himself,” I offered weakly. He ended the call and said to come by later as I slumped back. I made my way into the apartment and Bella gave me an odd look from the couch.

“Greg popped in for a surprise visit,” I told her.

“That explains why you’re here. I’m guessing that he has no idea that you’re with Jackson?”

I shook my head.

“You’re nineteen, Emma. Stand up for yourself. Tell him that you’re a big girl now and can do what you want.”

“It’s not that easy. Though I managed to get out a little bit, I’m terrified to tell them about Jackson. Once Greg knows, everyone will know. I don’t want to think about what might happen. Wouldn’t it be easier to just let this go for his stay?” I tried to plead my case, but she just gave me a long stare.

“If it were me, I’d tell him that I was with Jackson. Fuck being scared. You’re living here on your own and in a matter of months, you’ll be staying back at that apartment. You are now, as far as I’m concerned,” Bella shrugged. “I think that waiting is going to be worse than just telling him, Emma. It’s obvious when the two of you are together that there’s something between you. No matter how you try to hide it, it’s going to show at some point. Stand up for yourself.”

“Yeah,” I said, feeling torn inside as I dropped beside her. I hated not being over at that apartment, in bed with Jackson. A part of me hated that I wasn’t seeing my brother when he first arrived the way that I should. Despite my issues, Greg was my brother. I hated the idea of hurting him in any way.

My stomach growled. “Want something for breakfast?” I was already telling one lie and I might as well make some part of it reality.

I went out for some donuts and coffee. It turned out that Bella had been up most of the night and she grabbed her coffee to head back to her room for a nap. I settled back and looked around as I decided what to do. I could nap or study, and I figured that studying was the best idea.

I managed to read a few chapters before dozing on the couch and woke up to my phone ringing. It was Jackson, who managed to sneak away from his apartment.

“Hi,” I said, blinking slowly.

“I’m sorry about this morning. He caught me off guard. Are you okay with dinner tonight?” he asked in a low voice and I smiled.

I ran a hand through my hair. “I want to have dinner with you. Both of you. We’ve done it a million times.”