Page 33 of Mr One-Night Stand

It was about getting him back for the wrong she felt he’d done her. Hell, he could understand that, even respect her for it. But the rest...?

‘You came all the way here just to tease me?’

‘Absolutely not,’ she said. ‘There’s plenty I wish to discuss with you.’

Plenty to berate him for, if her whole demeanour was anything to go by. And, hell, he deserved it. He knew he did.

‘In that case, you’d best take a seat in the living room.’ There was no way he was having this conversation half-clothed, or without a cold shower first. ‘I’ll join you in ten.’

‘In ten?’ She frowned. ‘Where are you going?’

‘To take a shower,’ he said, adding, for his own devil-like amusement, ‘unless you want to join me?’

Her cheeks flooded anew.

‘No, I didn’t think so.’ He spoke for her. ‘Look, I need a shower. You can either wait or you can leave and we’ll do this tomorrow? It’s up to you.’

With that he turned and walked away. His intent was to show her that he didn’t care. In reality he needed to put distance between her and the erection still pressing painfully against his shorts. It was clearly slow at getting the message that he’d been played.

* * *

Jennifer stared after him, hands fisted at her sides, her head a mess as she

struggled to rise above her warring emotions.

She’d been fuelled by anger. On the taxi ride over she’d plotted her attack, determined to tease him, catch him on the back foot, make herself feel better over his deceptive behaviour and then, when she was happy she had him, to pull him apart over his dealings with both her and Tony.

It had been a great plan.

She just hadn’t factored in a semi-naked Marcus, all pumped and slick, so ripped and mouthwatering she’d hardly believed her eyes. But the reality had been there, and the sight had been enough to send her best-laid plans departing with the lift and her knickers wet through.

It was disgraceful. Add to that his ability to dismiss her so readily off the back of their little exchange and she was hopping mad.

She’d had him right where she’d wanted him. It had been visibly evident. His hardness had been pleading for more. And she’d take heart in that, if it wasn’t for the fact that it had taken every ounce of her strength to thrust him away.

In spite of her anger, and her hatred for what he’d done to her, to Tony, she still wanted him. It was unforgivable, intolerable and totally undeniable.

She wanted to scream her frustration, but sense won out. There was no way in hell she would risk him hearing how much he got to her.

Tearing her eyes off his distracting rear, she headed for the living area, her heels clicking against the rich wooden floor.

She didn’t dwell on the last time she’d been there. Then, she’d navigated it in the dark, her hands feeling their way, hot from their recent exploration of his body. A body she’d felt completely within her rights to explore, to enjoy, to devour.

What a fool!

She scrunched up her face, forcing out the memory. It hadn’t been her fault—she had nothing to be ashamed of. And, striding forward, she entered the vast living space that ran off the foyer.

It was impressive, to say the least, its glass walls making the London skyline and its setting sun the perfect backdrop. A large cream L-shaped sofa dominated the room, its clean lines made inviting by various oversized cushions. Plush rugs adorned the floor, softening the hard wood throughout.

And in the corner, halting her appraisal of all else, stood an exquisite grand piano, gleaming in the accented lighting. It called to her, and she felt a bittersweet warmth pulling her back to another time and place.

She headed for it automatically, slipping her coat from her shoulders and dropping it over the sofa as she went. She reached out, her fingertips gliding over the sleek black top, following its curve with pleasing familiarity and pausing when she reached the key lid.

She itched to lift it. Could she still play? Would she remember anything her father had taught her?

She nibbled at her lower lip and raised the lid, her fingers dropping to toy with the keys. The notes resonated through the air and she glanced anxiously in the direction of the foyer.

Ah, hell, what did she care?