Page 80 of Mr One-Night Stand

He’d needed her—she’d seen it in him. She didn’t know what it meant but it had called to her. It still did. It had been emotional rather than physical, and had he said Come with me she knew beyond a doubt that she would have gone.

But he hadn’t, and she hadn’t expected him to—not really. So she would help in the one way she knew how: she would keep on top of work and make sure he wasn’t disturbed. She would field his calls, organise the best product launch he’d ever seen, and work every waking moment.

She knew she wasn’t being entirely selfless, that it would help her too—because being awake and busy meant not thinking about the mess her heart had become. And, no matter what she’d seen in him today, it didn’t negate what he had said to her previously.

She’d come so close to blurting I love you—had felt it on the tip of her tongue as she’d drowned in his agonised gaze. The only thing to stop it had been the memory of his obvious horror when she’d hinted at wanting more in the alley.

But for the briefest moment she’d believed he felt it too, that something had changed between them.

Was it too much to hope for?

The fear-filled flutter in her belly kick-started and she pushed her mind to work.

Concentrate on something you’re good at—something you can control...something that doesn’t ache as if it’s never going to stop...


WHEN HE CLIMBED into bed that night, absolutely wiped out, he expected sleep to come quickly. He should’ve known better. As soon as his head hit the pillow his thoughts turned to Jennifer.

He smiled as he remembered his grandmother’s face when he’d told her about Jennifer. His intention had been to distract her from the tubes and the machines beeping around them; what he’d got had been a lecture.

‘Don’t let this woman slip through your fingers,’ she’d told him. ‘If you don’t try you’ll wonder forever, and life’s far too short for that.’

Having those words uttered in a hospital, in a building so full of loss, his own deep-rooted argument had collided with hers. Yes, you could have a long and happy life together, just as his grandparents had proved, or by some mean twist of fate it could be taken away from you far too early, like his parents.

But the idea of not trying for the former, of letting Jennifer go, was agony in itself.

He rolled over and picked up his mobile from the bedside table. Propping himself up on his elbow, he scanned his messages. He’d had several from her throughout the day. They’d all contained work updates, but he’d sensed her intention had really been to check on him. The fact that she cared was obvious and it gave him hope.

Another message came through.

How’s your gran?

Doing well, all things considered.

Thank goodness. And you?

Missing you. He wanted to type it so badly, but not yet. It wasn’t right.

I’m okay. You should get some sleep.

Yes, boss.

His smile grew.


Night. x

The ‘x’ heated him through, and without thinking he sent a simple ‘x’ back.

He stared at it, at the harmless letter glowing and pulsing at him from her message to him.

Hope swelled.

* * *

He stayed just over a week—until the day of the launch...until he was certain his grandmother was going to be okay.